Surrender of actions

Jan 20, 2016


As the theme Ram Mantra begins its closure today, Param Pujya Shri  Swamiji Maharaj teaches and talks about offering or surrender.

Salutations O Swamiji Maharajshri at Your Lotus Feet. My humble pranaams to Gurujans as My Ram, makes this body write and understand .

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says ,from the mind, speech and actions, O my Ram, I take refuge in you, along with my deeds that lead to wellness.

Taking refuge in Ram, before actions are performed by thought, word and deed, helps one to be constantly guided by Ram, our Lord.  In a way Swamiji Maharajshri offers himself to the Lord, requesting  Ram  to lead him, like Arjuna did to Lord Krishna. For such surrender , one then does not have to bother about the consequences, good or bad, as they would always have wellness in them, as they are being led by the Lord Himself.

Karmas are not just because of our physical actions. Karmas are due to the actions performed by the body, by our thoughts and our speech. If all these three are led by Ram, then how can we physically hurt others, how will it be possible to cause hurt by our thoughts or through our speech. One would work in humility, and work go about doing the routine, as our responsibility without attachment too, as its Ram who is now leading our actions ! So all the wellness and goodness resulting from above actions too would be Ram’s, as He is the one who is leading us !

Hence asking the Lord to lead our actions, also nullifies the doer ship in us. With no doer ship no new karmas are added. Surrendering all actions is a sure way to end the cycle of birth and death , as is mentioned by Lord Krishna in Shrimadbagvadgita.

So we begin our day today by surrendering all our deeds, be it through thought, speech or action at the Lotus feet of our Gurujans Our Ram, such that They may lead us where and as They want.

All and all at Your Lotus feet my Lord. All and all.



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