Monthly Archives: January 2016

Dhyaan – Self indicator of our progress in sadhna

Jan 31, 2016

Thought of the day


Pranaam My Ram, The Omnipresent,Omnipotent and Omniscient One, Pranaam My Gurujans, The Compassionate Ones who are holding my strings. With Your kind permission and Grace, I am seated at Your Lotus feet, to learn.

As the theme Dhyaan , begins its closure today, Pujya Swamiji Maharaj says that Dhyaan, or meditation, the provider of immense bliss, is the essence or epitome of all modes, all practices and of all actions.

It’s very important for a spiritual aspirant to believe in his/her Masters / Gurudev’s words, as they have actually practiced and then they say from experience. Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri did lots of austerities, penance, extreme hard work to realize God. Pujya Swamiji Maharaj says that what I have given you is the juice of sadhna. So if our Compassinate Sadguru Maharaj says that meditating on Ram Naam, is the easiest method,easiest spiritual practice and easiest of all the hard work , of realizing God,  it is then definitely true. Pujya Swamiji Maharaj mentions that what one can achieve with Naam Yog, spiritual aspirants sitting in caves for ages cannot even achieve!!

One needs to actually do it to know it. It is definitely not a day’s work. Loads of thoughts, obstructions a sadhak faces when he begins the journey. But by faith,dedication and constant practice one keeps progressing and achieves great results, as promised by our Gurujans.

Pujya Swamiji Maharaj ‘s sadhna is like a math problem, where you can check for yourself if you are on the correct path or not. Here one does not even have to go to another person, to ask, how am I progressing? It’s a self evident process. The state of our dhyaan clearly states our condition and progress. If one day it’s good and the other day it’s not, we know it, that instead of Simran, some other thought has taken over !!! Our behavior and thoughts in our mind too are a very clear reflection of our sadhana ! If we still have expectations from others, are bothered by other’s  conduct, are we still reacting and hurting others in mind or otherwise, are we still secretly looking for importance, are we still competing with others to be better than them in sadhna or at work or have we been blessed with thoughtlessness , peace and bliss while we do dhyaan. Do we forget the world and dive in Ram’s love when we sit for dhyaan or not. Hence Dhyaan is a very self potent indicator of our progress in sadhna !

We are truly blessed O Sadguru Maharaj that due to Your Compassionate Nature, you accepted us as Your Own. You are always there and will be there to guide us. Kindly accept our humble heartfelt gratitude at Your Lotus Feet O Gurujans.

All Yours… All because of You .. All Yours.

jai Jai Ram 🙏


Jan 31

Jan 31,2016

Thought of the day

परम पूज्य श्री महाराजश्री के मुखारविंद से

ध्यान की महत्ता

बैठ जाओ जी सब सीधे होकर ध्यान के लिए । पीठ करें सीधी , गर्दन रखें परमात्मा के आमने सामने, आँख बंद करें, देखें त्रिकुटी स्थान को, शाबाश ! देखते रहो। ध्यान इधर उधर जाए, पुन: दृष्टि को बिंदी वाली जगह पर लाओ ।

ध्यान का शुभारम्भ होता है, हिलो मत, सोचो मत, देखो मत, सुनो मत , बोलो मत ।

मन में प्रश्न उठता है, हमारी साधना तो जप साधना है, हमें असंख्य बार नित्य निरन्तर राम राम जपने को कहा जाता है। ध्यान को इतनी प्रमुखता क्यों दी जा रही है ?

