Dhyaan – A sure path to thoughtlessness

Jan 28, 2016

Thought of the day


Pranaam Bhagwan, Pranaam O My Gurujans. I sit beneath Your Divine Lotus Feet O Baba , with folded hands and a humbled mind. I know nothing.. I beg You to kindly make me learn, what You want me to…

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharaj Ji today prays to Lord Ram, the formless One, the Lord of entire Cosmos, the One that’s present everywhere, the One that’s the Most Compassionate, the One that’s truly ours in the real sense. He says May Your name get embedded in my mind, such that My mind attains constant uninterrupted focus thereby washing off all dirty negativities, that cause downfall.

It’s extremely important to note here, that with unipointed thought on Ram, the negativities like anger, lust, greed, attachments, pride, jealousy, likes-dislikes all get washed away ! Unipointed focus means that there are no other thoughts, or a state of thoughtlessness! State of thoughtlessness( nirvichaar) leads to a state of purity ( nirvikaar). And once the sadhak attains the state of complete purity at that instant, he is One with Ram !! A sadhak can be One with Ram only if he becomes like Ram, as Gurujans explain.

So invoking Ram’s Grace, to bless us with one pointed attention on His name leads to washing away of vaasnas or negativities, thereby leading to Oneness with Ram.

O Maharaj ! We humbly request you, with a deep longing heart, to kindly bless us with the kind of focus that’ll lead to thoughtlessness and prepare us to be eligible for Our beloved Ram .Only You can do so Baba… Kindly bless us all!

All and all at Your Lotus feet, as nothing is mine, not even this breath My Lord.

jai Jai Ram 🙏



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