Anxious or tensed mind can be soothed by Raaum Naam

March 27, 2016

Thought of the day


My soulful salutations O Ram and to my most compassionate Gurujans. I prostrate at Your Lotus feet ! My heartfelt gratitude millions and millions of gratitude for holding my hand, for allowing me to be at Your doorstep, for allowing me to know about You , for accepting me the way I am, the list is endless my Lord ! It’s endless!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that installing Ram Naam  in our mind, is the easiest way to beget Grace ! And when the Ram Naam chant goes on by itself inside, that’s a sign that Grace is descending !

Gurujans say the even though life’s activities indulgences are mundane but this mind when stuck over them causes great trouble inside. We have great aspirations, we feel we can do it get it. We want to secure our future, make plans etc.But when those plans do not fructify, when we do not get the thing that our mind was after, it leads to frustration and then depression. Pujya Maharajshri says that all our ailments of the body are from the mind. Tensions, anxieties due to unfulfilled dreams or desires ruin the mind and the body !!

But it is at this stage Gurujans shower Their benevolence and offer the sadhak to take Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuum Naam, in an uninterrupted manner. One has to forcefully enforce it. Pujya Maharajshri says that we don’t have to tell Ram about our problems, but instead tell our problems that how strong, magnificent and powerful our Ram is ! Gurujans say that Ram Naam in these situations cannot come by itself! The mind is so clouded that it loses its ability to think and to do anything. So a sadhak has to push through the clouds by chanting Raaaaaaaaaaaaum, incessantly, walking eating working, with every activity that the body does, make the mind chant Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuum. This is the most easiest method of begetting Grace, so say that our Gurujans! It soothes the tensed nerves and blesses one with tranquility!

O Ram ! Bless us with sweet rememberance of Your name day in and day out! Allow us to remember it in the most tedious life situations! O Ram! May these mundane things not consume our time or energy ! O Raaaauum, kindly let us see our mind soaked in the divine nectar of Your Name ! Bless us ! Bless us Prabhu !

All at Your Lotus feet.

jai Jai Ram 🙏

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