Thoughtless mind progresses towards Self realization

March 26, 2016

Thought of the hour


O My Ram , my Sarvasav, My loving Gurujans, I prostrate at Your Lotus Feet. O Ram ! May You take my body anywhere , but kindly let my mind always be at Your Lotus feet! O Ram ! Nothing else I want or desire except for You and only You !

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says O mind ! If you lose everything is lost and if you win everything is attained ! As you discover yourself you attain salvation , freedom from the cycle of birth and death !

Gurujans say, even though mind is not an organ, it plays an extremely important part in our lives! We say today my mood is not good, I don’t feel like laughing or talking. And some days I am so active! So this mind plays a vital role in our lives!

Gurujans say that thoughts drive our mind. Maharajshri says it’s necessary to introspect the reason of thoughts. He says where our mind gets attracted or is attached, the same thoughts will repeatedly come. Either we’ll drive pleasure from them or get perplexed! A mind that has attachments, anger, pride, greed, lust, jealousy etc, the thoughts keep coming in large amounts. As jaap increases and as a result meditation increases, the tendencies towards these feelings too get reduced! Hence mind starts enjoying the Chant of the Mantra , as the cleansing process has begun from within! As these negative tendencies further get reduced , Pujya Maharajshri says that the mind starts yearning for peace of mind more and more . It feels restless if it’s mind goes away from Ram Naam even for a little while !

Gurujans thus say, that delving deep into meditation, starts progressing the mind towards a thoughtless state, which further progresses the mind to the realization of the Self! In order to reach this state, high degree cleansing of the mind is required. But everything is possible gradually. Pujya Maharajshri says that one needs to keep having faith and patience. Following Gurujans’ orders are a must for spiritual advancement. Keeping Their teaching foremost and never compromising on them leads to great results. If They say, get up early and do jaap , then one must try to do it as much as possible . If They say, one needs to do dhyaan twice , then one must do it, come what may ! If They say, try to be righteous in your deeds and thoughts, try for incessant simran, then with prayers and blessings, one must try, as much as we can!

O Gurujans! You are always with us in your Gurutatwa form ! You keep guiding us day in and out ! O Gurujans! Kindly keep leading us always ! May our mind be always be fixed on You and only You ! Bless us ! Please bless us !

All at Your Lotus feet Prabhu ! All Yours !

Jai Jai Ram


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