Monthly Archives: July 2016

Constant rememberance of His name has solution to day to day conflicts! 

July 31, 2016

Thought of the day

Salutations O My Ram ! My Gurujans! At Your Lotus feet! Gratitude O Divine Ones! Gratitude ! For knowing my each thought and activity ! For having patience with me and lovingly teaching in silence! With every action and every thought and word under your Divine monitoring eyes, all are offered at Your Lotus feet as all come from You Only O My Divine Masters!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri is teaching us about ‘relationships’ . He says, chant the Name, as that’s the good deed to do. Do the hard work of earning the name and hence ask for whatever you want!

Pujya Maharajshri says that it’s not easy for householders to perform sadhna, as the load of responsibilities is a lot. But Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has made it very simple for us. Naam SIMRAN ! A great way to stay connected with Divinity inside and alongside performing our duties! With constant rememberance of Ram Naam, no bad or negative thought can enter;  with constant remeberance of Ram Naam, we’ll be aware of our actions; with constant rememberance, attributes of Ram will automatically flow is us!

Pujya Maharajshri says that devotion, is not that we take Lord’s name, at a particular time, forget Him the rest of the day and thereby performing unwanted deeds! Devotion needs to be such , that it seeps in our daily life and our actions become more pious and like Ram day by day! That’s why He says, check yourself, has the anger reduced? Has ego settled down , has faith increased? Has attachment reduced? Have we reduced our masks?  This is only possible when throughout the day our mind is immersed in Ram and we start gaining His attributes! It’s only then, that conflicting situations at home can be dealt!

Pujya Gurujans say that in family relationships one needs acceptance of other’s thoughts,  one needs patience and perseverance to deal with other’s behavior and one needs to rise above likes and dislikes! All this is possible only with constant rememberance of Ram Naam! As Ram Mantra has the Divine power to absolve all negations, Ram Naam has the power to make one come out of dark conflicting depressing situations! And Ram Naam gifts us the tranquility that one really needs!

With my breath attached with Your name, with my heart beat attached with You, with my mind in You and You alone, allow me this O My Master, as this body walks the path as destined by You! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram

His Name allows respite in conflicting relationships 

July 30, 2016

Thought of the day 

O Raaaaum ! My sarvasv! My Gurujans! Kindly accept my pranaams at Your beautiful Divine Lotus feet ! The ultimate source of love, ananda, peace and joy! The ultimate source of everything that’s beautiful and touches the heart! The Source that chooses to remain hidden but still strives hard to make us His own! Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude! 

Today Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri starts the topic of ‘relationships‘ . He has taught us about parents and children earlier. He says that those who practice chanting the Name, Lord Himself takes over the life of such devotees. They do not face any problems or hiccups! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that  Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri’s sadhna is for householders. So in order to avoid conflicts at home, Gurujans have blessed us with a beautiful antidote of ‘Naam Simran’ Constant  rememberance of His Name, not only soothes the tormented mind and heart but gives strength to deal with conflicting situations. Pujya Maharajshri says that as one gets filled with Ram Naam, His attributes of contentment, patience and forgiveness by itself starts pouring in, one does not have to apply any extra effort! As one keeps on doing Naam Simran , with supreme faith and surrender, Lord takes over the devotee’s life . A sadhak then learns to see His leela , His play all around! Thereby accepting everything with not so constrained mind. 

It’s You O Ram , My Gurujans, that bring the sweetness is this life ! It’s with You that this life becomes a life of worth living! Allow us to remember you with every breath O Lord! Bless us Prabhu! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

His Name allows respite in conflicting relationships 

July 30, 2016

Thought of the day 

O Raaaaum ! My sarvasv! My Gurujans! Kindly accept my pranaams at Your beautiful Divine Lotus feet ! The ultimate source of love, ananda, peace and joy! The ultimate source of everything that’s beautiful and touches the heart! The Source that chooses to remain hidden but still strives hard to make us His own! Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude! 

Today Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri starts the topic of ‘relationships‘ . He has taught us about parents and children earlier. He says that those who practice chanting the Name, Lord Himself takes over the life of such devotees. They do not face any problems or hiccups! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that  Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri’s sadhna is for householders. So in order to avoid conflicts at home, Gurujans have blessed us with a beautiful antidote of ‘Naam Simran’ Constant  rememberance of His Name, not only soothes the tormented mind and heart but gives strength to deal with conflicting situations. Pujya Maharajshri says that as one gets filled with Ram Naam, His attributes of contentment, patience and forgiveness by itself starts pouring in, one does not have to apply any extra effort! As one keeps on doing Naam Simran , with supreme faith and surrender, Lord takes over the devotee’s life . A sadhak then learns to see His leela , His play all around! Thereby accepting everything with not so constrained mind. 

