Monthly Archives: January 2016

Dhyaan -A sure method of unlayering the Soul

Jan 28, 2016

Thought of the day


My loving pranaam O My Lord Ram and My most respected Gurujans. I prostrate with gratitude at Your Divine Lotus Feet. O Gurudev bless me with Your kind words …

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharaj explains that sadhaks think that if we try to control the mind, it’ll get controlled. But what happens in reality is that it goes haywire !! So the real thing is to let it loose and with this its becomes quiet. The mind that thinks the thoughts of the world, makes plans, discusses, should be ignored here, at this time. By doing this the Soul gets awakened!

Dhyaan or meditation is intimidating for many as whenever we sit, the thoughts rush at us at a great speed ! Then the sadhak feels as if the whole time got wasted !

So the important thing to tell the mind is, that I am going to do it, but I know it’s not a one time job ! I know it requires repeated practice !

Once Pujya Maharajshri said that an instrumentalist was to give a performance. He sat on the stage and started tuning his instruments… So what happened? Half the time of the concert was spent in tuning and when the performance started, the artist, still continued fixing it !! If instead, he had tuned his instruments earlier, then the whole time he could have performed with ease !

So essence of this is that if we involve our mind with constant Simran, that’s rememberance of Ram , throughout the day , then when we sit for dhyaan, our mind is already tuned and hence we can loving chant Ram Ram in dhyaan or remember Lord’s Divine attributes or even mentally be with the Lord and do loving spiritual talk mentally.

So sitting for meditation in the morning assists in a good Simran throughout the day, which thereby helps for a good sitting of dhyaan in the evening and hence a mind filled with divinity throughout the night.. Hence the cycle continues!!

The purpose of meditation is to activate the Soul such that it radiates in its complete natural form. Awakening the Soul or removing thousands of layers that cover the Soul, is the purpose of Dhyaan. Gurujans say that one may do crores of jaap, but if one is not thoughtless with worldly thoughts in Dhyaan, then purpose is not achieved!!

O kind and compassionate Gurujans! We understand Your hard work and the pain You take to explain us! Bless us such that we may act as per Your directions and become worthy to be called your disciples in real sense!

All Yours My Ram All Yours 🙏🙏

jai Jai Ram 🙏



Dhyaan-Meditating on Spirit of Ram

Jan 28, 2016

Thought of the day


Million times Pranaam O My dearest Ram and my most revered Gurujans. May with each coming word that this body is made to type, may my inside keeps getting further humbler. May never ever, even in my dreams, the doer ship of writing or doing come up. O my abundant Source of Knowledge, kindly bless me with this permanent knowledge. Raaaaaaaaaauuum.

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharaj teaches that chanting of Ram Naam, purifies jaap, meditation and everything associated with it.

Pujya Maharaj Ji teaches that jap is done of the word RAM. Whereas we mediate on the Spirit of Ram. Meaning thereby , as we sit for meditation with our eyes closed, Back straight, neck straight, and chant Ram Naam, believing that our Ram is present inside of me and all around me in spirit. We know our Ram is formless and like air, which cannot be seen, but is present everywhere, likewise, our Ram is all around us, enveloping us from all directions.

We then start contemplating or introspecting or thinking on Ram’s gunas or attributes. As we continue to think of Ram’s attributes we automatically get focussed. This getting focussed is meditation. In here, Maharaj says, solutions to our problems are received, secrets of Divinty are revealed. If any other thoughts other than Ram come, we are asked to ignore them and focus back on Our Ram’s beautiful, mesmerizing attributes.

Dhyaan is considered mandatory , compulsory , part of our sadhna. We become one with our Ram here, Gurujans tell.As it is done without moving, Gurujans, suggest we begin by doing it for 10-15 min, which can be gradually increased as we progress.

Dhyaan is a constant practice, Gurujans explain. It is not accomplished in a day or month. Regular sittings, regular practice is required.

Our heartfelt gratitude O kind and compassionate Gurujans, for teaching us and reminding us again and again , what we are supposed to do. Kindly accept our humble pranaams again and again, at Your Lotus feet.

