Attributes of a Ram Naam pracharak

March 8, 2016

Thought of the hour


Param Guru Ram and My Gurujans, who are none other than Ram, kindly accept my  humblest salutations at Your Lotus feet. O My Ram, look at me, filled with so many imperfections, the holes just never seem to fill up ! But O compassionate One! Never seem to give up on me !!! My Lord, I prostrate at Your Lotus feet O kind One !

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri today talks about missionary of Ram Naam. Pracharak. One who spreads Ram Naam, amongst people, such that they know about it and are able to transform their lives accordingly.

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that a Ram Naam pracharak should be peaceful, should have a good character, must be civilized, a noble person and should possess qualities of a saint. He should not criticize others. He should be far from name and fame . Selfless work needs to be his attitude. He should win over likes and dislikes and varied desires! To be dependent on Sri Ram is a responsibility of  the sewak !

Gurujans say, that if one is totally surrendered on Ram totally dependent on Him, then the sewak accepts, whatever comes in his plate, as a prasaad. It’s very difficult . Gurujans say, it’s not  an easy job to become a sewak. He will face insults, mockery, discontentment of others, etc. but all these are a part of the package of doing service ! These situations teach a sewak, to be patient, to persevere, to become more humble, to ignore! But these are not easy things to acquire. Ram Naam and the surrendered attitude gives a sadhak the energy to absorb all the powerful forceful forces that attack from outside and the reactions that come up from within.

O Lord! I am nothing. No attributes I possess even to serve You ! O Raaaum ! My Lord and everything ! I am at Your lotus feet, just a mere tool I consider myself,nothing more, as I have nothing to qualify for anything ! But You O compassionate One holds me tight! You know my ins and out , O Raaaum , all I know is that I am yours , that’s it , I am Yours !

Saadar Pranaam . Jai Jai Ram 🙏

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