Monthly Archives: March 2016

Thoughtless mind leads to the journey within

March 27, 2016

Thought of the hour


O my loving Ram ! My most compassionate Gurujans, I offer my pranaams at Your Lotus feet! O Ram ! All acclaim is from you and all at Your Lotus feet !!My Prabhu You are the sole reality of this Universe! Kindly make me equitable in all situations! Let me remember that all situations are from You and from You alone !

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that if we acquired all the so called knowledge of this world, but do not realize who we are, then the human birth goes futile! He says science does not teach about the Soul! He says Lord Krishna has suggested that the mind can be controlled through self control.

Gurujans say that even though our path is of devotion and chanting of Ram Naam is the major crux of our sadhna, but knowing about our Self is extremely important! It is with this knowledge that the sadhak can rise above the duality , and various attachments to the body and hence its relations.

Maharajshri says that taming the mind and leading it to a thoughtless state, helps to elevate a sadhaks’s soul to a higher strata. Thoughtless mind leads to the journey within, inside the unexplored realms of one’s own self. Understanding of the Soul, provides one with everlasting bliss and knowing the real attributes of our own Self fills one with radiance of Divinity. Hence an empty mind begins a journey towards Self realization.

O My Ram ! I pray for incessant Simran of Your Holy Name! As this has the power to ward off all worldly thoughts , desires and attachments . Constant rememberance is the sweetest nectar that one can beget as Lord’s grace ! Bless us Prabhu !bless us !

All at Yours Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram

Thoughtless mind progresses towards Self realization

March 26, 2016

Thought of the hour


O My Ram , my Sarvasav, My loving Gurujans, I prostrate at Your Lotus Feet. O Ram ! May You take my body anywhere , but kindly let my mind always be at Your Lotus feet! O Ram ! Nothing else I want or desire except for You and only You !

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says O mind ! If you lose everything is lost and if you win everything is attained ! As you discover yourself you attain salvation , freedom from the cycle of birth and death !

Gurujans say, even though mind is not an organ, it plays an extremely important part in our lives! We say today my mood is not good, I don’t feel like laughing or talking. And some days I am so active! So this mind plays a vital role in our lives!

Gurujans say that thoughts drive our mind. Maharajshri says it’s necessary to introspect the reason of thoughts. He says where our mind gets attracted or is attached, the same thoughts will repeatedly come. Either we’ll drive pleasure from them or get perplexed! A mind that has attachments, anger, pride, greed, lust, jealousy etc, the thoughts keep coming in large amounts. As jaap increases and as a result meditation increases, the tendencies towards these feelings too get reduced! Hence mind starts enjoying the Chant of the Mantra , as the cleansing process has begun from within! As these negative tendencies further get reduced , Pujya Maharajshri says that the mind starts yearning for peace of mind more and more . It feels restless if it’s mind goes away from Ram Naam even for a little while !

Gurujans thus say, that delving deep into meditation, starts progressing the mind towards a thoughtless state, which further progresses the mind to the realization of the Self! In order to reach this state, high degree cleansing of the mind is required. But everything is possible gradually. Pujya Maharajshri says that one needs to keep having faith and patience. Following Gurujans’ orders are a must for spiritual advancement. Keeping Their teaching foremost and never compromising on them leads to great results. If They say, get up early and do jaap , then one must try to do it as much as possible . If They say, one needs to do dhyaan twice , then one must do it, come what may ! If They say, try to be righteous in your deeds and thoughts, try for incessant simran, then with prayers and blessings, one must try, as much as we can!

O Gurujans! You are always with us in your Gurutatwa form ! You keep guiding us day in and out ! O Gurujans! Kindly keep leading us always ! May our mind be always be fixed on You and only You ! Bless us ! Please bless us !

All at Your Lotus feet Prabhu ! All Yours !

Jai Jai Ram


Striving for thoughtlessness

March 26, 2016

Thought of the hour


O Ram ! The One and only One, my pranaams O Lord! Many many pranaams O Gurujan ! Gratitude O Divine One ! Heartfelt gratitude !