भक्तजनों कोई शक नहीं कि हमारी साधना जप प्रधान ही है। जप हम इतना कर नहीं पाते कि हमारा जप ध्यान बन जाए, सिमरन बन जाए। जप आपको पराकाष्ठा कब देगा, जब आपका जप ध्यान में परिवर्तित हो जाएगा । निर्विचार, निर्विकार हो रहा है तो आप ध्यानस्थ हैं । आपको पता नहीं, अपनी ओर से तो आप जप ही कर रहे हैं लेकिन आपको ध्यानवस्था लाभ हो गई ।यदि आपका जप निरन्तर चलता रहता है , अजपा हो गया है, चौबीसों घण्टों चलता रहता है, आप निर्विचार हैं आप निर्विकार हैं , तो आप समझ लीजिए कि आप सहज समाधि में हैं । यह सब बातें आपको इसलिए स्पष्ट की हैं कि हम तो जाप के साधक हैं , ध्यान को इतना महत्व क्यों दिया जा रहा है ।

जप निस्सन्देह उत्तम है, पर लक्ष्य अंतिम फल तब देगा जब ध्यानावस्था लाभ हो जाएगी जप करते करते, जब समाधि अवस्था लाभ हो जाएगी जप करते करते ।

हर साधक के सामने विघ्न बाधाओं का कोई अंत नहीं है। कौन इन विध्न बाधाओं को दूर करेगा, गुरू के अतिरिक्त । संत महात्मा जिन्होंने प्रभु की प्राप्ति भी कर ली हो, वे भी ध्यान को छोड़ते नहीं । वे क्यों नहीं छोड़ते ? जो साधक उस समय ध्यान में बैठे हुए हैं , उनकी विघ्न बाधाएँ अपने ध्यान से वे दूर कर सकें । उनको ऊपर उठा सकें । उनको भीतर मोड़ सकें।उनको और गहरा ले जा सकें ।

कोशिश करें कि कोई संसारी विचार न आए इस वक्त। जब आप जल्दी जल्दी राम राम बोलते हैं या लम्बा राम बोलते हैं , आश्रय यही है कि परमेश्वर का स्मरण इस तरह बना रहे कि मन को संसार में जाने का अवसर ही न मिले ! यूँ कहिए ध्यान का समय हमारे लिए संसार एवं संसारिकता का विस्मरण का समय, भूलने का समय एवं परमेश्वर का स्मरण । क्या मात्र १०-१५ मिनट के संसार के विस्मरण से काम हो जाएगा ? नहीं ! इस समय सीखना है ताकि दिन भर दिन या रात ऐसी अवस्था लाभ रहे । तब बात बनेगी। तब पूर्ण लाभ होगा ।

ध्यान का समय, मन को सिधाने का समय। हम मन को समझा रहे हैं, डाँट रहे हैं, प्यार कर रहे हैं, ताकि वह हमारे अनुसार चलना शुरू हो जाए । आज तक तो वह हमें नाच नचाता है। अनेक जन्मों से ऐसा कर रहा है। ऐसा मत सोचो दोष मन का है। नहीं ! दोष हमारा है जिन्होंने अपने मन को बिगाड़ा । यह वही मन है जो सतयुग में आपका था, वह अब भी साथ चल रहा है। शरीर बदल रहे हैं , सतयुग के बाद अन्य युग बीच में आए , कलियुग चल रहा है, मन वही है । हम इसे बिगाड़ते जा रहे हैं और इसे सिधाने में बड़ी कठिनाई आ रही है।

कोशिश करें कि जप ऐसे चले कि कोई संसारिक विचार न आए । आए तो उसे रोकिए , जप की ओर मोड़िए ।

मैं भी आपजी के साथ अब ध्यान में बैठूँगा ।

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Effective Dhyaan – needs removal of desires as a prerequisite

Jan 31, 2016

Thought of the day


Million salutations O My Ram, Million Salutations O My kind and compassionate Gurujans. I am seated O Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri, by Your own kind blessings and will , at Your Lotus feet to learn…. O Baba , kindly teach ….

Pujya Maharaj says that one cannot meditate if the mind is restless and not stable. It is because of desires (or vasnaas) that the mind becomes restless. A true aspirant is that, who sees his faults and shortcomings and then tries to remove them. After this he should take the refuge of the almighty for True Knowledge.