It’s You O Ram , My Gurujans, that bring the sweetness is this life ! It’s with You that this life becomes a life of worth living! Allow us to remember you with every breath O Lord! Bless us Prabhu! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

FAQs for the week of July 29

July 29, 2016

FAQs for the week of July 29.

Prabhu has taken avtaaras as Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. Why do we consider Ram as Maa.? 

Gurujans explain that the Supreme God, the Divine Consciousness, the One and Only and  One God , the formless One, when appeared before Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri,was in the form of the most pious jyotisworoop RAM and Pujya Swamiji was directed to chant RAM. ‘Ram Bhaj’.. The celestial sound that He heard! So we worship the Omnipresent Lord , the Omnipotent One as Ram. 

Gurujans explain that The shakti of Ram, the Power of Ram, is the cause of birth of creation. Anything that gives birth is Mother. Hence the shakti of Ram, is Maa. Ram and Shakti are One, though, they are not separate or different. 

Also, Pujya Gurujans have always advised, to form a relationship with the Lord. As ours is a path of  devotion, one could consider Him as a friend, as a Guru, as a father , as a beloved and as a mother too! Lord does not have a gender, as its Divine Consciousness, far from the body! But as humans, it’s easier to consider Him closer by forming a relation! Lord has all the attributes of every relation and He takes them all very seriously ! Gurujans say that the Mother child relationship is the purest of all and when a child calls out to his Divine Mother Ram, It’s just impossible for Maa to not to come or not to hear the cries of her child. 

I am a very sensitive person. Lately I was in a satsang hall and the sadhakji who was doing the sewa of forming lines, shoved and pushed us in a very demeaning manner!! I really get affected when sadhaks behave like this. 

Couple of years back, my father had expired recently. I was standing in a line to meet Pujya Gurudev. I was in a bad state. The person incharge asked the reason and then very rudely asked me to get out of the line and refused to let me have Darshan. Sobbing, I went back, wrote to Gurudev. He responded and asked me to come. But I was so scared that I never went back!!

Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri says, that the way sadhaks behave it all comes on His head. It ALL comes to Him! So if sadhaks are filled with ego because of the duty assigned to them, behave in such a manner, or use such language that other sadhaks stop coming to Shree Ram Sharnam, it all goes towards Him,meaning He is accountable for the behavior of those sadhaks. Pujya Gurudev says this pointing towards His forehead! 

Pujya Maharajshri says, it hurts, but a strong rooted sadhak will not let the behavior of other sadhaks stop his individual sadhna. Pujya Maharajshri says, if we allow the negative behavior of others to become more important than coming to Shree Ram Sharnam for spiritual upliftment then we are weak! In His words, we are ‘kacche sadhaks’ ! Pujya Maharajshri says that even saints have to listen and bear way more than ordinary person! The drive for spiritual growth, needs to be far more stronger than the behavior of other sadhaks! 

Gurujans also say that prayers if done for those sadhaks who demonstrate egoistic behavior with speech or action, will help to heal and may even bless others to improve! So as sadhaks, who are determined to walk the path of devotion, in Pujya Premji Maharajshri’s words, keep forgiving ! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that Ram Naam gives the strength and energy to forgive, to forget and then to bless others! and a true sadhak will be able to do that! 

All At Your Lotus feet.

Jai Jai Ram 

Guru and disciple relationship is the most pious relationship

July 28, 2016

Thought of the day

Raaaaum My Raaaaum ! O My Gurujans! Salutations to You at Your Lotus feet! My pranaams to the outside You, my pranaams to the inside You ! Gratitude My Lord Gratitude ! 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri today, brings an end to the most beautiful theme of bhakt, where He taught us about Sri Sri Hanumanji. The ultimate bhakta and sewak ! Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that after Hanumanji brought back the much awaited whereabouts of Maa Sita, he received blessings of His Lord! Prabhu Ram embraced him and Hanumanji embraced his Lord as if a long separated child meets his mother! Loving tears flowed from his Guru , Sri Ram, as if giving deeksha, and his disciple, Sri Hanumanji ‘s tears flowed down at his Lord’s Lotus feet, as if making an offering at those feet! 

Pujya Shri Maharajshri says that a Guru and a disciple’s relationship is the purest of the pure relationship. It’s filled to the brim with Divine Love! No expectation from each other, just pure Love! Worldly people can never fathom, just by listening , if such a thing is even possible! It can be understood only by the one who tasted it! It’s so Divine! That one never forgets the taste, but would want to taste it again and again and again! 

