Monthly Archives: March 2016

FAQs- week of April 1

FAQs for the week of April 1


I am not a good person. I have loads of weaknesses. But lately I got very scared! I was wondering if I’ll be able to make it good in this birth in Bhakti ?

PujyaShri Maharajshri says that it’s with Ram KRIPA that one is able to look inside and see ones own faults. Gurujans say that we in general are busy finding faults in others, which is a cause of grave concern. But to see faults in oneself is KRIPA. Pujya Maharajshri suggests that we should take sankalps of say one week , praying for the removal of the negativity. He says , promise in front of Ram that for one week I will not be angry. For two days we’ll be ok, but the third day we’ll fall. He says, get up and get started again ! Ask Prabhu for shakti for bal. Tell Him your helplessness and try. So when one week is successful, go for another week. In this manner, try each of the negativity that is seen inside, till all are cleared off ! Pujya Maharajshri says that Ram Mantra is so powerful that it is an auto cleanser.

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that one should have deep faith that, now that I have Ram Naam, I will definitely improve. Ram Naam will ward off all negativities and I will attain Lord’s abode, ‘Param dham!’ Strong unshakable faith is the foundation of the path of devotion and doubt the greatest enemy!

Another aspect of these faults are what Gurujans explain is  that we identify ourselves with the body mind and intellect. But we are pure Soul. This Soul is covered with illusion and hence we consider ourselves dirty with filthy minds. Constant Ram Naam, billions of Ram Naam and complete surrender can remove this illusion of ignorance, thereafter we can see our pure Self !

My spouse is very violent. He hits me, forces on me , threatens me now and again with abuse. He does not respect anything I do. Neither my prayers or anything else. I cannot leave him because I cannot be a burden on my parents. I cannot be selfish as my kids need their father. Hence I want energy such that I can endure the suffering.

Pujya Maharajshri explains that everything we face in this life is the result of our own karmas. He also says that Gita Ji mentions that to suffer injustice is as bad as to inflict injustice. Gurujans say that Ram Naam gives a sadhak so much positivity and energy that a sadhak becomes fearless! With complete support of Sri Ram , a sadhak can either assert firmly or get the courage to walk away if circumstances so desire. A sadhak should be very confident of Sri Ram’s presence and His care and support! Gurujans bless and take care of all surrendered souls! The helplessness allows Divinity to take charge !

Prayers or intensive jaap helps. But with such violent situations a sadhak is always in fear. But still , Gurujans stress, that Ram Naam, gives strength, Gurujans in tatwa form provide support , such that a sadhak can think rationally and clearly so as to take decisions that will benefit one’s sadhna and provide a better environment for the children. Gurujans like a sadhak to be like a soldier that can take up any challenge. To maintain one’s self respect and one who can stand up to what is right, is actual Ram Naam sadhna !

My husband suffered a loss of money through somebody. He goes into depression. I do prayers, but too get frustrated many times.

 Pujya Gurujans explain that , loss and gain in life are all due to our karmas. We need to face these things with patience and calm attitude. But this patience and calmness can be achieved from the energy of sadhna. Increased jaap, increased Simran, increased Shri Amritvani paath provides us with positive energy and helps sail through these times successfully. Prayers for monetary gain are not recommended by Gurujans. Prayers for peace , prayers for strength  are the need of the hour. Prayers for the other person to be forgiven also helps heal one faster !   

Pujya Gurudev asked me to remain in satsang always,as I told Him that I am happiest in satsang ( or To stay away from the world)  How is it possible?

Gurujans explain that  Satsang does not mean the weekly Sunday satsang or daily morning satsang. Satsang : sat – sang : being with the truth , means to be always connected with the Source or in other words incessant Simran. Every moment of the day, while the body is busy doing varied works, the mind needs to be fixed with the Source, with Ram with Divinity !

Pujya Maharajshri explains that the world is in our minds. It is in our minds that we get hurt, suffer mental pain, suffer negativities, suffer comparisons, competitions etc etc . So staying away from the world does not mean living like a recluse or not meeting with people. Staying away from the world means to shun the world from our mind. Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has written in Shri Amritvani that this world is the form of formless Lord. Each and everything here is Ram ! So where is the world? When everything on the outside is Ram , the only place  that remains is our mind ! If we fill our mind with crores of Ram , the world will vanish and hence Pujya Maharajshri’s Divine words Be in satsang always or stay away from the world get justified!

Where has Pujya Maharajshri gone ? Oh ! Where shall I go to find you ?

