Monthly Archives: December 2015



As I sit beneath the Lotus feet of my Gurujans and embark on a new stage of my journey in spiritualism, I seek the blessings of Param Guru Ram, Param Pujya Shri Shri Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj Ji , Param Pujya Param Vandniye Shri Prem Ji Maharaj Ji and Param Pujya Most Beloved Dr. Vishwamiter Ji Maharajshri.

May each word, each thought here be propelled by Their Grace, Their wish and By Them. May my Gurujans use this body to pen words so as to teach me further as They take me further into this journey.

May my mind forever face Them, be Gurumukhi such that not just me but coming generation could also be benefitted.

Prabhu I am no expert on any Shatras, Vedas or anything…you know that!!  All I know is Your plans are working on everything in this Universe including on such insignificant being , me.

O Ram ! My Lord! Who came in the form of my Gurujans, kindly accept me as your own. Kindly allow me to be forever and ever beneath your Lotus Feet. Kindly accept my millions of salutations at every breath that I offer.

Bless me My Lord! Bless All who would read these now and in future ..Kindly Allow our lives to be transformed My Lord! Only you can do it Prabhu, only You can do it !

Allow us O Prabhu , to embark on this beautiful journey together.


Dec 31, 2015

On the eve of New Year 

May we realize the real purpose of our human birth such that we all are able to transcend the web of
Sorrow and happiness
May light shine within
To guide is into the deeper
Depths of our being
Such that we are able to
Taste the nectar
That lies dormant within.
O Divinity
Touch our souls
O Divinity
Touch our hearts
Make us feel your presence
Let our inner consciousness
Shine forth
Like thousand suns
As Masters say!
May this new year
Usher a new beginning
Taking us deeper
And lighting our
Inner being
With never ending love
Bliss and peace!