All Yours my Master.. All Yours.

jai Jai Ram 🙏



Dhyaan -On Ram’s Divine attributes

Jan 27, 2016

Thought of the day


My humble pranaams at the Lotus feet of My Ram and My Gurujans. Thank you for accepting such a not worthy child and for making me learn. Prabhu such hard work You are doing !! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet for Your unlimited compassion.

Pujya Swamiji Maharaj today, starts with the topic on Dhyaan, meditation, inner contemplation, etc. It’s important to note that in Bhakti Prakash Ji , Pujya Maharaj, has taken this topic way in the beginning, right after He offers His salutations to the Lord. This clearly gives an indication of the importance of this Theme / topic.

Maharaj says, may I focus my attention on You( Ram) , as You are the basis , the foundation of everything. You being the refuge of the entire cosmos, You being the sole seer who is free from all negativities !

So here Maharaj teaches us to focus on Ram,  the formless One, the Lord of the Universe and His beautiful attributes. Ram is the source of EVERYTHING! Turn your gaze anywhere, every single thing is from Him. Some may say, man made too?? Why not, as He is the Source of ALL ideas and creativity!

Maharaj says EVERYTHING in this entire Universe is dependent upon Him ! The motion of planets, so precise ! The day and night , the seasons, the diversity in nature, sun, rivers, mountains, care of animals and plants, care of humans, their digestion, their sleep, their activities, etc.. birth  of nature and death, all in all in His hands!

Pujya Swamiji Maharaj further explains that He is the sole seer! Meaning One who sees , in us ! And everywhere ! Sakshi, the witness of each and everything that goes in this whole Cosmos, nothing escapes His notice ! He is the Purest of All , source of Purity and free from all negativities!!

Hence we focus our attention on Ram, with these attributes, with eyes closed!

We prostrate at Your Lotus Feet O Maharaj ! For those breath taking words and description!! We are unworthy, yet You made us read and understand these Divine words. Humble gratitude O Baba!

All at Your Divine Lotus feet. There is no me to say anything is mine… All Yours.

jai Jai Ram 🙏

Jan 27

Jan 27

Thought of the day

परम पूज्य श्री महाराजश्री के मुखारविंद से


परमात्मा का स्मरण सबसे बड़ी सम्पत्ति है। परमात्मा का विस्मरण सबसे बड़ी विपत्ति है। परमेश्वर का स्मरण नित बना रहना चाहिए, सतत बना रहना चाहिए। मानो सिमरन परमेश्वर के साथ जुड़ने का एक अमोघ साधन। जो साधक परमेश्वर के साथ जुड़े रहते हैं, प्रसन्नता के स्रोत से, सुख के स्रोत से, शांति के स्रोत से, आनन्द के स्रोत से ,उन्हें यह चीज़ें सहज से मिलती रहती हैं । कोई प्रयत्न नहीं करना पड़ता । प्रयत्न मात्र इतना ही है , उस स्रोत से जुड़े रहना होता है, सिमरन के माध्यम से ।

सिमरन की महिमा ही यही है कि सिमरन किया नहीं जाता , होता है। कहीं भी बैठे हुए है, दफ़्तर में, किचन में, दुकान पर, हाथों से काम होता है, सिमरन तो हृदय से होता है।

एक बहुत बड़े संत यह स्पष्ट करते हैं – कहीं भी बैठे हो, हाथ में क़लम है, हे परमेश्वर इस क़लम से जो लिखवाओ, अपनी इच्छा से लिखवाओ।यह परमेश्वर का सिमरन है। परमेश्वर तेरे लिए बना रही हूँ , स्वादु बनाना, तुझे भोग लगाना है। यह परमात्मा का सिमरन है। कितना आसान है, यह नित बना रहना चाहिए। व्यक्ति चिश्चिंत हो जाता है, निर्भय हो जाता है। हर वक्त आनन्दित, परमानन्दित अवस्था में वह रहता है।

मुसीबत को बताओ – तू कितनी भी बड़ी क्यों न हो, मेरा राम से तो बड़ी नहीं हो सकती !

