Leading the mind towards Salvation through Satsangati

March 29, 2016

Thought of the day


My Ram , my very own , many many pranaams Prabhu! O Gurujans ! Kindly accept my soulful pranaams. Heartfelt gratitude for everything O Bhagwan! For every situation , it’s You who are working hard to make me inch more towards you! So many deep rooted past sanskaaras you have to work through O my compassionate Ones! So much hardwork You have to do , such that my vision goes and stays where it’s supposed to be! But I fail ! But I know, it’s Your hard work, so one day it’ll bear fruit! Many many many Thanks !

The theme ‘ taming the mind’ ends today. Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamji Maharajshri touched on various aspects of the mind, the reasons of its restlessness, numerous solutions for it to be tamed, consequences of taming the mind, so on and so forth! We now know that this mind is the key to bondage and salvation. Working towards its thoughtlessness, assures abode of loving Ram !

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that the way a person suffers and writhes in pain on being afflicted by an ailment and yearns to get better, in the similar manner, the mind prays and begs for salvation , disregarding all lures of life!

Pujya Maharajshri very strongly says that the enjoyments of the mundane world will always result in pain, as the world has nothing else to offer! Maharajshri says, we go towards hill station we don’t have to ask for cool weather. It’s automatically there. We go to a satsang, we don’t have to ask for peace, it’s there ! Likewise we go to the world, meaning, we form attachments with the world, we desire for more material, we form varied likes and dislikes, automatically , we don’t have to ask for it, automatically, pain and suffering will enter our life, why ? Because, world has nothing else to offer !!

So Gurujans explain, that the mind of ours keeps repeating the same attitude of going to the world again and again, because, we still had not had enough! The day one gets tired of repeated pain and suffering, that day, the person, yearns for salvation or peace or true love, leaving aside the worldly pleasures ,in the same manner as one yearns to get better from a disease ! He says that feeding the mind wth Divine knowledge , scares it ! And Divine knowledge is attained only from being connected with Divine Souls, through their teachings! Thus satsangati plays a very important role for leading the mind towards salvation.

O Ram ! I do hope I have had enough of every worldly pleasures, such that I wholeheartedly turn towards You! O Ram! May this human birth be worthwhile in the true sense! Please make us go back our real home! We have been out of there since a real real long time! To be in the arms and lap of Maa and never ever to leave that most precious loving embrace ! Bless us please, bless us !

All Yours My Ram all Yours !

Jai Jai Ram

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