Effective Dhyaan – needs removal of desires as a prerequisite

Jan 31, 2016

Thought of the day


Million salutations O My Ram, Million Salutations O My kind and compassionate Gurujans. I am seated O Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri, by Your own kind blessings and will , at Your Lotus feet to learn…. O Baba , kindly teach ….

Pujya Maharaj says that one cannot meditate if the mind is restless and not stable. It is because of desires (or vasnaas) that the mind becomes restless. A true aspirant is that, who sees his faults and shortcomings and then tries to remove them. After this he should take the refuge of the almighty for True Knowledge.

After learning about the importance, the ways and means of meditation, today Swamiji Maharaj explains why a sadhak is unable to sit for dhyaan or when a sadhak will not able to meditate in an effective manner. It’s because of our desires. Desire to become important, special, rich, desire to have more,desire to let down others, conspiring against others,  desire of our business, job, settlement of children etc etc….These things cause the mind to ripple and thus make it restless. In this state one is unable to meditate!

So , Swamiji Maharaj says, that for this, the sadhak needs to introspect himself. That means , look into his mind and see which negativities are bothering him. He needs to work, for the removal of those, by praying to Gurujans fervently, by excessive chanting of name , by promising Gurujans, not to have those ever again etc are some of the methods advised by Gurujans.

This is an on going process. Gurujans assure us that with jaap Simran and patiently working on the practice of Dhyaan ,negativities start getting removed by themselves and one can then see the improvement in meditation.

Gurujans guide that when one feels that the negativities have been reduced, one should then take refuge of the Lord, Our Supreme Master ( Param Guru) and request Him for eternal knowledge. As Ram is the Source of All knowledge, we need to pray to God for blessing us with True Knowledge. It’s this knowledge, that will finally lead us to Him, to His abode. It is after gaining this knowledge that there’ll be nothing to learn!!

O Ram, The Supreme Master, the witness of the entire Cosmos, who knows us better than even us, we humbly pray to You, to kindly bless us, such that we recognize our shortcomings. Kindly bless us with Your strength to face them and then work for their removal. O Gurudev, bless us with uninterrupted Dhyaan , such that we make our human birth fruitful.

All and all at Your Lotus feet My Lord… All Yours.

Jai Jai Ram 🙏


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