Pujya Maharajshri explains that Guru never dies! Never ! And it’s very wrong to identify Them as bodies ! They are realized Souls, meaning, that One with Ram or Divinity! Hence as Ram is always there, like wise Realized saints are and will be always there ! It is our ignorance of identifying the Soul with the body that causes this pain and suffering .

Gurujans explain that For Gurujans after They leave Their body , it’s the same as if They were in the body! For Them it does not matter. Only thing that changes is that They are now with each one of Their disciples and are just a call away. They surround the Soul of the disciple in the form of Gurutatwa and lead to the advancement of the disciple’s soul from within. Gurujans explain that They can be found in all our bhav or emotions. In tears that flow out of rememberance or out of love or gratitude, it’s Their signature of Their presence. The thoughts that remember Them, call out to Them , love Them , are They Themselves remembering us! The prayers we offer for others, the compassion that arises in us are all through them! The urge to do more sadhna or to meet Them or to have Their Darshan is all through Them. Hence They are present in our very being, every thought and every bhav. Pujya Maharajshri says that They cannot leave their disciples as They love Them way more than the disciple can even imagine !


All at Gurujans Lotus feet !




March 31

March 31,2016

Thought of the day

परम पूज्य श्री स्वामी सत्यानन्द जी महाराजश्री

कथा प्रकाश

बंध व मोक्ष

मुक्ति तो आत्मा के स्वरूप का शुद्ध हो जाना है। आत्मा के स्वरूप में पाप नहीं है ; दोष नहीं है , दुष्कर्म नहीं है और दुर्वासना भी नही है । यह रोग तो इसको प्रकृति के संयोग से
लगा हुआ है। प्रकृति के संयोग से उसके स्वभावों को, परिवर्तनों को और उत्पत्ति नाश आदि को आत्मा ने अपने ऊपर आरोपित कर – लगा – लिया है ।

इसी कारण , मिथ्या ज्ञान वश यह समझता है कि मैं देह हूँ, मैं इनंद्रियां हूँ , मैं गोरा हूँ , मैं काला हूँ , मैं जन्मता हूँ और मरता हूँ । वास्तव में सारे परिणाम और परिवर्तन प्रकृति में होते रहते हैं परन्तु संयोग वश उनको आत्मा अपने में मान लेता है ।

बन्ध की गाढतम ग्रंथी यही है । यह ग्रन्थी जड़ चेतन के विवेक – पृथक जानने – से नष्ट होती है । इस अज्ञान ग्रन्थि के नाश हो जाने से आत्मा धुले हुए वस्त्र की भाँति अपने स्वरूप में शुद्ध हो जाता है । प्रकृति के गुणों से मुक्त हो जाना , कर्म संस्कारों को नष्ट कर देना और अपने शुद्ध स्वरूप को प्रकट कर लेना मोक्ष है । मोक्ष में दुख मात्र का अभाव होता है और आत्मा की अपने स्वरूप में तथा ब्रह्म में स्थिति हो जाती है ।

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Soul never dies- it’s the body that does

March 31, 2016

Thought of the hour


I prostrate at the Lotus feet of My Lord! The Lord of entire cosmos! My soulful salutations to My Gurujans, who are ever compassionate. Prabhu I give my everything at Your Lotus feet, to kindly come forth and remove my layers of ignorance that covers my true Self ! O Ram! The reins of my life  are in Your hands.

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that the Soul is the ever self lighted lamp ,a source of everlasting bliss, which is covered due to ignorance. He says that the birth and death come in the body , but the Soul remains unaffected. Soul is the seer, the One who hears through ears, sees through the eyes, gives speech through the tongue, thinks through the intellect, feels through the sense organs; but still remains beyond the body, sense organs, mind and intellect.

Pujya Maharajshri explains that as the Soul never dies , hence it cannot be cut, burnt, pierced through. Pujya Maharajshri says that Our Soul was there during Ram ji’s time, the same Soul was there during Lord Krishna’s time, during Buddha’s time , during Mughal period, British etc etc. it’s the same soul, but in different births and eras had different bodies. It could be that of a horse, fish, dog or human! Since so many births the layers of ignorance kept on adding and adding, hence today, due to the all those layers, we have forgotten our real Self and take our body to be real us. Pujya Maharajshri says that till the time we keep identifying ourselves as the body, we’ll keep suffering with ups and downs of likes and dislikes, happiness and sadness; suffering and pain! The real everlasting bliss will elude us!