A true disciple, Pujya Maharajshri says, does everything for the happiness of His Master! He is neither interested in name or fame. No ! Just for his Guru’s happiness he works and lives and breathes! He keeps finding ways to serve His Guru and does things that would please Him. His Guru’s satisfaction , is his prasaad! A true disciple Pujya Maharajshri says, follows his Master’s teachings tooth and nail. He lives those teachings in reality!

 A true Guru always wishes for His disciples to attain what he did! The most beautiful relationship of a Guru and a disciple! Where a Guru becomes the parent, a friend , a mentor and the disciple in complete humility keeps becoming a better disciple! Guru’s patience and perseverance moulds the disciple into something which he never even dreamt of ! The dilution and annihilation of Ego and presence of complete humility are precious gifts bestowed by the Guru to his disciple. Teaching the disciple to turn inwards and protecting him from the outside and inside turmoils, a Guru never leaves the disciples’ side! Teaching the disciple to surrender and teaching him how to serve by being in Ram Naam, a Guru continues to guide till the disciple’s last breath! As Guru is Divine consciousness ! Not mere flesh  bones muscles.. But pure Divine Consciousness! In this way a disciple is always in the presence of His Guru, never away, never far, never separated! 

Blessed is this birth, that we got Your refuge O kind Gurujans! Blessed is that breath that breathes with Your thought and name! Blessed is that heart where You reside! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours ! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Guru teaches a surrendered disciple in His own way ! 

July 27, 2016

Thought of the day

Salutations O Ram ! Salutations O Gurujans! My Sarvasv! Every relation You satisfy for me.. Be it father, mother, friend, Guru, mentor…all ! Gratitude O Lord! For allowing this! Many many thanks!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that how much so the feeling of surrender of a disciple , so much so he will be closer to His Guru, His Master, and likewise the teachings will flower in him and fructify!

Pujya Shri Maharajshri says, that Lord Ram was overwhelmed and so proud of what Hanumanji had done for him and His family! Whereas Pujya Shri Hanumanji offered everything as His Lord’s doing. He was able to prove it to Lord Ram, that it was His planning, His wishes that were carried out! Hanumanji said I would think – Lord has sent me a message that Lanka would be burnt! But I have no match stick, no oil or other materials to make it possible! When Hanumanji allowed himself to be captured by Ravana’s army, and taken to court, He thought, I will surely be killed! But Hanumanji said- My Lord! You had all arrangements made! You had planted Vibhishan there who said that the monkey is a mere messenger and killing a messenger is not to be done! Then the idea of putting the tail on fire was Yours! As now without any ingredients of fire! I would get ready made fire to burn Lanka! Sri Hanunanji said -O Lord! The moment Trijatta uttered those words- that a monkey will burn Lanka! Lanka got burnt at that very moment!

Pujya Maharajshri says that it was Lord, Himself, who kept on clearing Sri Hanumanji’s doubts of how things would happen! Sri Hanumanji had no doubt left that it was Lord who was the planner , the executor and the doer of all the Divine play! This was possible because Sri Hanumanji was one with His Lord ! He was soaked in His name and every action of his was dedicated to his Lord!

Pujya Gurujans say that a sewak never ever looks for his name! It’s His Lord, His Guru’s name that he wants to shine! A true sewak is even ready to take upon himself any amount of hardships for the sake of his Master without even twitching a brow! Roadblocks do not deter him from serving his Guru. So for these kinds, Lord makes them understand His doing, His leela and delivers His knowledge to them of His own accord!

All Yours My Lord! All at Your Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram

It’s Lord who Himself blesses the devotee with the knowledge that He is the sole doer! 

July 26, 2016

Thought of the day

My salutations O Ram ! My Gurujans! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet My Lord! Every single incident in life, is from You alone! Gratitude my Lord!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that Shri Hanumanji with single pointed devotion filled with immense love , did not care about the heat or the cold. He was steadfast in his devotion towards His Lord, who was his sole refuge!

Pujya Maharajshri says that Shri Hanumanji was the supatra for Lord’s Grace. He explains  that a watch seller sells watches to all. His wife has a watch, his son, daughter has a watch, but his own watch , he wears on his wrist! Likewise Lord’s blessings are showering on everybody in an unbiased manner but the one who is dear to Him, to him He makes it understand that He is the doer and not the devotee. He has taken care of everything for his devotee, so the devotee need not have to worry about anything!

O Ram ! My Lord, My Gurujans! It’s You who make us understand! It’s You who by Your AKAARAN Grace make the veils of illusion fall off ! It’s You O Prabhu ! Because of which  we inch closer to You! O Ram ! Hold us close ! Hold our hands! Teach us to surrender! Such that we see You and You alone!!