गम राह में खड़े थे, साथ हो लिए
जब कुछ न बिगाड़ सके, तो वापिस हो लिए

प्रपन्न रहो- परमात्मा से जुड़े रहो। जब तक प्रपन्न नहीं होगे , परमात्मा की कृपा के पात्र नहीं बनोगे ।

परमात्मा को विश्वास दिलाना होगा कि मैं आपकी चरण शरण में हूँ , मुझे अपने किसी बल पर भरोसा नहीं है । जहाँ तक आपका बल किसी प्रकार का भी बना रहेगा, परमात्मा के हाथ आपकी रक्षा के लिए नहीं उठेंगे । बहुत पक्के हैं परमात्मा । निस्साधन हो जाओ, निस्सहाय हो जाओ, निर्बल हो जाओ , यह आश्वासन परमात्मा को दिलाओ कि जो मैं कह रहा हूँ वह मैं हूँ !!
यदि परमेश्वर इस बात पर आश्वस्त हो जाते हैं तो आपको कुछ करना शेष नहीं रहता , सब कुछ राम अपने आप करेंगे ।

ऐसे साधक को संसार के पास सहायता के लिए जाना नहीं पड़ता ! बहुत कठिन काम है यह , बहुत कठिन काम है । परमात्मा की चरण शरण में जाइएगा ।

स्रोत तो भीतर बैठा हुआ है । जीवन जैसा भी व्यतीत करो, सिमरन न छूटे । विस्मरण सबसे बड़ी विपत्ति है। एक क्षण भी ऐसा क्षण हमारे जीवन में न आए । बहुत ऊँची चीज है सिमरन। करते रहिएगा । परमेश्वर से संपर्क है इस सिमरन के माध्यम से, उदासी मिट जाएगी । अपार हर्ष हर वक्त , प्रसन्न !! परमात्मा के साथ जुड़ो, वह अपना कुछ अपने पास नहीं रखता। एक बार उसके होकर तो देखो , सब कुछ आपको देता है ।

तू मेरे मैं तेरा राम
तू मेरा है राम मैं तेरा हूँ
ऐसा व्यक्ति बोलता है , मेरी हर आवश्यकता के लिए परमात्मा पर्याप्त है। मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए, किसी से कुछ नहीं चाहिए ।

जय जय राम 🙏

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Simran – Allows peace in any negative situation

Jan 27, 2016

Thought of the day



Many many humble pranaams My loving Ramji and My most revered Gurujans. You and Only You are my Source of learning and unlearning Prabhu ! I sit with my heart soul and mind at Your lotus feet….

As the theme ‘ Jaap and Simran’ comes to a closure today Swamiji Maharaj teaches us to ALWAYS remember Ram Naam with keen fondness, which is the provider of inner peace, comfort and happiness. It has the power to remove agony, anguish and inauspiciousness.

Does this mean that if we lost a job, we’ll get it back, if we met with an accident, the pain instantly goes away , if we were stuck in a calamity, the situation would get rewinded, as if it were a movie!! No , it’s the inner thing that happens.As Gurujans explain,  Inside we get immense power to stay calm, inside we get strength to take the situation in a stride and hence allow acceptance. It’s these inside invaluable strengths that in return spring happiness, peace and equanimity, and we feel as if nothing has happened and our mind clears of any dark clouds and body relaxes.

As Gurujans say, because Simran, allows us to be in constant touch with Ram, who resides in His name, hence we keep getting His strength and remain happy as He is the source and provider of happiness.

Even while we read about them, it gives peace, when we actually practice it, the emotions are beyond words!! Spirituality is all about practicing and experiencing, the Truth that has been continuously brought to us by our Gurujans. O Divine Gurujans, bless us with meditative contemplation, bless us with faith and love, bless us with dedication, such that irrespective of any situation we continue to chant Ram Naam till our last breath.

