Power of Ram Mantra

Jan 20, 2016


My Salutations to Param Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri and My Gurujans, as I humbly sit beneath Their Lotus feet to learn about the power of Ram Mantra.

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri earlier taught us that the Diety of the Mantra resides in the Mantra . So the Mantra has all the power of its Diety. Swamiji MaharajShri asked us to have faith in this concept.

Today Maharajshri teaches that , anybody can chant the Holy Mantra Ram! Man, woman, child, irrespective of the color of the skin, irrespective of the social standing, irrespective of the trade , all are eligible to chant the Mantra !

Maharajshri says that , if we think that alright ! Now we have the Mantra, I become sadness proof, accident proof, illness proof or any mishap proof !! So this is not going to happen , as all these events are the result of our karmas!! We will always have to face them … But how we face them … Here enters the power of the Mantra Ram !

The Mantra has immense energy of the whole cosmos embedded in it, like that of an atom ! So this energy as Gurujans explain, helps us keeping calm in not so favorable circumstances! This energy helps to provide a soothing balm over our anxious filled mind and has the capacity to bring it to its normal state . This energy has the capacity, to deal with extreme pain too !

Apart from dealing with worldly situations,Swamiji Maharajshri says today that ,Ram Mantra holds the key to Salvation, of being One with the Lord, of being able to rid oneself of the cycle of birth and death, having Darshan of beloved Ram. All these spiritual heights are possible by chanting of Ram Mantra with immense love.

May we all develop immense faith in the power of Ram Mantra, so as to allow our spiritual elevation to happen!

All at the Lotus Feet of my Divine Gurujans who are knowledge incarnate and  are assisting in our learning , the way they want us to learn.



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