Dhyaan- Provider of Oneness with Ram

Jan 29, 2016


O the most loving and the source of everlasting happiness, I bow at Your Lotus Feet. My most humble pranaams at the Divine Lotus Feet of my Gurujans. My heart soul and mind at this hour is all Yours Baba… Kindly teach me …

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharaj says,  O mind,focus your attention on Ram, While working or walking, and this Oneness with Ram is very easy! He says O mind believe in Ram completely, shedding all doubts, whatsoever and constantly focus your attention on it. Steady your breath, with the precious Name in each incoming and outgoing breath as this wishing fulfilling jewel of Dhyaan or meditation, is a provider of priceless Oneness with the Name !

The purpose of Dhyaan or meditation is being One with Lord’s name. Why Swamiji is addressing the mind? Because it’s the mind, where thoughts arise and  All thoughts subside when is Oneness with the Name is achieved! And this results in immeasurable unimaginable gifts from the Lord Himself, so say our Gurujans.

Again Pujya Swamiji Maharaj reinforces us to be in constant remembrance with the Lord’s name, while doing daily chores. As Maharaj lovingly says ‘ Ek haath mein Ram doosre haath se kaam’ which technically means that while doing your daily duties which is done by the body, let your mind be constantly immersed in Ram Naam. This is also called sahaj samadhi, which Maharaj says is very easy to get!

So after doing our daily chores with our mind constantly in the Holy Name, Maharaj says that when we sit to meditate , we should calm our mind by calming the breath.  With every incoming and outgoing breath take Raaaaaaaauuum and then it’ll be easy to focus on the name and hence we’ll achieve Oneness with the Name. It’s a big thing!!! Being One with the Lord!! ( Our Lord resides in the name, so being One with the name is same as being One with the Lord Himself) .But it requires constant dedicated practice!

Thank you Swamiji Maharaj for this beautiful lesson. We still seek your blessings as we bow million times, to bless us with the practice and Your energy , such that we attain Oneness with Ram.

All yours Maharaj. All Yours.

Jai Jai Ram🙏


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