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri teaches that the mind that harbors illogical debates, arguments, allegations , stubbornness, are all false. Anger, jealousy, envy too are all false ! Following the mind , doing what it says, following it blindly are again false! As they all result in pain and suffering. The Only thing is Ram jaap that will ultimately lead to the Truth.

Param Pujya Gurujans say that all thoughts other than that of the Pure Divinity, of Ram, are useless, false and deviate us from our path ! All these thoughts cause pain , suffering and unrest, as thoughts make our karmas ! Whatever thoughts one takes becomes our karmas. Hence, giving our mind prominence, enjoying or  taking varied even negative thoughts automatically results in consequences that’ll cause suffering !

Punya Gurujans say, only and only Ram Naam, the Lord’s name, is the ultimate reality and leads us to the Divine Truth! The thoughts increase the gap between the Divinity and us. It’s the thoughtless state that allows the free flow of DIvinity within us, leading us to be One with it.  Pujya Maharajshri says that we have to strive to achieve the thoughtless state of the mind.

Gurudev ! Bless us ! Bless us ! Bless us with incessant Ram Naam and only and only Ram Naam .

At at Your Lotus feet! All Yours!

jai Jai Ram



Various suggestions for taming the mind

March 25, 2016g

Thought of the hour


I prostrate at the Lotus feet of My Lord My Ram, who is seated, inside my heart and is all around me. My humble pranaams to my Gurujans, who never fail to give up on me.

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri is telling the mind that O mind understand, that those who have considered Ram Naam as their sole refuge, their karmas have improved considerably! O Mind ! That mind who has the most nectarine Ram Naam inside it, there even the effect of karmas get nullified. He says , O Mind, amass the ever rich  bounty of Ram Naam, and become rich in the real sense. It’s like being every wish fulfilled and provides everlasting happiness!

Pujya Maharajshri suggests various methods of taming the mind. He rebuke it , if you must, scare it, pamper it, use relationship with Lord to divert it or use intellect !

Maharajshri says Rebuke it! What are you doing? Why are you again going in the world? This is my time with my Lord, don’t you dare take me away from it! I am your Master not you! Even though since many births you have been my Master! But no not anymore! Scare it ! O Mind ! What will happen to you if you get a birth as a pig dog or a mosquito ! You will not be able to come out of it !! What if this is your last birth with Gurujans, They have said they’ll be with us for 3 births, what if this is your third one!! Rise and be serious with your rememberance of Ram  and your deeds ! Pamper it or cajole it ! O Mind ! I promise I will always give you satsang! I am sorry I took you away from My Lord’s thoughts. Please forgive me . Now that I have understood , I will always keep you in my Ram’s thoughts. So please cooperate. Do not go else where. If you remain in Ram, karmas will be nullified, you’ll be all pure and One with Lord!

Maharajshri says form a relationship with Prabhu and soak the mind in the talks with the Lord ! O My Ram ! You are my sakha! My beloved ! Kindly sit. Let me do your prayers with flowers. Allow me to wash Your Lotus feet with water and let me drink that nectar. O Ram! After such a long time You are here, allow me to feed you with Kheer that I made. Please don’t go away.. Just a little more… Pujya Maharajshri says continue with this kind of talk . Or treat Ram as Maa! O Maa ! So many kids you have! I am not good ! So you forgot me ? You see your good kids, good souls, saints upfront and me who is Your child , not worthy at all, with so many imperfections, sitting in a remote corner, waiting for You to just look at me! I need You O Maa! I need Your Divine lap Maa! This way conversations can be done!

Another way Pujya Maharajshri suggests is of intellect ! What are you O Mind! Nothing! There is no mind as an organ! You don’t exist, if I don’t let you! I am the Soul! Pure radiant absolute Truth and Pure love.. That’s me ! I am part of Ram ! I am same as Ram ! Hence by focusing on the Soul, Maharajshri says the mind disappears too!