Gurujans also say that Soul can be known intellectually through books, but it has to be experienced by each one of us. And that is by going deeper in meditation and in maun ( complete silence of thoughts, words) . Till one realizes it, one cannot come out of the circle of birth and death! Reading and experiencing the Soul is the same as we see a picture of apple and are asked to taste it whereas we actually eat an apple to taste it!

O My Master ! Let this birth be worthwhile ! Let us realize our true Self ! Bless us with uninterrupted Ram Naam that will awaken the Divine consciousness within. O compassionate Ones! Please bless us! Bless us!

All at Your Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram


Our Soul is pure like Ganga jal!

March 30, 2016

Thought for the hour


O Lord of Lords, Lord of Universe, the Infinite One, I , who am nothing but a part of You, offer my heartfelt salutations ! My most humble salutations to my Gurujans , who just do not choose to leave my side, even if my report card shows all red marks!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri explains that O my Soul ! You are impure because of the garb of illusion around you ! Know this and endure this my dear with patience . The way the water of Ganga , Ganga Jal is considered pure , likewise you too are pure!

Pujya Maharajshri says that due to incorrect identification of ourselves with our body, mind and intellect , we consider ourselves as impure, full of vices, dirty and filled with negativities of all sorts ! But all this is of the mind , who is not ‘ me’ in reality , but we identify ourself so strongly with it , that it results in further bondage for us !

Pujya Maharajshri always said that a Guru has a relation with the Soul of all sadhaks. Even His love is Soulful or Aatmik. That’s the reason they accept us the way we are! Not getting bothered by our dirty karmas or minds, instead They become our gardeners and start weeding out and cleaning. Likewise , a disciple too needs to see his or her Master as a realized Soul rather than the body!

Hence Gurujans say that our Soul is as pure as the Ganga jal, and the more we focus on this aspect, the more purity we feel inside of us. Consistent  Ram Naam or Incessant Simran or rememberance of Ram Naam assists in cleansing the mind of its impurities and one fortunate day, the disciple comes face to face with its pure Self! Pujya Maharajshri says, that the objective of doing jaap is to realize our own Self ! That’s the purpose of human birth ! That’s why Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri said – all knowledge we gained, but we did not realize our Self then what purpose did the knowledge serve !

O My Divine Gurujans ! The One who knew Their Self ! Only the One who knows His own Self can make other souls realize their own Self ! So say the scriptures ! So we offer ourselves completely at Your Lotus feet O My Master ! To kindly bless us and take us within to un- layer all the layers of illusion, such that we see and realize our own Self ! Only You can make it happen , only You!

All at Your lotus feet !

Jai Jai Ram

March 30

March 30, 2016

Thought of the day

परम पूज्य परम श्रध्य श्री डॉ विश्वामित्र जी महाराज श्री

आत्म बोध

किसी से राग नहीं किसी से द्वेष नहीं
आत्मा निर्लेप इसे कोई भी कलेश नहीं
आत्मा आनंद इसे कोई भी कलेश नहीं

आत्मदर्शन यानि आत्म का बोध, आत्मा का ज्ञान । आत्मा निर्लेप है , कलेश देह को है ।यह हम पर निर्भर करता है, कि हम अपने आपको कलेश वाली देह मानते हैं या कलेश रहित आत्मा ।जो अपने आप को देह मानते हैं उनको रोग भी होता है, कलेश भी होता है, दुख भी होता है ।जो अपने आप को आत्मा मानते हैं उनको कुछ नहीं होता , शरीर को दुख होता है आत्मा को नहीं ।समस्याएं देह को हैं आत्मा को नहीं ।सम्बंध शरीर के हैं, आत्मा के नहीं । आत्मा के नाते हम सब एक हैं । ऐसी धारणा बहुत उच्च ले जाती है ।
जब तक आत्म भाव स्थित नहीं होगा, आप लाखों जाप कर लीजिएगा आपको शांति की प्राप्ति नहीं होगी।

महर्षि रमण – who am i।जिनका सारा दर्शन इसी एक प्रश्न पर केंद्रित है ।जो यह जान गया कि मैं कौन हूं उसका जीवन सार्थक हो गया ।आदि शंकराचार्य से किसी ने पूछा कि आपको परमात्मा हर समय दिखता है, मुझे क्यों नहीं दिखता ? तो उनेहोंने उत्तर दिया कि इसलिए कि कभी तूने अपने आप को नहीं देखा ।मोरारजी देसाई ने बहुत उच्च बात रमण महर्षि के लिए कही कि ‘मैं collector से लेकर प्रधानमंत्री के पद तक गया पर जो शांति मुझे रमण महर्षि के समक्ष बैठ कर मिली वह कहीं नहीं मिली ।’ क्यों न हो ,जो आत्मा मे स्थित व्यक्ति होगा वह शांति का स्रोत बन जाता है ।वे संत आत्मा में स्थित थे ।

