Faith in Power of the Mantra



Salutations O Gurujans, My Lord My loving Ram . Today Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri teaches that the Mantra has immense power. As the Diety of the Mantra resides in the Mantra, hence the Mantra gets its power from the Deity itself!! It’s extremely important for a sadhak to have faith in the Mantra. Like Pujya Gurudev explains, when one goes to a doctor for the cure of an ailment, one has faith in his prescription. One believes that by consuming this medicine, I’ll get better.

Likewise, as one chants the holy, divine Mantra, it’s important to have faith that this Mantra is going to do wonders!! The Mantra makes one fearless, as Swamiji Maharajshri so says. We are actually gripped in umpteenth fears- fear of death, fear of being alone, fear of poverty, fear of insecurity, fear of harassment, fear of loss of job, money, friends, fear of society, etc etc.So Mantra Ram ,mantra jap,  as Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri explains, releases one from the clutches of fear, that has gripped our minds since so many past births and makes one free and fearless!!

O Maharaj! You are the One who have actually experienced ALL the powers of RAM Naam, explicitly as well as implicitly !! Many others too have experienced some or the other aspect of the power of Ram Mantra, Ram Naam ! O Sadguru Maharaj! Bless us all, such that all of us too experience the power of Ram Naam , see our lives being transformed in a unique manner, by Ram Naam. O Maharaj! Kindly allow our lives to be fruitful too! Our whole hearted thanks O Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri, for taking us under Your Divine care! Thank you Maharaj, million thanks!!

All at your Lotus feet O Divine Maaters, as You make this body write and make it understand in the simplest of the ways!!


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