Maharajshri says, that how so much jap you do, but if the thoughts have not disappeared, then it’s a cause of concern. Work hard to become thoughtless, such that you can climb the next step of sadhna!A sadhak needs to be aware that this is not s day’s job or a month’s job. It requires patience and continuous practice to become thoughtless. He says if lifetime is spent, it’ll not be a bad deal at all !!

O Ram ! My Bhagwan! My Sarvasav ! There is another category like me , who keep failing at above attempts! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet! Kindly become the charioteer of my mind. Kindly hold its reigns in Your hands and lead it where You want it to go! O Gurudev! Bless us ! Bless us ! Bless us ! As we have nobody else other than You!

All at Your Lotus feet !

Jai Jai Ram





FAQs – week of March 25


FAQs – week of March 25

My child is a special needs child. Why do people hurt her a lot? She is pure and does not carry any malice. But why does she has to face this ? 

Pujya Maharajshri says that our Soul is pure and radiant and love. The pain , the problem begins when we consider ourselves the body. It’s the body that has relations, it’s the body that performs functions, well for some and not well for many, it’s the body that suffer ailments, hurt and pain . What we get in this life is ALL a result of our karmas. Affection from others or malice , it’s all part of our package, of what we have previously done! Gurujans always enforce that try to remove your ‘taxes’ , rhin! The birth is for that.

Prayers work wonders to nullify the effect of our karmas and to heal us and others. Prayers by pure souls work wonders, So say our Gurujans. Pray for those who caused you hurt, pray and ask for forgiveness for them and yourselves . Prayer is the most potent healer, the best balm ever. If instead of reacting or giving back one prays, the cycle of karma gets broken. Gurujans say that Bhakti can reduce the effect of karmas to a great deal! Gurujans say that prayers work such wonders that gradually instead of feeling hurt one starts feeling compassion for the other person. Such a protective shield gets woven with prayers with the most potent Ram Mantra!

My children’s friend met with an accident and died. They are very upset.

Gurujans explain that this body is not permanent. It’s the Soul that is. So the Soul when comes out of the body, does not suffer any pain. Pain is associated only with the body. But the soul can see, hear and feel everything. Saints say that when a soul comes out of the body it feels strange that why everybody is upset as it is still there. As the Soul can feel the emotive attachment to its relations. Prayers, jaap, reading of spiritual texts, need to be done with greater force at this hour., Prayers need to be done such that it is easy for the Soul to move on with its journey. Gurujans say that as humans this is just a momentary stay and we make this mine and that mine. If the parents are clear with the concepts, they’ll easily transfer it to the children and hence children will know that death is just a change of clothing and that’s it. Only we with human clothing cannot see, but Soul can see, hear, feel everything ! This knowledge will help the children not to be afraid of death as they’ll know that person as Soul is fine and not in pain.

When I see my fellow sadhaks breaking Gurujans rules, or doing things that are opposite to Their teachings , it breaks my heart. I feel Gurujans  must be feeling so bad about it. I keep crying when I see these things. 

Pujya Maharajshri says that it’s sewa to gently tell the person that the action or the thoughts are not exactly what Gurujans mean. But Maharajshri says that each person has his own individual journey and own understanding. If the fellow sadhak refuses or fails to understand , then it’s always better to be quiet. But if the pain continues, then prayers for the other is the best option and this will make Gurujans take care of the other in Their own way. All sadhaks undergo tests, in order to get spiritually elevated. All have their own weaknesses to overcome. Hence, prayers help to heal us as well as in some way assists other too. But here, the other person needs to be willing to be transformed! But still,secret prayers work wonders they say !

I am pregnant? What should I do to have a child of good sanskaaras? 

Param Pujya Maharajshri used to advise sadhaks to read Baal Kaand of Shri Ramayanji or manglacharan of Ramayan Ji during the whole time period of pregnancy. Routine jaap and Sri Amritvani paath needs to be followed. Positive thoughts, good books or granths send positive vibrations to the child that’s developing inside. The foetus inside can feel all emotions. Hence happy , loving , thoughts , thoughts of bravery, thoughts of satsangati of good souls assist in providing a congenial environment for the baBy inside.