After learning about the importance, the ways and means of meditation, today Swamiji Maharaj explains why a sadhak is unable to sit for dhyaan or when a sadhak will not able to meditate in an effective manner. It’s because of our desires. Desire to become important, special, rich, desire to have more,desire to let down others, conspiring against others,  desire of our business, job, settlement of children etc etc….These things cause the mind to ripple and thus make it restless. In this state one is unable to meditate!

So , Swamiji Maharaj says, that for this, the sadhak needs to introspect himself. That means , look into his mind and see which negativities are bothering him. He needs to work, for the removal of those, by praying to Gurujans fervently, by excessive chanting of name , by promising Gurujans, not to have those ever again etc are some of the methods advised by Gurujans.

This is an on going process. Gurujans assure us that with jaap Simran and patiently working on the practice of Dhyaan ,negativities start getting removed by themselves and one can then see the improvement in meditation.

Gurujans guide that when one feels that the negativities have been reduced, one should then take refuge of the Lord, Our Supreme Master ( Param Guru) and request Him for eternal knowledge. As Ram is the Source of All knowledge, we need to pray to God for blessing us with True Knowledge. It’s this knowledge, that will finally lead us to Him, to His abode. It is after gaining this knowledge that there’ll be nothing to learn!!

O Ram, The Supreme Master, the witness of the entire Cosmos, who knows us better than even us, we humbly pray to You, to kindly bless us, such that we recognize our shortcomings. Kindly bless us with Your strength to face them and then work for their removal. O Gurudev, bless us with uninterrupted Dhyaan , such that we make our human birth fruitful.

All and all at Your Lotus feet My Lord… All Yours.

Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Dhyaan – Needs constant dedicated practice

Jan 30, 2016

Thought of the day


Pranaam O Lord of Universe, My Ram, Salutations O My Divine Gurujans. I prostrate at Your Lotus Feet and am here with my heart mind and soul, ready to learn and unlearn… O Baba..

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri pleads to the mind , asks the mind to fix its attention or focus on Ram while in Dhyaan or during meditation. He says , while doing regular chores too , this is the most easiest way to stay connected with the Lord, or to be One with Ram!

Pujya Maharaj repeatedly enforces that this the ‘easiest‘ method in which one gets to be in ‘ sahaj samadhi’, that is to be One with Ram even while working .! But if we see ourselves, we don’t find it easy!! For us time of meditation is the toughest time .. As we do not like the innumerable thoughts that especially come to visit us, and we feel our precious time is wasted !!

Why is it so ? Why is it so hard for us ? Is it because of the environment, people around, place ?? Or is it because of us? Pujya Maharajshri says it’s because of our own mind ! We have for ages given our mind the things that it never wanted, the jobs, new house, wife, business, car, money, prestige etc etc.. The list is endless!! And now because of Grace of God , we have got Divine Gurujans and we try to follow their directions and sit for dhyaan, but now this mind does not listen !!

Maharajshri says the mind now takes us where we have been taking it… Out in the world.. It refuses to believe us !! When we say O mind focus your attention on Ram ! No it refuses!!

But once it does !! Then as Pujya Maharaj says, it’s the easiest of all practices that people do to attain Oneness in Ram.

Gurujans guide that repeated dedicated practice. Proving to our mind that we mean business this time ! We are serious ! Praying to Gurujans constantly , with yearning heart ,for help in observing those few minutes of meditation… Bringing our mind back to Raaaaaaaaauuum again and again, by being alert, when thoughts enter ! Pujya Maharajshri says Dhyaan is  work of brave people ( shoorveron ka kaam hai dhyaan! )

O My Swamiji Maharaj , we all take refuge at Your Lotus feet. Please kindly make us taste the divinity that dhyaan offers. Please forgive our dirty karmas, as You repeatedly keep doing ! And bless us with uninterrupted Dhyaan! Hey Raaaaaaaaaaaauuum.

