Deep love for Lord automatically brings detachment! 

July 24, 2016
Thought of the day

O Ram ! My Gurujans! Many pranaams at Your Divine lotus feet. I await O My Master ! for You .. As its from You everything flows!
Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji today says that Shri Hanumanji says that there is nobody who has the power to stop me, neither has the power to interrupt my speed of intellect!

Pujya Maharajshri says that Shri Hanumanji had so much confidence that he knew no amount of demons, which denote the negativities , could overpower me! His detachment with the worldly attributes was so strong and deep rooted that he could fiercely announce it!

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that if one has deep love for Ram then detachment automatically comes in the devotee! He does not have to separately strive for it! It’s the intense love for God that drops off all desires, all thoughts of mortal pleasure!

Shri Shri Hanumanji says that I am a follower of Lord Ram, who is my Gurudev ! I have taken refuge at His Lotus feet and have offered my mind and body completely ! Pujya Gurujans have taught us that offering the mind in completion is true surrender! No self thought now enters the mind! The mind becomes one with the Lord! Here Pujya Maharajshri once mentioned that when the mind becomes one with the Lord, it becomes same as the Lord! Pujya Hanumanji was one such devotee who requested Lord to grant him the ego of being His sewak forever! Such was Shri Hanumanji’s devotion and His dedication to be at service for Lord forever!

O My Lord! My Gurujans! It’s with Your immense akaaran grace that we are able to read, listen and enjoy, Your teachings and the lives of those who loved You , walked on Your path, followed Your teachings and served You forever! It’s with Your Akaaran Grace that we hear about your blessings and Your glory! Many many many thanks! All Yours and All at Your Lotus feet!
Jai Jai Ram

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