Being in His Divine wish is the most pious Karma

Feb 28, 2016

Thought of the day


O My loving Raaum , O my kind Gurujans, My heartfelt salutations at Your Lotus feet . O Divine Ones, words cannot express my gratitude, for Your compassion,that You shower  for no apparent  reason !

O Swamiji Maharajshri I know nothing , You know that , no shashtras , nothing O Sadguru Maharaj! Yet you make this body write about Your Divine sayings ! All Yours!

As the theme of ‘karma‘ comes to a closure today , Pujya Swamiji Maharaj says that Ram’s Divine wish in everything encourages all and accepting His wish in everything that happens is the most pious karma! 

It’s All Ram’s . The Universe , this earth , everything on this earth is His. Not only His , but He Himself is in all ! Thus say all souls who have realized Him! We are here by His kind Grace, in this Human form. He has provided for us everything that we need for our stay here ! So He being the Master Planner, His Divine wish reigns Supreme !

Gurujans say that a person who understands this , who understands that My Ram is unbiased, My Raum knows what’s the best for everyone, My Raaum always provides justice, what so ever, learns to accept His will, learns to be satisfied in whatever He ordains. As a result there are no complaints, no grudges for life’s situations. The person then goes about doing his karmas as His will . And these Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says are the most pious, purest form of karmas. The karmas done with this intention, are selfless and according to His wish! They deliver us from the cycle of birth and death and make us Raaum’s forever !

O Raaum, fill us with Your name ! Fill us with You O My beloved ! Allow us to please You , by being in Your wish always ! Bless us O Divine Gurujans, bless us all !

All at Your Lotus feet My compassionate One! All Yours!

Humble pranaams and loving Jai Jai Ram 🙏

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