My little baby died at the young age of 6. He was sick. Why did it happen to me?

Pujya Maharajshri explains that we have taken birth so as to remove our give and take of karmas from other souls. Hence our parents  , siblings, spouse and children are chosen likewise. As we have to remove our karmic bonds with them. So when the account of give and take gets over, the relation no longer remains and the soul moves on with its journey. All are karmas. The pain of illness, of separation, of torture that one faces is all our karmas. But Gurujans say that a sadhak who is dedicated in sadhna, with Ram Naam gets stronger spiritually and mentally. Hence the effect of these karmas get really reduced. Meaning that the pain though is there, but the intensity becomes less. The knowledge brings solace and Ram Naam provides energy to withstand the so called difficult times.


Mind’s thirst gets quenched by loving incessant chant of Ram Naam

March 24, 2016

Thought of the hour


My Pranaams O Ram and my Gurujans! Many many pranaams. Gratitude O Prabhu ! Gratitude for letting me take a sneak peak that I am a part of You! The pure serene shining Divinity.  I am a part of something very beautiful.Gratitude O my Ramji Millions of Gratitude O my Gurujans!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that Ram Naam quenches the thirst of the mind. It brings peace and soothes it. He says , with deep emotion when Ram Naam is chanted all obstructions get passe’ and the devotee gets conducive environment for spiritual elevation.

Pujya Maharajshri says that the mind has become restless, is discontented, unhappy and is not at peace. Why ? Because it’s been given things that it did not like. It was made to go after wealth, power, more success, more hoarding, everything more and more..! But it never liked these things. It wanted Oneness with Divinity. It wanted peace and love! But birth after birth we gave it stuff that it did not like!

Once we come in touch with Divine Souls, our Gurujan, we do not like this condition of our mind.  We are tired and drained out! We need peace ! It’s our contact with Gurujans, be it physical or in Gurutatwa form, that they make us taste peace, they make us taste love! Hence now our mind yearns to get more of it ! Our Compassionate Gurujans, come to our rescue! They give us the Maha Mantra Ram, the most potent medicine, which if consumed with love and devotion, cleans all obstructions that a devotee faces, quenches the mind’s thirst and leads the aspirant towards higher frontiers of devotion.

Gurujans say, that chanting of the Divine Mantra gives us immense energy to face the toughest of the situations and not get even an iota perturbed about it. So Ram Naam should be chanted in abundance and with love and faith that I will be cured of my negativities or my path will surely be cleared of any sort of obstruction! There needs to be no place for any doubts whatsoever!!

O Ram ! The One and only force behind all life forms, the One for whom nothing is impossible, bless us , bless us , bless us Prabhu.

All at Your Lotus feet!

jai Jai Ram


The mind that understands illusion yearns for salvation

March 23, 2016

Thought of the hour


O My Ram and My Gurujans, my heartfelt, soulful pranaams at Your Lotus feet. You love us way more than we deserve and than we even understand! Kindly forgive our ignorance and please untie our knots that prevent us from the Divine knowledge and makes us fall again and again !

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that the manner in which a bird trapped in a cage gets flustered likewise the mind which now realizes the purpose of human birth becomes extremely uneasy to continue with the cycle of rebirth !

Gurujans say that the mind, who now understands the temporary relations, the mind that starts seeing everything as illusion , the mind that now understands clearly that everything thing is Divine play, no longer wishes to remain under the garb of illusion. That mind tries very hard to come out of illusion of the Lord. To know what he really is and to finally attain Lord’s abode, becomes foremost in the mind of the spiritual aspirant. But the discontent with illusion becomes huge. It’s hard for the spiritual aspirant to find peace , he flutters like a caged bird, he feels suffocated like the person who grasps for air when his head is dipped in water! The thought of being bound becomes torturous! He yearns for salvation!