All and all at Your Lotus Feet Baba… All is Yours Everything !

Jai Jai Ram 🙏🙏


Jan 30

Jan 30, 2016

Thought of the day

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Believing in
The Divine words
Of Gurujans
Will take us through
This is the faith
I am going to hold
On to Gurudev !
Ram is my refuge
Ram is my savior
Ram will take me through
All hurdles that it needs to
To be with my beloved Ram
Always and always …
Bless me O Master
Such that this
Faith never wavers
As this is my only
Solace in this
Unknown journey..
There are so many
Holes to be filled
There is mammoth Ego
To be conquered
But as I am incapable
Of doing it myself
I lay myself completely
At Your Divine Lotus Feet…
As I do not know anything
Except what You tell me …
As I do not have the capability..
All I know is that
You are my destination O Ram
You are my mode O Ram
You are my path O Ram

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Dhyaan – A mode of transportation to Ram’s abode

Jan 30, 2016

Thought of the day


Hey Raaaaaaum My loving salutations, O My Gurujans, my most respected pranaams at Your Divine Lotus feet. I am your most little child O My Swamiji Maharaj, … Kindly teach me Baba..

Ram Ram Shree Ram Dhyaana.                                                                                Hai Param pad Amrit paana .

Pujya Swamiji Maharaj takes the highlighted part of the Doha from Shri Amritvani Ji . He says as one mediates by saying Ram Ram from within , in our heart, one can attain Supreme Consciousness, Bliss and Knowledge!

Yes , Param pad … A state beyond which there is nothing! The Highest State .. The permanent abode of Ram, where He so resides. This is where Dhyaan or meditation can take us ! Mediation is our mode of transportation to the inner unknown realms of our being ! And the most important thing to note is that only humans have the capacity , the capability to do it !

It is in dhyaan or meditation, that Lord bestows all His divine gifts ! Now these gifts do not mean getting rich, going on vacation, getting into a good college or a job, getting a new house and a big car, etc etc.. No these are very lofty things and we get these things by our karma ! Ram’s Divine gifts are His immeasurable Love that stays forever, His Divine knowledge, which is actually True Knowledge, para Vidya , beyond which there is nothing to learn and Supreme bliss, which can never even be imagined , till with Gurudev’s Grace for no apparent reason, one gets to taste it !!

This human birth is so very precious, and if we make determined efforts, by Gurujans’ Grace , we can know our true Self ! Which in turn is possible through Dhyaan or meditation only. So for all spiritual aspirants, regular sitting for mediation is a must, by lovingly chanting Ram Ram Ram Ram, in our mind, with the outside world shunned, one needs to strive  to get to complete thoughtlessness where the Lord of Lords, is ever ready to shower His gifts, as Gurujans say.

It is a very long journey, so says Maharajshri. One requires constant practice and determined dedication for this. He says there is no need to get frustrated as this path requires immense patience.

O Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharaj, kindly bless us with determination and loving practice, such that we all can taste the nectar that You talk about. O Sadguru Maharaj, bless us please as we are too weak to achieve it on our own !!

All and all at Your Lotus feet my Lord.. As you allow this body to type !!

jai Jai Ram 🙏


Dhyaan – A sure path to thoughtlessness

Jan 28, 2016

Thought of the day


Pranaam Bhagwan, Pranaam O My Gurujans. I sit beneath Your Divine Lotus Feet O Baba , with folded hands and a humbled mind. I know nothing.. I beg You to kindly make me learn, what You want me to…

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharaj Ji today prays to Lord Ram, the formless One, the Lord of entire Cosmos, the One that’s present everywhere, the One that’s the Most Compassionate, the One that’s truly ours in the real sense. He says May Your name get embedded in my mind, such that My mind attains constant uninterrupted focus thereby washing off all dirty negativities, that cause downfall.

