Devotion an antidote to effects of all karmas

Feb 27, 2016

Thought of the day


O My Raam, my pranaams. O my Divine Gurujans who led me to my Ram, many many pranaams at Your Lotus feet. It’s solely with Your wish O Gurujans, I sit at Your Lotus feet at this hour to learn …

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that the past sanskaras of desires are present as seeds of karmas. When we get the consequence of it  becomes a tree and bears fruit called ‘prarabhdh‘.

Pujya Maharajshri says that these prarabhdh are what we get our life. The package depends on good karmas, bad karmas of all previous births. Our being human or any other form, our personality, our environment in which we are born, parents, siblings, education, behavior, family, everything is determined by these. Happiness, sadness what we get in this life are determined by our own karmas. God just packages them and gives it to us. God merely works here to give the results of our karmas that we have performed.

So how can one remove these prarabhdh? Pujya Maharajshri says by using them they get removed. Let’s say we get sick , by getting sick that prarabhdh got removed. Or we got a raise. So by getting it , the karma got erased. Here Gurujans explain, that one needs to focus on the ones which we already have and not add on more! Like , if somebody is angry and we react, we build our karma. If we did not react , we cancelled it ! Reaction adds on the karma. If somebody has been very hurtful, this is the karma we are getting. If we pray for that person and pray for forgiveness, our karma does not get added plus a good karma gets added. This is how we can remove our karmas and not add on new ones! This is how they say that we determine our own future !!

Swamiji Maharajshri suggests that there is another way when the effect of prarabhdh can be really reduced. That is by devotion. By chanting of Lord’s name countless times, by doing Shri Amritvani paath, by meditation, the effect of these karmas can automatically be really reduced. The devotee would be in the middle of a problem, but he won’t feel it. There would be monetary crunch, but he won’t feel it. Lots of turns in life for the better can take place by devotion. Pujya Maharaj says that the person whose inner self is very strong that person also will not feel the pangs of prarabhdh. 

Hence, devotion is an antidote to all situations in this life. Ram Naam is so powerful that it’s chant has the power to burn the seeds of karmas, whether dormant or active ones. Ram Mantra given by Pujya Swamiji Maharaj can turn lives of negativity to those of complete enrichment!! Behavior , that’s based on sanskaaras are the first outward signs of change of personality due to devotion. Thinking patterns from negative to positive are again sanskaaras, which get changed due to devotion. It’s a huge change .. Not an ordinary one! A murderer can become a saint! A person with huge anger can go to deep meditative silence!

Many many Thanks O kind Gurujans for coming in our lives and accepting us as Yours. Kindly keep leading us O Divine ones ! Kindly keep leading us . Many many thanks !

All Yours O My Ram , all Yours O my Gurujans!

Humble pranaams and loving Jai Jai Ram 🙏

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