Selfless service and devotion can burn seeds of Karma

Feb 26, 2016

Thought of the day




O my Nirakaar Raaum , My Gurujans ,  my humble pranaams at Lotus Lotus feet. My soulful gratitude in bringing me here at this hour! O Divine Ones kindly pour…

Param Pujya Swamiji explains that by being in the Divine wish of Ram, one needs to perform actions that are beneficial . The actions like charity to the needy, compassion and selfless service to others are considered beneficial .

Gurujans say that serving others, serving Ram , needs to be selfless, without even any motive for any good results. Any sort of motive, will lead to the birth of the seed of karma. Service if done by offering a service to the Lord and a service to His children, devoid of any ego , gets noticed by the compassionate Lord.

Gurujans explain that the consequence of a bad karma cannot be ‘replaced’ by that of a good karma! Each has to bear its own fruit. But if the sadhak does devotion of the Lord, by lovingly chanting His name millions and millions of times ,by meditating on His name, then many many bad karmas get washed away! The seeds of these negative karmas get burnt and a devotee becomes light from the load of the karmas.

Gurujans explain that we as spiritual aspirants need to understand that we have taken birth to serve all and leading a life of acceptance and surrender to the Lord. As by serving others, ( our family, society ) only our karmas get finished off. So one should focus on getting the karmas paid off and try our best not to further increase them by inculcating more desires or wishes; as these are the source of giving birth to new seeds of karma.

Surrendering all at the Lotus feet Of my Ram, all actions and thoughts.. I am my Ram’s and at His Lotus feet.

Humble pranaams and loving  Jai Jai Ram 🙏🙏


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