All At Your Lotus feet! All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram

Deep rooted faith in His name provides unparalleled  confidence. 

July 25, 2016

Thought of the day

O Lord of entire cosmos, many many Salutations! O Divine Masters, Many many salutations! I bow in gratitude as well as in complete reverence! O My Master I am seated at Your Lotus feet, for my this moment’s learning ! You come in varied forms O Param Guru to teach, to dispel the illusions and false notions! You touch with Your Divinity, such that one gradually lets go of negativities in accordance with Your Divine wish! Many many salutations! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that Shri Hanumanji had such a lot of confidence in His Gurubhakti in His devotion towards His Lord, that He says that whatever difficult obstructions there may be on the way or even if situations were not cordial , but I would storm through them and cut them, come what may! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that Shri Hanumanji was such a devotee that by drinking the bowl of love, He worshipped His Lord, by chanting His name and rose above all sins! 
Pujya Maharajshri says that such confidence , such devotion Shri Hanuman Ji had for His Lord! He conquered all His desires , all negativities by His devotion and thereby received unparalled confidence due to the chanting of His name! 

Pujya Maharajshri says, that we too take the Lord’s name! But we fall to our negativities with one blow ! Our faith, trust, devotion has doubts in it! But if we develop unfaltering faith in His name, if our surrender is complete at His Lotus feet, the Ego has been nullified , there is nothing that can stop us! 

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that it’s by practice one can develop deep rooted faith. It’s by repeated lessons given to our mind to train it to believe in the power of the name, the security provided by the name, the other rich bounties that the Name has in store within, which can be opened up by deep faith and incessant chant of The name, can transform our lives too! 

Bless us Prabhu with more unfailing faith in You and Your Name! O Raaaaaum bless us! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Deep love for Lord automatically brings detachment! 

July 24, 2016
Thought of the day

O Ram ! My Gurujans! Many pranaams at Your Divine lotus feet. I await O My Master ! for You .. As its from You everything flows!
Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji today says that Shri Hanumanji says that there is nobody who has the power to stop me, neither has the power to interrupt my speed of intellect!

Pujya Maharajshri says that Shri Hanumanji had so much confidence that he knew no amount of demons, which denote the negativities , could overpower me! His detachment with the worldly attributes was so strong and deep rooted that he could fiercely announce it!

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that if one has deep love for Ram then detachment automatically comes in the devotee! He does not have to separately strive for it! It’s the intense love for God that drops off all desires, all thoughts of mortal pleasure!

Shri Shri Hanumanji says that I am a follower of Lord Ram, who is my Gurudev ! I have taken refuge at His Lotus feet and have offered my mind and body completely ! Pujya Gurujans have taught us that offering the mind in completion is true surrender! No self thought now enters the mind! The mind becomes one with the Lord! Here Pujya Maharajshri once mentioned that when the mind becomes one with the Lord, it becomes same as the Lord! Pujya Hanumanji was one such devotee who requested Lord to grant him the ego of being His sewak forever! Such was Shri Hanumanji’s devotion and His dedication to be at service for Lord forever!

O My Lord! My Gurujans! It’s with Your immense akaaran grace that we are able to read, listen and enjoy, Your teachings and the lives of those who loved You , walked on Your path, followed Your teachings and served You forever! It’s with Your Akaaran Grace that we hear about your blessings and Your glory! Many many many thanks! All Yours and All at Your Lotus feet!
Jai Jai Ram

July 24, 2016

Thought of the day

O Ram ! My Gurujans! Many pranaams at Your Divine lotus feet. I await O My Master ! for You .. As its from You everything flows! 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji today says that Shri Hanumanji says that there is nobody who has the power to stop me, neither has the power to interrupt my speed of intellect! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that Shri Hanumanji had so much confidence that he knew no amount of demons, which denote the negativities , could overpower me! His detachment with the worldly attributes was so strong and deep rooted that he could fiercely announce it! 

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that if one has deep love for Ram then detachment automatically comes in the devotee! He does not have to separately strive for it! It’s the intense love for God that drops off all desires, all thoughts of mortal pleasure!

Shri Shri Hanumanji says that I am a follower of Lord Ram, who is my Gurudev ! I have taken refuge at His Lotus feet and have offered my mind and body completely ! Pujya Gurujans have taught us that offering the mind in completion is true surrender! No self thought now enters the mind! The mind becomes one with the Lord! Here Pujya Maharajshri once mentioned that when the mind becomes one with the Lord, it becomes same as the Lord! Pujya Hanumanji was one such devotee who requested Lord to