It’s extremely important to note here, that with unipointed thought on Ram, the negativities like anger, lust, greed, attachments, pride, jealousy, likes-dislikes all get washed away ! Unipointed focus means that there are no other thoughts, or a state of thoughtlessness! State of thoughtlessness( nirvichaar) leads to a state of purity ( nirvikaar). And once the sadhak attains the state of complete purity at that instant, he is One with Ram !! A sadhak can be One with Ram only if he becomes like Ram, as Gurujans explain.

So invoking Ram’s Grace, to bless us with one pointed attention on His name leads to washing away of vaasnas or negativities, thereby leading to Oneness with Ram.

O Maharaj ! We humbly request you, with a deep longing heart, to kindly bless us with the kind of focus that’ll lead to thoughtlessness and prepare us to be eligible for Our beloved Ram .Only You can do so Baba… Kindly bless us all!

All and all at Your Lotus feet, as nothing is mine, not even this breath My Lord.

jai Jai Ram 🙏



Jan 29

Jan 29, 2016

Thought of the day

परम पूज्य श्री महाराजश्री के मुखारविंद से

ध्यान के मुख्य अंग

ध्यान के लिए कुछ निवेदन आप सब की सेवा में । ध्यान साधकजनों हमेशा बैठ के, आँख बंद कर के, रीड़ की हड्डी सीधी एवं बिना हिले जुले।

ध्यान कभी खड़े नहीं, खुली आँख नहीं, लेट के नहीं, चलते फिरते नहीं । ध्यान हमेशा एक स्थान पर बैठके। अब हम उच्च कक्षाओं के विद्यार्थी हैं । अतैव ध्यान एक स्थान पर एक समय। हमेशा बैठके, आँख बंद करके, रीड़ की हड्डी बिल्कुल सीधी, गर्दन बिल्कुल परमात्मा के आमने सामने।
क्योंकि बिना हिले जुले, इसलिए ध्यान हमेशा थोड़े समय के लिए। दस पंद्रह मिनट का ध्यान पर्याप्त होता है। परमेश्वर की कृपा हो जाए तो आधे धण्टे के लिए भी , सुबह शाम ध्यान की अवधि रखी जा सकती है । और अधिक कृपा हो जाए तो और भी अधिक समय के लिए, परमेश्वर अपने ध्यान में बिठा सकते हैं ।

ध्यान का शुभारम्भ कैसे होता है? परमेश्वर को अपने अंग संग मानके, झुके प्रणाम करना । भीतर भी बाहर भी , इधर भी, उधर भी विराजमान परमात्मा । ऐसे को कहते हैं अंग संग मानना। फिर सीधे होकर बैठ जाना, रीड़ की हड्डी सीधी और त्रिकुटी स्थान को देखना । फिर मन ही मन राम राम राम करिएगा। सतत राम राम । संसारी विचार आए तो रोकिएगा ।

यह बहुत लम्बी यात्रा है। निराश नहीं होना , हताश नहीं होना। सफलता न मिले तो भीतर विराजमान परमात्मा से प्रार्थना कीजिएगा। परमेश्वर क्या मेरी ज़िन्दगी में वह दिन कभी नहीं आएगा जब मुझे तेरे ध्यान की सच्ची झाँकी देखने को मिल सकेगी ? एक झलक तो दिखा कि यह ध्यान क्या होता है । मुझे वह रस मिल जाए, मुझे वह स्वाद मिल जाए।तो फिर मैं उस स्वाद को चखने के लिए सदा लालाइत रहूँ ।

आप सब साधकों से निवेदन है कि सब कुछ भूल जाओ , लेकिन ध्यान का नियम निभाना नहीं भूलना । आप नहीं जानते कि ध्यान एक साधक के जीवन में कितना महत्वपूर्ण अंग है। परमेश्वर के दया का द्वार इसी समय खुलता है । जब भी परमात्मा ने किसी को कुछ देना होता है , तो वह ध्यान अवस्था में देता है, क्यों ? क्योंकि उस समय आपकी तार परमेश्वर के साथ जुड़ी होती है ।

