Guru and disciple relationship is the most pious relationship

July 28, 2016

Thought of the day

Raaaaum My Raaaaum ! O My Gurujans! Salutations to You at Your Lotus feet! My pranaams to the outside You, my pranaams to the inside You ! Gratitude My Lord Gratitude ! 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri today, brings an end to the most beautiful theme of bhakt, where He taught us about Sri Sri Hanumanji. The ultimate bhakta and sewak ! Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that after Hanumanji brought back the much awaited whereabouts of Maa Sita, he received blessings of His Lord! Prabhu Ram embraced him and Hanumanji embraced his Lord as if a long separated child meets his mother! Loving tears flowed from his Guru , Sri Ram, as if giving deeksha, and his disciple, Sri Hanumanji ‘s tears flowed down at his Lord’s Lotus feet, as if making an offering at those feet! 

Pujya Shri Maharajshri says that a Guru and a disciple’s relationship is the purest of the pure relationship. It’s filled to the brim with Divine Love! No expectation from each other, just pure Love! Worldly people can never fathom, just by listening , if such a thing is even possible! It can be understood only by the one who tasted it! It’s so Divine! That one never forgets the taste, but would want to taste it again and again and again! 

A true disciple, Pujya Maharajshri says, does everything for the happiness of His Master! He is neither interested in name or fame. No ! Just for his Guru’s happiness he works and lives and breathes! He keeps finding ways to serve His Guru and does things that would please Him. His Guru’s satisfaction , is his prasaad! A true disciple Pujya Maharajshri says, follows his Master’s teachings tooth and nail. He lives those teachings in reality!

 A true Guru always wishes for His disciples to attain what he did! The most beautiful relationship of a Guru and a disciple! Where a Guru becomes the parent, a friend , a mentor and the disciple in complete humility keeps becoming a better disciple! Guru’s patience and perseverance moulds the disciple into something which he never even dreamt of ! The dilution and annihilation of Ego and presence of complete humility are precious gifts bestowed by the Guru to his disciple. Teaching the disciple to turn inwards and protecting him from the outside and inside turmoils, a Guru never leaves the disciples’ side! Teaching the disciple to surrender and teaching him how to serve by being in Ram Naam, a Guru continues to guide till the disciple’s last breath! As Guru is Divine consciousness ! Not mere flesh  bones muscles.. But pure Divine Consciousness! In this way a disciple is always in the presence of His Guru, never away, never far, never separated! 

Blessed is this birth, that we got Your refuge O kind Gurujans! Blessed is that breath that breathes with Your thought and name! Blessed is that heart where You reside! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours ! 

Jai Jai Ram 

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