Non identification of ourselves as the body

March 30, 2016

Thought of the hour


O My Ram ! Who is the source of everything in this entire cosmos, my pranaams at Your Lotus feet My Lord. My pranaams to my Gurujans , who are none but Ram Himself ! O Gurudev lead us to our true Self, as we sit and learn from You and try to imbibe in our selves!

Param Pujya Swamiji talks to His Soul that O Soul ! You are deathless, in all the three worlds and in all times you are the absolute Truth !

Gurujans explain that we see our bodies, and consider that we are the body. We see our child’s body, our spouse’s body our parent’s , friend’s body and think that that’s what we are! Pujya Maharajshri says, if our hand gets cut, we never say I was cut, we say my hand was cut or got cut ! Likewise , sometimes we feel happy, sad, angry , hurt, depressed, jealous. So again it’s the mind who feels that way, but we say I am happy or I am hurt . Gurujans say that since ages and births we have been living in this ignorance! We have identified our selves with the body, mind and intellect, as a result become happy , sad, beautiful, sick, healthy, ugly, dark, white, intelligent or slow, etc etc . Also, when somebody dies, again we go into lot of sadness, as we feel that the person is now no more, just because the body was gone or that it stopped working.

Gurujans explain that we are part of Lord Himself ! He is the Supreme Soul and we are all part of that Supreme Soul! One might wonder that if we part of Him then He might have gotten much smaller by now! No ! There is a beautiful Shalok or   Verse in Upanishads which says that He , the One who is infinite,remains complete and whole, even though the whole cosmos is a part of Him! Hence we are His and part of Him. We are Soul or aatma. If Lord is infinite , we as Souls too are infinite. If Lord is parmanand a, or we as Souls too are parmananda! If Lord is deathless, we too as Souls are deathless! Hence we are not the body, mind, senses or intellect. We are beyond that – we are Souls or aatma ! Pujya Maharajshri says that after we complete a maala of jap , we should say about seven times, that we are  Sat chit aananda swaroop

O Prabhu ! bless us through this beautiful journey of knowing ourselves! Bless us O Gurujans, such that not only we understand what we are but we actually live it ! Bless us Prabhu ! Please bless us!

All Yours and all at Your Lotus feet.

Jai Jai Ram

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