Pujya Maharajshri says that the condition of that sadhak who is earnest in his pursuit is understandable! But how can the mind achieve it ? Pujya Maharajshri says that if we face towards that Lord of illusion then the illusion takes a backseat! Immense love for the Lord, helps a sadhak to break free from these illusions that does not allow him to see reality of his own Self ! Guru KRIPA from within assists the devotee in his pursuit .

O Ram ! It’s You who is our final abode! O the most compassionate One, let our birth not go futile, let our life be not lost in mundane issues! O Ram ! Hold our hands and lead us to Your abode! So many lives have been wasted by repeated failures! O Ram let not this life go futile! Kindly bless us , bless us, bless us !

All at Your Lorus feet !

Jai Jai Ram


Intense love for Divine helps substitute worldly thoughts with Divine thoughts

March 23, 2016

Thought of the hr


O My Ram ! My Gurujans ! I prostrate at Your lotus feet not only physically but internally with my mind submerged in Yours !

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri teaches that start considering  the world as Ram’s Divine play ! He manifests Himself in His world ! Swamiji says that love for Ram if increases so much that all other things start appearing faded, then that means, it’s a real big thing !

Param Pujya Maharajshri says, you got a big job, a big car, a bigger house , a big marriage , big money, these are not big things of the immortal world ! Having all these and still considering them a play of karmas and having intense love for Ram is Ram KRIPA !

Gurujans say that so much blessings are bestowed by Ram Naam, but when life’s situations twist a little,we get all jittery and start praying for situation to get better! Instead , If in these situations our mind remains calm and our sadhna continues unaffected, that is Ram KRIPA !! Maharajshri says that Ram blesses, and as a result we get a saint’s company . From there we get the Mantra, we start the jap. But we need to put brakes on to the inflow of the worldly thoughts. A spiritual aspirant has to work hard using prayers, awareness to bring his mind back from the onslaught of thoughts. He says that our mind should become so much full of Divine thoughts that worldly thoughts have no chance to enter. This in other words also means that love for Ram has increased so much that the mind now no longer feels interested in thinking about other things ! The attraction of the world has now been taken up by Ram’s love and here we say that transformation has taken place.

Gurujans say that once the mind starts enjoying the Divine thoughts, which it actually desires, it does not like being indulged in mundane talks! It feels as if it’s time is being wasted, it finds opportunities to go back to the thoughts that connect It with His Ram ! This change of vision of the mind results in peace and bliss. And the sadhak yearns for it more and more as, just for few hours does not satisfy him anymore , he wants to remain submerged in his Lord’s love, his thoughts! Hence Swamiji Maharajshri teaches, that to stay fixated in that, one needs to consider all the happenings of the world as His Divine play and to consider Him present in each of His forms of the Universe!

O My Ram ! O the most compassionate One! Only You can bless us with the vision to see You and You in us and everywhere else ! Since so many births we have been running after illusions only! O Prabhu!bless us ! Bless us with what You feel is appropriate for us, as we know nothing , neither of our journey nor what to ask! We just know about You from our Gurujans and just ask for You incessant love! We are not worthy, but Your are kind and never let anybody go disappointed, bless us O Lord! Bless us!

All at Your Lotus feet !

Jai Jai Ram

Transformation of mind possible with medicine called Ram Mantra

March 21, 2016

Thought of hour


Pranaam O My Ram ! My life my breath! Many many pranaams my Divine Gurujans, who are One with My Ram ! On this auspicious day of Holi ! May the immortal colors of Ram Naam bathe our Soul. May the vibrant colors of Divine love reside in our hearts and forever spread their fragrance from within as long as we breathe!

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that O Mind !whenever you get time, during the day or at night bathe in Ram Naam, as with this, in the easiest possible manner you will be transformed !

