Guru teaches a surrendered disciple in His own way ! 

July 27, 2016

Thought of the day

Salutations O Ram ! Salutations O Gurujans! My Sarvasv! Every relation You satisfy for me.. Be it father, mother, friend, Guru, mentor…all ! Gratitude O Lord! For allowing this! Many many thanks!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that how much so the feeling of surrender of a disciple , so much so he will be closer to His Guru, His Master, and likewise the teachings will flower in him and fructify!

Pujya Shri Maharajshri says, that Lord Ram was overwhelmed and so proud of what Hanumanji had done for him and His family! Whereas Pujya Shri Hanumanji offered everything as His Lord’s doing. He was able to prove it to Lord Ram, that it was His planning, His wishes that were carried out! Hanumanji said I would think – Lord has sent me a message that Lanka would be burnt! But I have no match stick, no oil or other materials to make it possible! When Hanumanji allowed himself to be captured by Ravana’s army, and taken to court, He thought, I will surely be killed! But Hanumanji said- My Lord! You had all arrangements made! You had planted Vibhishan there who said that the monkey is a mere messenger and killing a messenger is not to be done! Then the idea of putting the tail on fire was Yours! As now without any ingredients of fire! I would get ready made fire to burn Lanka! Sri Hanunanji said -O Lord! The moment Trijatta uttered those words- that a monkey will burn Lanka! Lanka got burnt at that very moment!

Pujya Maharajshri says that it was Lord, Himself, who kept on clearing Sri Hanumanji’s doubts of how things would happen! Sri Hanumanji had no doubt left that it was Lord who was the planner , the executor and the doer of all the Divine play! This was possible because Sri Hanumanji was one with His Lord ! He was soaked in His name and every action of his was dedicated to his Lord!

Pujya Gurujans say that a sewak never ever looks for his name! It’s His Lord, His Guru’s name that he wants to shine! A true sewak is even ready to take upon himself any amount of hardships for the sake of his Master without even twitching a brow! Roadblocks do not deter him from serving his Guru. So for these kinds, Lord makes them understand His doing, His leela and delivers His knowledge to them of His own accord!

All Yours My Lord! All at Your Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram

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