Dhyaan – Needs constant dedicated practice

Jan 30, 2016

Thought of the day


Pranaam O Lord of Universe, My Ram, Salutations O My Divine Gurujans. I prostrate at Your Lotus Feet and am here with my heart mind and soul, ready to learn and unlearn… O Baba..

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri pleads to the mind , asks the mind to fix its attention or focus on Ram while in Dhyaan or during meditation. He says , while doing regular chores too , this is the most easiest way to stay connected with the Lord, or to be One with Ram!

Pujya Maharaj repeatedly enforces that this the ‘easiest‘ method in which one gets to be in ‘ sahaj samadhi’, that is to be One with Ram even while working .! But if we see ourselves, we don’t find it easy!! For us time of meditation is the toughest time .. As we do not like the innumerable thoughts that especially come to visit us, and we feel our precious time is wasted !!

Why is it so ? Why is it so hard for us ? Is it because of the environment, people around, place ?? Or is it because of us? Pujya Maharajshri says it’s because of our own mind ! We have for ages given our mind the things that it never wanted, the jobs, new house, wife, business, car, money, prestige etc etc.. The list is endless!! And now because of Grace of God , we have got Divine Gurujans and we try to follow their directions and sit for dhyaan, but now this mind does not listen !!

Maharajshri says the mind now takes us where we have been taking it… Out in the world.. It refuses to believe us !! When we say O mind focus your attention on Ram ! No it refuses!!

But once it does !! Then as Pujya Maharaj says, it’s the easiest of all practices that people do to attain Oneness in Ram.

Gurujans guide that repeated dedicated practice. Proving to our mind that we mean business this time ! We are serious ! Praying to Gurujans constantly , with yearning heart ,for help in observing those few minutes of meditation… Bringing our mind back to Raaaaaaaaauuum again and again, by being alert, when thoughts enter ! Pujya Maharajshri says Dhyaan is  work of brave people ( shoorveron ka kaam hai dhyaan! )

O My Swamiji Maharaj , we all take refuge at Your Lotus feet. Please kindly make us taste the divinity that dhyaan offers. Please forgive our dirty karmas, as You repeatedly keep doing ! And bless us with uninterrupted Dhyaan! Hey Raaaaaaaaaaaauuum.

All and all at Your Lotus Feet Baba… All is Yours Everything !

Jai Jai Ram 🙏🙏


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