All and all at your Lotus feet! You are the start and You are the end… This body merely typed.. All Yours.

Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Simran – A source of everlasting abundant happiness

Jan 26, 2016

Thought of the day


My humble Salutations to Lord of Lords, Ram, and at the Feet of Divine Masters from all directions. O Swamiji Maharaj, I am here to learn, Baba, from you.

As the theme of Jaap and Simran, begins its closure today , Pujya Swamiji Maharaj offers a humble prayer to the One ,who is Grace Himself, to give him Simran in charity, such that with dedication and love he might chant Ram Naam, The most auspicious Name!

One would wonder, that Pujya Maharaj got deeksha directly from Ram Himself, and Ram Naam must be automatically flowing through each and every pore of His body, but still he prays to Ram, to bless him with dedication and love to take His name!!! That means that this Name must be of so much importance that Swamiji Maharaj again asks for chanting of this mesmerizing most auspicious name !!

Its true !! Gurujans say that the person who does constant Siman is always happy as He is connected directly with the Source of happiness ! Also apart from this there is a higher motive too for dedicated spiritual aspirants, as Gurujans explain.

We forget Ram Naam when gripped with severe pain or ailments, we forget Ram Naam when we are tensed, we forget Ram Naam while partying or on vacations !!! So how can we remember Ram Naam at the last hour, cause that’s definitely the happiness a sadhak wants to seek and always has at the back of his mind.

For that Gurujans have said, constant Simran, constant remembrance of Ram Naam, every second, with every breath is a must! Hunger for more and more Ram Naam needs to increase every day!!!

This can be possible Only with Ram’s Grace, or Gurujans Grace. Hence Swamiji Maharaj teaches us to beg Ram for His Grace, such that He Himself blesses us with His sweet rememberance and with complete dedication and love to chant His name , with every incoming and outcome breath,day or night, awake or asleep , without effort !! That’s where we need to go.. Without effort !!

Hence we bow in complete humility at the Lotus feet of our Divine Gurujans and Our beloved Ram, to bless us with constant, uninterrupted Simran, the source of abundant happiness, which keeps increasing day by day, such that it resounds in us, without any effort! We cannot do it on our own Maharaj!! Bless us with Your kind of dedication and Your kind of love for Simran. Bless us all Maharaj, Bless us All !!

All and all at Your Lotus Feet, as this finger only typed.

Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Jan 26, 2016

Jan 26, 2016

Thought of the day 

Many best wishes for the Republic Day of India. May the country rise, prosper and be in peace for the coming generations.

परम पूज्य श्री महाराजश्री के मुखारविंद से

सिमरन की तीन श्रेणी

१. पहली, जब परमेश्वर को हम जाप, सत्संग से याद करते हैं ।

२. दूसरी, जब परमेश्वर की याद आती है, अपने आप कभी कभी स्वयं याद आती है । जो आती है तो जाएगी ही ।

३. तीसरे, जब उसकी याद रहती .. सदा .. उसे याद नहीं करना पड़ता । जो सदा रहता है वह कहाँ जाएगा । यह सिमरन की सबसे उच्च श्रेणी है ।

देवऋषि नारद एक बार ब्रज से जा रहे थे तो एक बहुत ही विचित्र सा दृश्य देखा । एक गोपी गहरी ध्यानस्त हैं । यह विचित्र इसलिए क्योंकि गोपी परिवार तो प्रेम करना जानता है । ध्यान तो उन लोगों ने सुना ही नहीं ।

देवऋषि ने अपनी वीणा की झंकार की और गोपी ने आँखें खोलीं व प्रणाम किया । नारद जी बोले क्या हुआ ? गोपी बोली मेरा मन मेरे बस में नहीं रहा । मैं घर की लिपाई करती हीं तो यह कान्हा उस पर चल देता है! मुझे फिर से करनी पड़ती है ! मैं दूध बिलोती हूँ तो मुझे कहता है कि पहले मुंझे पिला । मैं पिलाती हूँ तो सारा दूध जंमीन पर । वह होता तो है नहीं पर मुझे दिखता रहता है ।

इसलिए , मैं ध्यान कर रही हूँ ताकि मेरे मन से वह हमेशा के लिए निकल जाए ।

यह सिमरन की सबसे उच्च श्रेणी है जब हमें प्रभु की याद सदा रहती है ।

जय जय राम 🙏

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Simran – A wish fulfilling Jewel for all worries

Jan 26, 2016

Thought for the day .