शुभ व मंगल कामनाएँ । ध्यान का नियम कभी नहीं निभाना भूलना , फिर नहीं तो पश्चात्ताप करते रहोगे।


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Dhyaan- Provider of Oneness with Ram

Jan 29, 2016


O the most loving and the source of everlasting happiness, I bow at Your Lotus Feet. My most humble pranaams at the Divine Lotus Feet of my Gurujans. My heart soul and mind at this hour is all Yours Baba… Kindly teach me …

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharaj says,  O mind,focus your attention on Ram, While working or walking, and this Oneness with Ram is very easy! He says O mind believe in Ram completely, shedding all doubts, whatsoever and constantly focus your attention on it. Steady your breath, with the precious Name in each incoming and outgoing breath as this wishing fulfilling jewel of Dhyaan or meditation, is a provider of priceless Oneness with the Name !

The purpose of Dhyaan or meditation is being One with Lord’s name. Why Swamiji is addressing the mind? Because it’s the mind, where thoughts arise and  All thoughts subside when is Oneness with the Name is achieved! And this results in immeasurable unimaginable gifts from the Lord Himself, so say our Gurujans.

Again Pujya Swamiji Maharaj reinforces us to be in constant remembrance with the Lord’s name, while doing daily chores. As Maharaj lovingly says ‘ Ek haath mein Ram doosre haath se kaam’ which technically means that while doing your daily duties which is done by the body, let your mind be constantly immersed in Ram Naam. This is also called sahaj samadhi, which Maharaj says is very easy to get!

So after doing our daily chores with our mind constantly in the Holy Name, Maharaj says that when we sit to meditate , we should calm our mind by calming the breath.  With every incoming and outgoing breath take Raaaaaaaauuum and then it’ll be easy to focus on the name and hence we’ll achieve Oneness with the Name. It’s a big thing!!! Being One with the Lord!! ( Our Lord resides in the name, so being One with the name is same as being One with the Lord Himself) .But it requires constant dedicated practice!

Thank you Swamiji Maharaj for this beautiful lesson. We still seek your blessings as we bow million times, to bless us with the practice and Your energy , such that we attain Oneness with Ram.

All yours Maharaj. All Yours.

Jai Jai Ram🙏


Jan 28

Jan 28, 2016

Thought of the day.

परम पूज्य श्री स्वामी सत्यानन्द जी महाराजश्री

ध्यान में बैठने की पूर्व तैयारी

1. सबसे प्रथम बैठने के समय आचमन करें, आँखों पर ठंडे पानी के छींटे दें, गर्दन तथा मुँह पर हाथ फेरें। इससे मनोवृतियां शान्त होती हैं और चित स्थिर होता है।

2. बैठने का जो आसन हो तथा ग्रंथ व मूर्ति रखने की जो चौकी हो, वह केवल उसी काम के लिए हो।

3. ध्यान का समय नियत हो। किसी भी कारण उसको आगे पीछे न किया जाए।यदि कोई प्रिय मित्र या सम्बंधी उस समय मिलने आए तो उनको नम्रता से कह दो कि हमारा यह ध्यान का समय है। इस नियम की अवहेलना से मनोभावना शिथिल पड़ जाती है और सफलता दूर जा पड़ती है। ध्यान में नागा कभी न हो।

4. ध्यान में बैठने से पूर्व देवता को उसका नाम लेकर आह्वान करो और नमस्कार करके उसका पूजन करो, और ध्यान में यह भावना बनाए रखो कि मेरा देवता मेरे सम्मुख उपस्थित है।

5. ध्यान में जब बैठो तो अनुभव करो कि प्रभु की कृपा मुझ पर अवतरित हो रही है।

प्रवचन पीयूष पृष्ठ १४०

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