Monthly Archives: February 2016

Wish forms the seeds of karmas

Feb 25, 2016

Thought of the day


My loving Salutations O my Ram and my Gurujans. I prostrate at Your Lotus feet,with my heart filled with gratitude. O Ram, kindly allow me to experience you more and more with each and every breath as this day begins…

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that all actions done from mind, speech and physically, one should offer it to Ram . One should let go of any sort of desire and thereby the consequence of that desire from our mind.

A vital point here.. Karmas are not just actions performed physically, but those by speech and the thoughts in our mind too are counted as karmas. What words we say to others are very important and of course the intention behind it always matters. We make fun of somebody, we look down on somebody, we use abusive language ,we use false statements for somebody, it all comes back. Likewise, we are polite, we are respectful, we encourage others, we pacify others, all comes back too. So the words uttered by the speech should be doing His work, Gurujans say. Speech needs to be used to do the Lord’s work. This will not add the seeds of karma!

In the similar manner, our over active mind is always on the move. Planning and desiring . But if the thoughts are harmful for others, we don’t say it, but wish bad for others, those too come back. We will have to face the consequences of it. But if we wish well for others, in our thoughts, if our thoughts are prayerful, those too come back. So Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that our thoughts too should be such that they do the Lord’s work !

Pujya Maharajshri says, that a spiritual aspirant needs to do away with all sorts of worldly desires. As it’s the desires or wishes that form the seeds of karma and then we have to face them. He even says to let go of the consequences of those desires. As all these are the things that cause sprouting of seeds of karmas. Pujya Maharajshri says ‘ jahan chah vahan aah ‘  The wish always results in pain. 

If seeds are there, they’ll sprout. If sprouts are there they’ll grow into trees and give fruit. But if seeds are burnt or boiled, they loose the capacity to sprout. So acceptance and surrender to Lord’s wish, with no wish of our own burns and boils the seeds of karmas. As seeds of karmas cause rebirth. Burnt or boiled seeds puts an end to them.

It’s with Your wish O Ram, that you make me come here, it’s with Your wish that these words get typed. Let me never ever forget this O my Raaum, let me never ever forget this. All yours , the words and me too! All at Your Lotus feet!

My humble Pranaam. Loving Jai Jai Ram 🙏

Source of intention to do good is Raaum

Feb 24, 2016

Thought of the day



O My Ram, My Gurujans, it’s you who bring me here again. Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri ‘s divine verses just steal your heart !

Under the theme ‘Karma’ Pujya Maharajshri says that intention to do positive , to do good , to do something meaningful comes from Ram, who is the source of ALL goodness! As a result the  the consequence of such action is also His gift. He further says, the reverence for Him and faith in Him , are all His gifts!

It’s beautiful! Gurujans explain that Raaum is the Source of everything. Each an every bhav , emotion comes from Him. Faith in Him, love for Him, determination from Him, dedication from Him, wanting to take His name more from Him, wanting to cleanse oneself and become pure for Him, comes from Him, wanting to serve His people comes from Him, wanting to serve one’s nation comes from Him, wanting to pray for others comes from Him, wanting to sing His glories comes from Him, wanting to go deeper in meditation comes from Him, each and everything from Him !!

Pujya Maharajshri says that In the ‘ Vibhutiyog ‘ of Shrimadbhagvadgita, Lord Krishna describes all His attributes to Arjuna such that His sense of ‘I’ is lost. The ‘I’ that creates blunder in spiritual path, the ‘I’ that is the wall between Maaya / illusion and the real Self or Lord, needs to be reduced to nothing! Hence every good karma that we think of doing or do involuntarily, comes from Raaum and its consequence too from Him !

O My loving Raaum, O my Gurujans, no words to express my gratitude ! Million pranaams and humble gratitude. It’s You and only You my Raaum only You! Kindly allow this thought that’s coming from You to be permanently internalized! All at Your Lotus feet!

Humble Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Consequences of karma are based on the intention of Karma

Feb 24, 2016

Thought of the day


O my Ram and My Gurujans many many Salutations at Your Lotus feet. O Divine Ones, kindly allow me to feel You with every breath I take. With Your I am seated beneath Your Lotus Feet, kindly guide Prabhu..

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that when one performs a karma with the intention or attitude or bhav of attachment and dislike, then the result of that karma are always painful . But if one performs the karmas with the intention of responsibility, with a balanced mind and inaccordance with shastras, then saints say that it reaps good result for the doer.