यदि ये कहा जाए कि आत्मसाक्षात्कार व परमात्मसाक्षात्कार एक ही हैं क्यों, क्योंकि वह परमात्मा ही हमारे अंदर आत्मा बनकर विराजमान है।
आज रमण महर्षि kitchen में चले गए सेवा करने के लिए । वहां केकिसी अनुयायी ने उनका हाथ पकड़ा और कहा कि क्या अभी आप कहते हो कि मैं कुछ नहीं कर रहा। आप कहते हो कि मैं कुछ नहीं करता, क्या अभी भी यह सत्य है । रमण महर्षि ने आंख बंद की और खोली और फिर बोले ‘ भाई मैं कितना भी समझाऊं यह मन मानता ही नही ं।मन इतना सूक्ष्म हो गया है कि मानता ही नहीं मैं कुछ कर रहा हूं । यह हाथ सब्ज़ी काट रहा है , मैं नहीं ।’
कौन करने वाला है , शरीर, न कि मैं, आत्मा । शरीर से ही सब संबंध जुड़ते हैं । तभी तो कभी अपना रोग, कभी पुत्र का रोग तो कभी पौत्र का रोग परेशान करता है ।आत्मा के साथ किसी भी तरह का संबंध नहीं है ।शरीर यदि परमात्मा से connected है तो tuned है , परमात्मा से disconnected है तो tuned नहीं है।connected है तो आत्म भाव में स्थित है disconnected है तो देह भाव में स्थित है ।मन को कैसे मौन करना है, यह यहां आकर सीखना है, क्योंकि मौन में ही केवल परमात्मा से जुड़ सकेगे।हम disconnected तो रहते ही हैं , यदि यहाँ आकर भी disconnected ही रहे तो आने का तो कोई लाभ न हुआ !

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Non identification of ourselves as the body

March 30, 2016

Thought of the hour


O My Ram ! Who is the source of everything in this entire cosmos, my pranaams at Your Lotus feet My Lord. My pranaams to my Gurujans , who are none but Ram Himself ! O Gurudev lead us to our true Self, as we sit and learn from You and try to imbibe in our selves!

Param Pujya Swamiji talks to His Soul that O Soul ! You are deathless, in all the three worlds and in all times you are the absolute Truth !

Gurujans explain that we see our bodies, and consider that we are the body. We see our child’s body, our spouse’s body our parent’s , friend’s body and think that that’s what we are! Pujya Maharajshri says, if our hand gets cut, we never say I was cut, we say my hand was cut or got cut ! Likewise , sometimes we feel happy, sad, angry , hurt, depressed, jealous. So again it’s the mind who feels that way, but we say I am happy or I am hurt . Gurujans say that since ages and births we have been living in this ignorance! We have identified our selves with the body, mind and intellect, as a result become happy , sad, beautiful, sick, healthy, ugly, dark, white, intelligent or slow, etc etc . Also, when somebody dies, again we go into lot of sadness, as we feel that the person is now no more, just because the body was gone or that it stopped working.

Gurujans explain that we are part of Lord Himself ! He is the Supreme Soul and we are all part of that Supreme Soul! One might wonder that if we part of Him then He might have gotten much smaller by now! No ! There is a beautiful Shalok or   Verse in Upanishads which says that He , the One who is infinite,remains complete and whole, even though the whole cosmos is a part of Him! Hence we are His and part of Him. We are Soul or aatma. If Lord is infinite , we as Souls too are infinite. If Lord is parmanand a, or we as Souls too are parmananda! If Lord is deathless, we too as Souls are deathless! Hence we are not the body, mind, senses or intellect. We are beyond that – we are Souls or aatma ! Pujya Maharajshri says that after we complete a maala of jap , we should say about seven times, that we are  Sat chit aananda swaroop

O Prabhu ! bless us through this beautiful journey of knowing ourselves! Bless us O Gurujans, such that not only we understand what we are but we actually live it ! Bless us Prabhu ! Please bless us!

All Yours and all at Your Lotus feet.

