The start of a journey to know about the Soul or Aatma

March 29, 2016

Thought of the hour


My soulful salutations to the Lord of the Universe, my Ram and to my ever loving and compassionate Gurujans.

Today Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri takes us on the most mesmerizing journey. The journey of the knowledge of the Aatma or The Soul. The most sacred truth about the existence of this creative world of His. The knowledge of what we are ! O Ram ! O My Gurujans ! I humbly call upon You all to be present as always and lead us , teach us, or make us experience, on this eginmatic journey inside.

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that with the sun there remains no darkness, likewise with the knowledge of the Soul, no ignorance remains. He says the Soul is knowledge, everlasting and constant. It is pure and nectarine. Understanding this, contemplating on this with determination, is Aatma Gyan  or Knowledge of the Soul. 

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri in Upanishads say that people who are stuck in greed of lust and wealth do not know the Soul. Due to attachments they do not even get to hear about the Soul. Those under the influence of bad karmas even cannot understand what is being talked of, if Soul is discussed. So it’s Surprise when one talks about the Soul and very smart if one ‘attains’ the Soul and the one who understands it with the able guidance of the Gurujans he is indeed a surprising element!

In Shrimadbhagvad Gitasaar, Param Pujya Swamiji says that Lord Krishna explains that Soul is different from the body. It has minuscule essence and in every timeline it remains the same nectarine form. It cannot be broken into and is eternal. Birth and death occur only in the body. The Soul never dies. It does not experience any pain. It is embodiment of peace, love, parmananda, Truth, purity, consistency, everlasting and never changing, has its own divine light that lights up all sense organs, is knowledge itself , is pure consciousness !

O Ram , the Supreme being, One who resides in each and every form, make us steadfast in the knowledge of knowing ourselves- as Who am I ? O Divine Gurujans , at Your Lotus feet, we beg to bless us to realize our Soul in this birth! No other desire we harbor. Only to realize our Soul and be contented in it there after! O Gurujans, kindly quench our thirst, shastras ( divine texts) say only with You , a disciple can achieve this! O the Ones who know Their own Self, we beg , with yearning heart to bless us! Bless us ! Bless us !

All at Your Lotus feet O Ram!

Jai Jai Ram

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