Gurujans say that it’s the intention of the karma or its consequence that leads to sprouting of the karma seed. Maharajshri explains, that we get attached to doing good things, why?  such that we get good results. If somehow there comes roadblocks then it gives us immense stress. So what has happened here is that the spiritual aspirant has got attached to the job, the deed. Attachment always brings with it stress and anxiety.  In the similar manner ,if a person does a deed filled with hatred or dislike , again, it’s not going to reap good results for the devotee.

Gurujans there by suggest that if the deed is done with a sense of responsibility, that yes, this is my job and I got to do it without being attached to it or having a dislike for the job , then this intention is beneficial for the person, as with no consequence, the seed of karma gets burnt.

Pujya Maharajshri explains that the what consequence a person will suffer, where he will suffer, when he will suffer is all determined by God. If these karmas are done for Ram, or offered at the feet of Ram, it becomes a Karm yog and here again the seeds of karma get burnt. They are incapable of sprouting!

Many thanks O Swamiji Maharajshri, for guiding us in detail about karmas, its intention and consequence. May we be aware of it always, as we take the path of karmyog!

All at Your lotus feet O Maharaj.

Humble Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Feb 24

feb 24, 2016

Thought of the day

परम पूज्य श्री स्वामीजी महाराजश्री
कथा प्रकाश

कर्म धर्म का उपदेश देते हुए एक मुनि ने बताया कि कर्म दो प्रकार के कहे गए हैं । एक विहित कर्म हैं, जिन के करने का
विधान शास्त्रों में पाया जाता है, जिनके करने का आदेश वेद और आप्त जन देते हैं, जो जाति व देश के हितकर हैं। दूसरे कर्म निषिद्ध हैं – शास्त्रों ने जिनके करने का निषेध किया है।

विहित कर्मों के चार भेद हैं – एक तो वह जो कर्म कामना से किया जाता है । इस लोक में कीर्ति, प्रशंसा तथा प्रत्युपकार को चाहना और परलोक के स्वर्गीय सुख की लालसा रखना कामना है। ऐसे कर्मों का नाम सकाम कर्म है।

दूसरा भेद है निष्काम कर्म । केवल कर्तव्य बुद्धि से कर्म करना, संसारिक फलों को न चाहना निष्काम कर्म है।

तीसरा भेद है- समर्पण कर्म । जो भगवद्भक्त अपने मन को, अपने धन को, अपने तन को, अपने बल ज्ञान को, अपनी बुद्धि विवेक को, और अपने करने को राम नाम के मंत्र से परमेश्वर के आगे समर्पण कर देता है और सकाम निष्काम के चक्कर में नहीं पडता उसके कर्म समर्पण कर्म कहे जाते हैं।समर्पण कर्मों का कर्ता केवल रामेच्छा पर ही निर्भर किया करता है।

चौथा भेद – राम के कर्म हैं । कोई भी संत, सज्जन और संयमी अपनी अन्तरंग प्रेरणा से संचालित हो कर लाखों मनुष्यों को सुधार दे, युग बदल डाले, करोडों मनुष्यों के मनों को एक मुखी बना दे, भक्ति प्रेम का प्रवाह बहा दे, तो समझो कि उसके कर्मों में भगवान की कला काम कर रही है।उसमें दैवि शक्ति का अंश ही प्रकट हुआ मानना चाहिए।

समर्पण के कर्मों में और राम के कर्मों में उनका कर्ता तो निमित मात्र ही होता है, वह यंत्र की भांति क्रिया करता जाता है, और वास्तव में प्रेरक परम पुरुष ही माना जाता है।

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Non- doer ship is the key to Lord’s abode

Feb 23, 2016

Thought of the day


I prostrate at Your Lotus feet O My Ram and my loving Gurujans. You being all around me and inside me , allow me to feel you always O Divinty. I sit beneath Your Lotus feet to be guided…

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that the saints have known the path to Ram’s abode. By doing all our work, responsibilities by selfless intention , by not seeking any reward in return and offering everything to the Lord, we can get to where our our Loving Ram resides.

Gurujans have always stressed the importance of doing our karmas selflessly. Neither with the intention that this particular thing is good so  I should  to do it nor with any intention of getting something good out of it. Doing it because it’s our responsibility and we have to do it. Then offering it at the Lotus feet of the Lord. 