Jai Jai Ram

The start of a journey to know about the Soul or Aatma

March 29, 2016

Thought of the hour


My soulful salutations to the Lord of the Universe, my Ram and to my ever loving and compassionate Gurujans.

Today Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri takes us on the most mesmerizing journey. The journey of the knowledge of the Aatma or The Soul. The most sacred truth about the existence of this creative world of His. The knowledge of what we are ! O Ram ! O My Gurujans ! I humbly call upon You all to be present as always and lead us , teach us, or make us experience, on this eginmatic journey inside.

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that with the sun there remains no darkness, likewise with the knowledge of the Soul, no ignorance remains. He says the Soul is knowledge, everlasting and constant. It is pure and nectarine. Understanding this, contemplating on this with determination, is Aatma Gyan  or Knowledge of the Soul. 

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri in Upanishads say that people who are stuck in greed of lust and wealth do not know the Soul. Due to attachments they do not even get to hear about the Soul. Those under the influence of bad karmas even cannot understand what is being talked of, if Soul is discussed. So it’s Surprise when one talks about the Soul and very smart if one ‘attains’ the Soul and the one who understands it with the able guidance of the Gurujans he is indeed a surprising element!

In Shrimadbhagvad Gitasaar, Param Pujya Swamiji says that Lord Krishna explains that Soul is different from the body. It has minuscule essence and in every timeline it remains the same nectarine form. It cannot be broken into and is eternal. Birth and death occur only in the body. The Soul never dies. It does not experience any pain. It is embodiment of peace, love, parmananda, Truth, purity, consistency, everlasting and never changing, has its own divine light that lights up all sense organs, is knowledge itself , is pure consciousness !

O Ram , the Supreme being, One who resides in each and every form, make us steadfast in the knowledge of knowing ourselves- as Who am I ? O Divine Gurujans , at Your Lotus feet, we beg to bless us to realize our Soul in this birth! No other desire we harbor. Only to realize our Soul and be contented in it there after! O Gurujans, kindly quench our thirst, shastras ( divine texts) say only with You , a disciple can achieve this! O the Ones who know Their own Self, we beg , with yearning heart to bless us! Bless us ! Bless us !

All at Your Lotus feet O Ram!

Jai Jai Ram

March 29


Match 29, 2016

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March 29, 2016

Thought of the day

परम पूज्य श्री स्वामी सत्यानन्द जी महाराजश्री
कथा प्रकाश

सूर्योदय का शुभ समय था। समाधि से उतर कर जब परमहंस ने अपने नयन पसार कर देखा तो उसको अपने समीप बैठा हुआ एक बौध भिक्षु दीख पड़ा । कुशल क्षेम पूछने के पश्चात् बौद्ध संत बोला – परमहंस जी ! आत्मा की अमरता का वर्णन कीजिए।

परमहंस ने कहा – साधु जी ! आत्मा वस्तु है , वस्तु का नाश कभी नहीं होता । जो पदार्थ बनता है वह कई कारणों से बनता है और अन्त में बिगड़ कर अपने कारणों में लय हो जाता है । आत्मा कार्य भाव रहित , नित्य वस्तु है । इस कारण इसमें विकार नहीं होता । आत्मा विकार रहित नित्य वस्तु है , इस कारण वह अमर है।

जन्म मरण , यह अवस्थाएँ हैं । ये अवस्थाएँ ऐसे ही बदलती रहती हैं जैसे एक ही जन्म में बाल्यावस्था , युवावस्था और वृद्धावस्था , यह तीन अवस्थाएँ बदला करती हैं ।
अवस्था के मिट जाने पर आत्मा नहीं मिटता । वह अमर ही बना रहता है । जैसे यह अवस्थाएँ तीन हैं , एक अवस्था में दूसरी नहीं रहती परन्तु इन तीनों का साक्षी एक ही बना रहता है , ऐसे ही जन्म मरणादि अवस्थाएँ बदलती रहती हैं और इनका द्रष्टा आत्मा नहीं बदलता ।

आत्मा का अपना स्वरूप अमृत और अविनाशी है। इसके स्वरूप में मृत्यु नहीं है । आत्मा जहाँ होता है वहाँ इसका अमृत जीवन बना रहता है । किसी बालक की पाठशाला में अनुपस्थिति उसकी मृत्यु नहीं मानी जाती । इसी प्रकार एक देह में आत्मा का न होना उसकी मृत्यु नहीं है ।


Leading the mind towards Salvation through Satsangati

March 29, 2016

Thought of the day


My Ram , my very own , many many pranaams Prabhu! O Gurujans ! Kindly accept my soulful pranaams. Heartfelt gratitude for everything O Bhagwan! For every situation , it’s You who are working hard to make me inch more towards you! So many deep rooted past sanskaaras you have to work through O my compassionate Ones! So much hardwork You have to do , such that my vision goes and stays where it’s supposed to be! But I fail ! But I know, it’s Your hard work, so one day it’ll bear fruit! Many many many Thanks !