Pujya Shri Maharajshri explains that it is this mind that is the key to salvation or bondage! It’s just that one has to turn the mind from outside to inside ! But He says it’s not an easy task ! It’s not easy to severe the bonds of attachment! It’s not easy to mellow down the mammoth pride or EGO ! It’s not easy to just give up on worldly indulgences and start enjoying the name ! But the solution lies, in something that’s very powerful , extremely potent , one that runs the Universe on its energy ; yes RAM Mantra ! This mantra has the capacity to turn the tables ! This Mantra has the energy to do that we cannot dream of! This Mantra has the support of its Lord, it’s Deity who resides in it ! Hence, Gurujans suggest that an earnest seeker, will find time, occasion to delve deep into Ram Naam so as to lossen the knots of bondage !

Pujya Gurujans say that faith in the Mantra, faith in Gurujans, surrendered attitude towards Gurujans , deep ardent prayers to Them, will show us the light, will take us on the path of devotion and ultimately to Lord’s abode! Maharajshri says that the manner in which we work hard for our livelihood , if a small portion of that kind of hard work and dedication is put in devotion or transforming the mind, one can see rich changes !

O Ram ! You are our charioteer ! We prostrate at Your Lotus feet O Maa! Lead us only on that path that comes to Your doorstep ! No where else Maa ! No where else! Let all situations in our lives be such that it leads us on to Your Lotus feet ! O Maa! Let us remember this always ! Allow us to remember this always !

All Yours My Ram all Yours!

Jai Jai Ram



Incessant remembrance of Lord’s name – a solution to never ending thoughts

March 20, 2016

Thought of the hour


O My Ram ! My Divine Gurujans, who are none other than Raaaauum, please accept my deepest salutations. O Prabhu ! How you play Your Divine leela! Not even worth anything, but still You choose to play and steal my heart every bit more ! How can I not request You to be with me 24×7 ? How can You expect me My Lord My Sarvasav to be with You only on special occassions? Can I breathe only my Lord during my tough days or successful days!! No My Ram ! With every breath it’s Your presence I request !!

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri on ‘ Taming the Mind’ says that anyone who installs Ram Naam, in the inner most niche’ of the heart, receives abundant spiritual wealth , sublimity and auspiciousness. The mind where Ram Naam resounds involuntarily, there the sufferings, negativities and depressions are not seen at all !

Gurujans say that the thoughts that occupy our mind non-stop, should be a cause of concern for a serious spiritual aspirant. If he is not, still it’s a grave concern! It’s the mind which brings us repeatedly towards the cycle of rebirth and it’s the mind that’ll lead us to Salvation. Pujya Maharajshri says that a thoughtless mind is an indication of oneness with Ram !

So here Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri provides us with a solution that installing Ram Naam in our hearts and with incessant rememberance of the Name, when leads to the resounding of the Name inside of us, it washes off negativities of the mind and starts the process of disconnecting us from the mortal material world ! Our attachment to the glamour, to pride, to show off of wealth , beauty , skills, talents, sacrifices , to be in the lime light , to gain people’s appreciation, to be something or someone , attachments to the mortal relations, they all start reducing and our interest to be just one with the one who is truly ours start increasing .

Simran , loving rememberance of Our Lord, assists in reducing the pangs of recurring  thoughts. Gurujans say ,But a sadhak needs to be serious and dedicated. His prayers should be incessant! He should not give up  asking for reducing thoughts or being more serous in sadhna, till his prayers are answered ! Gurujans say that the prayers  are always being heard , but when they’ll be answered , depends on the intensity, depth and the flow of tears that accompany the pain of a sadhak’s torture posed by the thoughts that do not let him drink the nectar that is lying in front of him!

O Ram ! O Gurujans ! Kindly help us ! Please make our human birth worthwhile ! May we experience what it is to be drenched in Your Divine love ! O Lord! Kindly not let our human birth go astray! Save us O My beloved ! Save us ! Hold us my Lord! As Your hold is the strongest of all ! O Ram ! My heart is all Yours! Hold me My Lord! Hold me close!

All at Your Lotus feet ! All !

Sashtang Naman !jai jai Ram