How do we actually know that we are actually doing what we are supposed to do?  A very simple checklist – there’ll be no stress, no pain,  no sadness or happiness attached to it. Pujya Maharajshri gives a very simple example, that ladies cook. Now when family members eat, if she expects compliments in return , that’s not it! If she cooks in order to receive compliments, that’s not it. As she has offered her karma of cooking to the Lord, if people don’t like it, she is not affected, because she has given up her doer ship to the Lord. If they compliment her, again, she is not affected as she is not the doer! Meaning, that she says Lord did it , He just used her body! Expectation of any kind means I am the doer ! 

So likewise, we can put every situation of ours in this checklist and see what our intentions are and are we on the right path of Karmyog!

Gurujans explain another way of looking at it. They say , you take care of Ram’s family. Consider it His family. Now, here, we do our responsibilities for Ram. If someone gets offended, we offer it to Ram, as He is our boss! If somebody is in trouble, again we look up to Ram and offer help, as they are His! If someone is hurt , then we again we do not get stressed , instead offer everything at His Lotus feet and approach our boss ! In all these situations , if we do not get stressed or pained or affected, because of our ownership to the Lord, then we rightfully did the job by being Ram’s employee ! So here, by considering everybody His, we work for Him, take care of His family without being pained, happy or sad by whatever goes on, constantly reminding ourselves that they are His, I am just following my Boss’s orders!

Same formula can be applied for our work area too !

Gurujans repeatedly assure us that everything can be obtained by practice and determination. By being aware, by repeatedly practicing it, we will master the concept, that’s the wonderful assurance we have from our Gurujans.Hence by following the path of selfless intention, selfless work and offering all at the feet of the Lord, the seeds of karma are not sown and path to His abode becomes more feasible!

O Ram ! All is at Your Lotus feet ! All is Yours! Every thought every word!

Jai Jai Ram 🙏



Karmas are cause of bondage and salvation

Feb 23,2016

Thought of the day


Many many heartfelt pranaams O My Ram and my most compassionate Gurujans. O Prabhu , it’s with Your wish that I am seated at this hour to learn from you. I am Yours and so is everything else.

Today Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri takes up the topic of ‘Karma or Action’ . Pujya Maharajshri says that loads of actions are taking place in the Universe. Like a baby is born, he grows , this is action. From a toddler he becomes a young man that’s an action. Or we eat food, food gets digested, this is action. But when with these actions, I am doing it , or a ‘doer‘ gets attached, it becomes a karma. Or when there is doer ship karma is formed. 

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri explains that there are two major categories of karmas. One that have to be done or the assigned karmas and the others that one should definitely avoid doing. The ones that are natural or assigned ones can be divided again into four parts. These are categorized on the basis of ‘intention‘ or bhav of a person.

Swamiji says, If a person does his work with the intention of getting praise from others, for getting good results, for increasing his worth in society etc etc, then these are called ‘skaam karmas‘. If a person does his work as his responsibility , without the intention of anything in return it is called ‘ nishkaam karma‘. If a person surrenders all his work at the Lotus feet of the Lord, and just does his work as being a witness, these are surrendered karmas. Lastly, there are certain karmas with involve the spiritual upliftment of masses on a large scale, life of individuals get transformed , these are called Ram’s karmas. The person here is doing the Lord’s work directly. He becomes the medium of the Lord. The last two karmas make a spiritual aspirant a medium only. There is no doer ship in those.

So Gurujans explain, that it is the karmas, which lead us to having birth or make us bound. It’s karmas that lead us to having the kind of life we have. It’s karmas that make us encounter various people in our life. So karmas are the seeds which our Soul carries and our life’s events take place in accordance with it. Those spiritual aspirants who are not interested in taking the cycle of birth and death i.e want salvation , they start converting their karmas into karmyog, thereby doing their karmas without any intention and offering it to the Lord. In helps in burning off the seeds, thereby restricting the addition of new karmas!

Many many thanks O Swamiji Maharajshri for this most vital lesson. Every word at Your Lotus feet, O Baba, every word.

