Thoughtless mind leads to the journey within

March 27, 2016

Thought of the hour


O my loving Ram ! My most compassionate Gurujans, I offer my pranaams at Your Lotus feet! O Ram ! All acclaim is from you and all at Your Lotus feet !!My Prabhu You are the sole reality of this Universe! Kindly make me equitable in all situations! Let me remember that all situations are from You and from You alone !

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that if we acquired all the so called knowledge of this world, but do not realize who we are, then the human birth goes futile! He says science does not teach about the Soul! He says Lord Krishna has suggested that the mind can be controlled through self control.

Gurujans say that even though our path is of devotion and chanting of Ram Naam is the major crux of our sadhna, but knowing about our Self is extremely important! It is with this knowledge that the sadhak can rise above the duality , and various attachments to the body and hence its relations.

Maharajshri says that taming the mind and leading it to a thoughtless state, helps to elevate a sadhaks’s soul to a higher strata. Thoughtless mind leads to the journey within, inside the unexplored realms of one’s own self. Understanding of the Soul, provides one with everlasting bliss and knowing the real attributes of our own Self fills one with radiance of Divinity. Hence an empty mind begins a journey towards Self realization.

O My Ram ! I pray for incessant Simran of Your Holy Name! As this has the power to ward off all worldly thoughts , desires and attachments . Constant rememberance is the sweetest nectar that one can beget as Lord’s grace ! Bless us Prabhu !bless us !

All at Yours Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram

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