Best wishes for the Republic Day of India.


My Soulful pranaams at the Lotus Feet of My Ram and My Gurujans, who are none other than Ram Themselves. O Prabhu! Allow me to learn and unlearn as You teach me. Without Your Grace, it’s not possible.

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharaj says that Simran, is nothing but remembrance of Ram , through chanting with speech or mind. It’s contemplation ( thinking / meditating on it) is like a wish fulfilling  jewel ( chintamani) for all our worries and anxieties. Contemplation of Ram Naam blasts all sorts of worries and weaknesses into bits!!

For this to actually happen, a spiritual aspirant needs to have deep faith, in Ram Mantra or in sayings of Sadguru Maharaj. One needs to believe that YES! It can happen as Maharaj has said so.

For a  person who is gripped with anxiety, or any other weakness,  the mind refuses to listen to any other thought.. It keeps going again and again to it or just remains submerged in that negativity. But at this time , if one remembers that Ram is the most powerful mantra, Ram can do anything, Ram is with me , my very own , will surely help me and then Raaaaaaaauuuuum is called out, repeatedly , and with depth, Swamiji Maharaj says, it can blast the tension into bits and pieces!

All this things are of actual practice… Maharaj has not said a single word that a sadhak cannot himself experience, that’s the assurance Gurujans have given us.( Pujya Swamiji Maharaj ‘s words are from Ram Himself as Maharaj did not write this with a conscious mind. When He was made to write He wrote, when He was made to stop he stopped. He did not even plan, what topic will come after what! Such are these Divine teachings!! )

Hence, these things are to be done and thus experienced… That experience of course transforms the person!! That’s the beauty of it.

Heartfelt gratitude O my One and Only Ram, My Gurujans. Allow us to practice what we learn. Bless us all, such that transformation visits our lives for the better.

All Yours, only this body typed. At  Your Lotus feet.

Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Simran-Source of everlasting bliss

Jan 25, 2016

Thought of the day


Pranaam O My loving Ram. Pranaam my most respected and loving Gurujans. I prostrate at Your Lotus feet , as Your little child, who knows nothing, except what You teach her. O my Divine Rammaye Master kindly dictate what you want me to learn.

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharaj says , that in Simran, that’s the remembrance of Ram, all happiness resides , as in that rememberance Ram is Himself present.Lord of Universe, Lord of entire cosmos is present, in just the chant of His name.

Is Ram far ? Our Sadguru Maharaj says as we say His name, He is right there in His name! That’s how close and near He is to us!! Do we do our jaap like this ? Oh.. No we are so mechanical !! Ram Ram Ram we chant ! But we if know and feel that as we say Raaaaaaaaauuum , Ram is right there, imagine the surge of emotion we’ll get. Hence, just with this thought, that My Ram is right here as I say Raaaaaaaauum, automatically bhav springs from the heart !

Thats it !! That’s the source of abundant happiness and bliss. Do we need money for this kind of happiness? Do we have to be rich , intelligent, beautiful, popular, important, special, for this kind of happiness? Do we have to be in the jungle, unmarried, or married, young or old , male or female for this kind of happiness? For all these questions the answer is NO ! All we need is to know that Ram, our Lord, which is formless and full of love and care is right there as we say Raaaaaaauuuum on our maala or in our mind !! The bliss from this remembrance is way different from the happiness that money, vacation, party, children, job, etc gives. This happiness , this bliss, is everlasting and forever present !!

My heart is filled with gratitude O My Rammaye Gurujans as you dictate and this body writes. May we remain in the sweet rememberance of yours in every breath!!

Jai Jai Ram 🙏