Loving Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Feb 23

Feb 23, 2016

Thought of the day

पूज्य श्री महाराजश्री के मुखारविंद से

अनन्य भक्ति -२

एक ब्राह्मण युवक है । किन्तु संस्कार ब्राह्मणों जैसे नहीं । माँस खाता है,शराब वह पीता है । एक बहुत सुंदर वैश्या है , उसके पास नित निरन्तर जाता है । वैश्या अपनी इस वैश्या वृत्ति से बहुत परेशान है । मानो उसके भीतर संस्कार अच्छे हैं।अतएव, वह मौक़ा ढूँढ के इस ब्राह्मण युवक को भी समझाती रहती है। लेकिन उसकी समझ में कुछ नहीं आ रहा। आज पिताश्री का श्राद्ध है। कोई श्राद्धापूर्वक कोई कर्म नहीं किया। आज वैश्या ने बहुत फटकारा है । वैश्या पूछती है , क्या रखा है इस हाड़ मास के पुतले में ? रक्त माँस मल मूत्र का यह बोरा! क्या तुम्हें इसमें दिखाई देता है। तू इसके प्रति इतना आसक्त है कि इसके बिना तू रह नहीं सकता ! इतनी प्रीति , इतनी आसक्ति तू यदि परमात्मा के साथ करे, उनकी चरण शरण में जाए, तो मैं यकीन यह कह सकती हूँ , मैं पापिन हूँ , पर फिर भी यकीन से कहती हूँ कि यदि तू परमात्मा की चरण शरण में जाएगा तो वह तुझे स्वीकार कर ले गा।

आज लग गई । यह बात सोच सोच कर आँखों से आँसू बह रहे हैं। अपना मस्तक उसके चरणों में रखकर , दो बूँद उनके चरणों पर चढा कर विदा ले ली है। मुड़ कर नहीं देखा । रोते रोते मार्कण्डेय जी के आश्रम में पहुँचा है । चरणों में प्रणाम कर अपनी व्यथा सुनाई । संत क्या कहते हैं! किस प्रकार से प्रोत्साहित करते हैं – कि बेटा तुझ पर परमात्मा की अपार कृपा है। परमेश्वर की कृपा का शुभारम्भ हो गया है। जा ! दान्त मुनी के पास जा ! तेरा कल्याण होगा। वहाँ गया वह ! इतने दिन रोने के अतिरिक्त उसे कोई सुधबुध नहीं है । लोक लाज से वह ऊपर हो गया है। लोग मुझे रोते हुए क्या कहेंगे , परमेश्वर के लिए मैं रो रहा हूँ , कौन विश्वास करेगा, आज उसे इसकी चिन्ता नहीं है । अतएव , कहीं भी है, पश्चात्ताप के आँसु बहते जा रहे हैं । दान्त मुनि ने योग्य पात्र जानके तो नाम दान दिया है । पुराना जीवन भूल जा । तेरा पुनर्जीवन हुआ है वत्स ! यदि तू भक्तिमय जीवन बिताएगा तो तुझे परमात्मा का मिलन होकर रहेगा। नाम दान लेकर भद्रतनु साधना रत हो गया है। उसे कोई सुधबुध नहीं है। परमेश्वर की कृपा, पुराना जीवन सब कुछ भूल गया है । यह कृपा काम कर रही है। कृपा उसे उठा रही है। कृपा उसका उत्थान कर रही है। ईश्वर उन्मुख हुए को और उठा रही है। परमेश्वर की कृपा हो गई, भगवान श्री प्रकट हो गए हैं । विश्वास नहीं हो रहा। मुझ जैसे पापी पतित अधम के सामने परमेश्वर साकार रूप में प्रकट हो गए हैं । रोता जा रहा है। परमात्मा कह रहे हैं, मैं हूँ न , क्यों चिन्ता कर रहा है । मेरे दर्शन कर निहाल हो । क्या माँगना चाहता है ? क्या माँगना है कुछ नहीं कह पा रहा है । भगवानश्री कहते हैं मित्र रो मत, मुझे दुखी मत कर । वह कहता है कि मैं प्रभु ज़िन्दगी में इतना कमज़ोर हो चुका हूँ । मुझे भय है कि न जाने कब फिर गिर जाऊँ । मैं इस भय के कारण रो रहा हूँ । भगवान श्री कहते हैं कि मित्र मेरी मित्रता चंचल नहीं है । अचल है । मेरे ऊपर विश्वास रख, मैं तुम्हें कभी गिरने नहीं दूँगा। देख मेरी तरह ठाठ बाठ से रह ।

