Dhyaan – Self indicator of our progress in sadhna

Jan 31, 2016

Thought of the day


Pranaam My Ram, The Omnipresent,Omnipotent and Omniscient One, Pranaam My Gurujans, The Compassionate Ones who are holding my strings. With Your kind permission and Grace, I am seated at Your Lotus feet, to learn.

As the theme Dhyaan , begins its closure today, Pujya Swamiji Maharaj says that Dhyaan, or meditation, the provider of immense bliss, is the essence or epitome of all modes, all practices and of all actions.

It’s very important for a spiritual aspirant to believe in his/her Masters / Gurudev’s words, as they have actually practiced and then they say from experience. Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri did lots of austerities, penance, extreme hard work to realize God. Pujya Swamiji Maharaj says that what I have given you is the juice of sadhna. So if our Compassinate Sadguru Maharaj says that meditating on Ram Naam, is the easiest method,easiest spiritual practice and easiest of all the hard work , of realizing God,  it is then definitely true. Pujya Swamiji Maharaj mentions that what one can achieve with Naam Yog, spiritual aspirants sitting in caves for ages cannot even achieve!!

One needs to actually do it to know it. It is definitely not a day’s work. Loads of thoughts, obstructions a sadhak faces when he begins the journey. But by faith,dedication and constant practice one keeps progressing and achieves great results, as promised by our Gurujans.

Pujya Swamiji Maharaj ‘s sadhna is like a math problem, where you can check for yourself if you are on the correct path or not. Here one does not even have to go to another person, to ask, how am I progressing? It’s a self evident process. The state of our dhyaan clearly states our condition and progress. If one day it’s good and the other day it’s not, we know it, that instead of Simran, some other thought has taken over !!! Our behavior and thoughts in our mind too are a very clear reflection of our sadhana ! If we still have expectations from others, are bothered by other’s  conduct, are we still reacting and hurting others in mind or otherwise, are we still secretly looking for importance, are we still competing with others to be better than them in sadhna or at work or have we been blessed with thoughtlessness , peace and bliss while we do dhyaan. Do we forget the world and dive in Ram’s love when we sit for dhyaan or not. Hence Dhyaan is a very self potent indicator of our progress in sadhna !

We are truly blessed O Sadguru Maharaj that due to Your Compassionate Nature, you accepted us as Your Own. You are always there and will be there to guide us. Kindly accept our humble heartfelt gratitude at Your Lotus Feet O Gurujans.

All Yours… All because of You .. All Yours.

jai Jai Ram 🙏


2 thoughts on “Dhyaan – Self indicator of our progress in sadhna

  1. A question paper with answer key ,swami ji maharaj has given us in the form of Nam dhyan. Now it’s up to us to keep a check always. At your feet Gurujan

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