Life’s situations are Ram’s leela

Feb 26, 2016

Thought of the Day


O My Ram , my all in all and My Gurujans, I prostrate at Your Lotus feet. Kindly accept my soulful salutations.

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that enjoy your life in His Divine leela or Divine play, consider everything as His doing. He says let go of your ego and understand that it’s Ram’s play that’s going on.

Gurujans say that everything is coming from our most lovable Ram so enjoy your life by experiencing this divine truth. But we really don’t like the way some days go! Somebody does our back biting, we get upset, somebody says things that are not according to us or not according to our personality, we get upset. Situations arise which are not according to what we want, hence we get upset! So we are not actually enjoying our Ram’s play! We want things according to our own wishes! We want things the way we plan it ! All this wishful things are ego driven ! and not accepting what Divinity is offering us,hence we get stressed and upset !

Gurujans suggest that consider the situations that are not according to our wishes as tests. Tests are meant to be taken and passed ! Why tests are there? Such that we overcome our weaknesses and get spiritually elevated and hence inch closer to Ram! Maharajshri says that It’s My loving Ram’s extreme compassion that He brings these tests, in hope that after this my devotee will be more closer to me! The distance between me and my devotee will reduce!! Maharajshri says, we can never understand how eagerly  Ram awaits for us ! How He makes provisions, provides situations such that we come closer to Him ! But we being ego driven, just want the fulfillment of our wishes and hence do not enjoy His play, nor pass His test ! Gurujans say that we have to take the same test repeatedly till we understand it and pass it !!  

Maharajshri says, that Ram is not cruel or insensitive! He is the most compassionate One! It is because of His compassion that He takes the form of Guru and comes to elevate our Souls ! All is well and all is just and beautiful in His world!

O Swamiji Maharaj many many thanks for teaching us about our Lord Ram and His Divine Leela . All Yours My One and Only One ! All Yours! O Raaaaaaaaauum all Yours.

Humble pranaams and loving Jai Jai Ram 🙏

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