आज गुरू महाराज के पास ऐसे तैयार होकर गया । गुरू महाराज कहते हैं आज क्या हुआ है ? भद्रतनु कहता है – गुरूमहाराज मुझे परमात्मा के दर्शन हो गए हैं । गुरू महाराज कहते हैं कि मुझे हजारों वर्ष हो गए तपस्या करते , मुझे आज तक नहीं हुए । मुझे भी करा दे दर्शन । परमात्मा का प्यारा, प्रिय भक्त पुकारता है प्रभु को विनती करता है – प्रभु कहते हैं नहीं । अभी और हजारों साल उसे अभी लगेंगे । भक्त कहता है प्रभु ! मित्र बनाया है । मित्रता निभाइए । मेरे गुरू महाराज को भी दर्शन दीजिए। दर्शन दिए, दोनों को भक्ति का आशीर्वाद दिया । परम धाम का आशीर्वाद ।

कोई बड़े से बड़ा दुराचारी भी अनन्य भाव से मुझे भजता है वह साधु ही कहलाने योग्य है । मैं उसे एक दिन साधु बना देता हूँ, कृपा का पात्र बना देता हूँ , परम धाम का पात्र बना देता हूँ ।



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Devotion gifts one with knowledge and responsibility of actions

Feb 23, 2016

Thought of the day


My loving Pranaams O my Ram and my Gurujans. Your compassion is unparalleled O Gurujans, that you make me come here. My most humble heartful gratitude. Kindly teach O Divine Ones…

As the theme ‘Devotion / Bhakti’ comes to a closure today, Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri talks about the glory of devotion. He says that devotion is done only by faith. If a person does not believe or have knowledge about existence of God, then Bhakti / devotion is not possible. The glory of devotion is such that it automatically brings with her knowledge and action ( karm or responsibility) . But it’s not true for other paths. A person who just pursues the path of knowledge, may not necessarily be blessed with devotion, or a person who believes in doing karmas only, might not too be blessed with devotion of the Lord.

One might say, that just do devotion , we do not need gyaan / knowledge or what do we have to do with our actions/ karm. But Gurujans very strongly say, that if one does not perform ones duties well, devotion does not fructify. Maharajshri says, if our actions are ego based, if we look down upon others, if we do not take care of our family well, then how will Ram be pleased? Mere emotions do not count..if we cannot treat others well, the others, who have Ram seated in them, then how will we serve the Lord. So here comes in knowledge.. That my Ram is in everybody and everything . The other is alive because of my Ram who is seated within, irrespective of the fact that the other person’s actions might not be even humane ! So with true devotion to Lord, knowledge and work ethics, automatically, are gifted to the devotee. He does not have to strive for it. They come by themselves!

In devotion, Lord, My Raaum, Himself takes the responsibility of guiding the devotee, as the devotee offers himself completely to His Master, His Maa, His Ram. Ram teaches, Raaum helps us to improve, Raaum decides whom to send for assistance, Raaum decides who should be in one’s life, whom should be said good bye to, Raaum decides which doshas or bad karma needs to be washed now, Ram decides, which information needs to be provided to my devotee, Ram decides which topic needs to be taught and how….every little thing Ram takes upon Himself, to lead His devotee, who has completely surrendered to Him. Maharajshri says , He even makes provisions to see has my devotee eaten today, laughed today,or needs my lap as he has gotten hurt ..  just about anything and everything even the minutest details..its just amazing !

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri gives wonderful assurance, that devotion can be increased by a devotee’s constant practice. That’s a huge gift, as on the path , we all have not completely surrendered. Till then, effort on the part of the devotee is a must, and strong determination really helps in that case.

O Ram, O My Gurujans, each and every word has been Yours and Yours alone. Thank you O kind Gurujans for everything. The patience you have for us is unparalleled and the love you shower cannot be found elsewhere ! Kindly bless us all with single pointed devotion ( avyabhicharini Bhakti)  for our Ram. May our devotion increase with every single day..

Loving Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Devotion makes one fearless

Feb 22, 2016

Thought of the day


My Salutations O My loving Ram and My most revered Gurujans. How so ever ignorant I am , O Swamiji Maharaj, You bring me here. How so ever mistakes I commit regarding Your work unknowingly, still You bring me here. O my kind hearted Sadguru Maharaj , it’s Only with Your wish that this finger types….kindly make your child humbler even in those dark hidden areas of deep subconscious O Maharaj !

