We should fear our karmas and not loving Ram

Feb 25, 2016

Thought of the day


Pranaam My loving Ram and my Divine Gurujans. You envelope me as I prostrate at Your Lotus feet from all directions, it’s only You who pour out the Divine knowledge for me to learn..

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that  there are no faults, or dirt in Ram and His divine wish is beyond faults ! It’s the human desire that is dirty and full of faults and anger.

Pujya Maharajshri says that Ram is the most compassionate One, He is completely unbiased and He pure justice. It is never that if someone has performed good karmas He’ll give bad consequences or if someone has performed bad karmas, He’ll give good consequences! No ! He never does that! Maharaj says that we never have to fear Him as He is all Love. We always should fear our karmas, our actions.

Pujya Maharajshri says that it is our own desires that lead us to pain and suffering. When desires are not fulfilled, it gives rise to anger and anger fails our mind to think rationally. Hence we suffer. We keep making mistakes, never realizing that we are making! Thus ignorance envelops than cause more negation of karmas. Hence , Gurujans ask us repeatedly to stop pouring oil in our wish lamp of desires and learn to be in the Divine wish. The happiness and contentment in Divine wish is incomparable to any of our own wishes being fulfilled. Accepting Divine wish is NOT giving up on life !! It is making our life rich and fulfilling ! 

O My precious Ram, as we realize that it’s you and You alone who is the Source of peace, happiness and abundant love, we learn to accept Your wishes as our wishes, as You can never be biased, You can never be unjust!! All Yours my Ram all Yours!

My humble pranaams. Jai Jai Ram 🙏

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