Soul never dies- it’s the body that does

March 31, 2016

Thought of the hour


I prostrate at the Lotus feet of My Lord! The Lord of entire cosmos! My soulful salutations to My Gurujans, who are ever compassionate. Prabhu I give my everything at Your Lotus feet, to kindly come forth and remove my layers of ignorance that covers my true Self ! O Ram! The reins of my life  are in Your hands.

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that the Soul is the ever self lighted lamp ,a source of everlasting bliss, which is covered due to ignorance. He says that the birth and death come in the body , but the Soul remains unaffected. Soul is the seer, the One who hears through ears, sees through the eyes, gives speech through the tongue, thinks through the intellect, feels through the sense organs; but still remains beyond the body, sense organs, mind and intellect.

Pujya Maharajshri explains that as the Soul never dies , hence it cannot be cut, burnt, pierced through. Pujya Maharajshri says that Our Soul was there during Ram ji’s time, the same Soul was there during Lord Krishna’s time, during Buddha’s time , during Mughal period, British etc etc. it’s the same soul, but in different births and eras had different bodies. It could be that of a horse, fish, dog or human! Since so many births the layers of ignorance kept on adding and adding, hence today, due to the all those layers, we have forgotten our real Self and take our body to be real us. Pujya Maharajshri says that till the time we keep identifying ourselves as the body, we’ll keep suffering with ups and downs of likes and dislikes, happiness and sadness; suffering and pain! The real everlasting bliss will elude us!

Gurujans also say that Soul can be known intellectually through books, but it has to be experienced by each one of us. And that is by going deeper in meditation and in maun ( complete silence of thoughts, words) . Till one realizes it, one cannot come out of the circle of birth and death! Reading and experiencing the Soul is the same as we see a picture of apple and are asked to taste it whereas we actually eat an apple to taste it!

O My Master ! Let this birth be worthwhile ! Let us realize our true Self ! Bless us with uninterrupted Ram Naam that will awaken the Divine consciousness within. O compassionate Ones! Please bless us! Bless us!

All at Your Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram


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