As the theme of devotion starts its journey towards its completion, Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says O Ram ! May I forever be intoxicated in Your devotion , forgetting everything else. May I receive that fearless state of Yours such that I may not be a slave to any person!

Ultimate Bhakti, pinnacle of devotion makes a devotee fearless ! As His every pore is filled with the Lord of the Universe. His Ram, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent One,   His Master . Now the devotee need not fear people who oppress him, who belittle him, who challenge him just by riding on their individual egos! A devotee becomes fearless, to state the truth, to ask for forgiveness and to forgive! The radiance of Sri Ram, the support of His Lord is so close that the devotee looses fear of other’s position, other’s wealth, other’s social status, other’s arrogance. No! He is soaked in love for His Lord! that his mind does not get effected ! This is the ultimate state of fearlessness that Ram gifts His devotee! Though the devotee remains utmost humble but he fears none! 

We all face varied kinds of fears as a spiritual aspirant. Our top most fear usually is to not to offend our Gurujans , our Masters, by doing deeds that might not be according to Them. But a devotee who thinks this, for those, Maharajshri says, that Lord’s refuge is very strong. He does not let us fall. They says, that Gurujans weave a web around their devotee, and as a result the devotee does not fall. 

A spiritual aspirant, faces varied oppositions from the world too. Sometimes it’s family, sometimes it’s other older fellow sadhaks. But it’s Ram’s Divine Love and Gurujan’s energy that helps a devotee wade through the oppositions of varied kinds . Their love does not allow the devotee to be the slave of other person’s thoughts, but gives the spiritual aspirant divine energy to follow the path showed by the Gurujans.  Gurujans say, that these are tests, that a spiritual aspirant has to take in order to get his Soul elevated. But all tests though are given by Gurujans, Gurujans are always very near to the devotee, but very quiet! A teacher never speaks during testing time, isn’t it!

O Sadguru Maharaj! Lead us too to that state of fearlessness! That intoxicating state of love of Ram, where love pours out from our every pore, for everybody – for those who love us, for those who oppose us, just pure unbiased love O Maharaj !

All and All at Your Lotus feet!

Loving Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Feb 22

Feb 22,2016

Thought of the day

पूज्य श्री महाराजश्री के मुखारविंद से

अनन्य भक्ति -१

गीता जी का नवाँ अध्याय । बहुत महत्वपूर्ण अध्याय आध्यात्म में । यहाँ प्रभु स्वयं ही बोल रहे हैं बिना प्रश्न के । भगवानश्री देने के लिए उतावले हैं । अतएव यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। पढा कीजिएगा । कोई बड़े से बड़ा दुराचारी भी अनन्यभाव से मेरा आराधन करता है तो साधु ही कहलाने योग्य है । क्यों ? उसने कुकृत कुकर्म छोड़ कर दृढ निश्चय कर लिया है कि राम भजन जैसा और कुछ भी नहीं है । मानो जो पिछला जीवन था जीवन नहीं था और नया जीवन परमात्मा की भक्ति का अपना लिया । ऐसा साधक बहुत जल्दी धर्मात्मा बन जाता है और परम शान्ति को प्राप्त कर लेता है। मात्र मेरी चरण शरण में आने की आवश्यकता है पिछला छोड़ कर । तुलसी ने पिछला छोड़ा तो परमात्मा का मिलन हो गया। सूरदास ने पिछला जीवन छोड़ा तो परमात्मा बाँह पकड़ कर अपने साथ साथ ले जाते हैं । रत्नाकर ने अपना पिछला जीवन छोड़ा तो परमात्मा ने इतना वंदनीय बना दिया कि उन्हें कभी भुलाया नहीं जा सकेगा।

३० श्लोक यही कहता है कि कोई अति दुराचारी भी क्यों न हो यदि वह अनन्य भाव से, एक भाव से, with undivided heart , मेरा भजन करता है, वह शीघ्र धर्मात्मा हो जाता है । परमात्मा इतना महान है, उसकी magnanimity, उसकी greatness वर्णन नहीं की जा सकती ।

हम कैसे हैं ? दुराचारण भी कर रहे हैं और सुबह श्रीरामशरणम भी आते हैं । घर जाकर थोडा जाप पाठ भी कर लेते हैं । हमने दुराचारण अभी छोड़ा नहीं है। हमें जहाँ कहीं भी अवसर मिलता है हम बेईमानी हेराफेरी किए बिना कहीं रहते नहीं ।

क्रमश : ….

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