The theme ‘ taming the mind’ ends today. Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamji Maharajshri touched on various aspects of the mind, the reasons of its restlessness, numerous solutions for it to be tamed, consequences of taming the mind, so on and so forth! We now know that this mind is the key to bondage and salvation. Working towards its thoughtlessness, assures abode of loving Ram !

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that the way a person suffers and writhes in pain on being afflicted by an ailment and yearns to get better, in the similar manner, the mind prays and begs for salvation , disregarding all lures of life!

Pujya Maharajshri very strongly says that the enjoyments of the mundane world will always result in pain, as the world has nothing else to offer! Maharajshri says, we go towards hill station we don’t have to ask for cool weather. It’s automatically there. We go to a satsang, we don’t have to ask for peace, it’s there ! Likewise we go to the world, meaning, we form attachments with the world, we desire for more material, we form varied likes and dislikes, automatically , we don’t have to ask for it, automatically, pain and suffering will enter our life, why ? Because, world has nothing else to offer !!

So Gurujans explain, that the mind of ours keeps repeating the same attitude of going to the world again and again, because, we still had not had enough! The day one gets tired of repeated pain and suffering, that day, the person, yearns for salvation or peace or true love, leaving aside the worldly pleasures ,in the same manner as one yearns to get better from a disease ! He says that feeding the mind wth Divine knowledge , scares it ! And Divine knowledge is attained only from being connected with Divine Souls, through their teachings! Thus satsangati plays a very important role for leading the mind towards salvation.

O Ram ! I do hope I have had enough of every worldly pleasures, such that I wholeheartedly turn towards You! O Ram! May this human birth be worthwhile in the true sense! Please make us go back our real home! We have been out of there since a real real long time! To be in the arms and lap of Maa and never ever to leave that most precious loving embrace ! Bless us please, bless us !

All Yours My Ram all Yours !

Jai Jai Ram

Anxious or tensed mind can be soothed by Raaum Naam

March 27, 2016

Thought of the day


My soulful salutations O Ram and to my most compassionate Gurujans. I prostrate at Your Lotus feet ! My heartfelt gratitude millions and millions of gratitude for holding my hand, for allowing me to be at Your doorstep, for allowing me to know about You , for accepting me the way I am, the list is endless my Lord ! It’s endless!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that installing Ram Naam  in our mind, is the easiest way to beget Grace ! And when the Ram Naam chant goes on by itself inside, that’s a sign that Grace is descending !

Gurujans say the even though life’s activities indulgences are mundane but this mind when stuck over them causes great trouble inside. We have great aspirations, we feel we can do it get it. We want to secure our future, make plans etc.But when those plans do not fructify, when we do not get the thing that our mind was after, it leads to frustration and then depression. Pujya Maharajshri says that all our ailments of the body are from the mind. Tensions, anxieties due to unfulfilled dreams or desires ruin the mind and the body !!

But it is at this stage Gurujans shower Their benevolence and offer the sadhak to take Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuum Naam, in an uninterrupted manner. One has to forcefully enforce it. Pujya Maharajshri says that we don’t have to tell Ram about our problems, but instead tell our problems that how strong, magnificent and powerful our Ram is ! Gurujans say that Ram Naam in these situations cannot come by itself! The mind is so clouded that it loses its ability to think and to do anything. So a sadhak has to push through the clouds by chanting Raaaaaaaaaaaaum, incessantly, walking eating working, with every activity that the body does, make the mind chant Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuum. This is the most easiest method of begetting Grace, so say that our Gurujans! It soothes the tensed nerves and blesses one with tranquility!

O Ram ! Bless us with sweet rememberance of Your name day in and day out! Allow us to remember it in the most tedious life situations! O Ram! May these mundane things not consume our time or energy ! O Raaaauum, kindly let us see our mind soaked in the divine nectar of Your Name ! Bless us ! Bless us Prabhu !

All at Your Lotus feet.

jai Jai Ram 🙏