His Name allows respite in conflicting relationships 

July 30, 2016

Thought of the day 

O Raaaaum ! My sarvasv! My Gurujans! Kindly accept my pranaams at Your beautiful Divine Lotus feet ! The ultimate source of love, ananda, peace and joy! The ultimate source of everything that’s beautiful and touches the heart! The Source that chooses to remain hidden but still strives hard to make us His own! Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude! 

Today Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri starts the topic of ‘relationships‘ . He has taught us about parents and children earlier. He says that those who practice chanting the Name, Lord Himself takes over the life of such devotees. They do not face any problems or hiccups! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that  Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri’s sadhna is for householders. So in order to avoid conflicts at home, Gurujans have blessed us with a beautiful antidote of ‘Naam Simran’ Constant  rememberance of His Name, not only soothes the tormented mind and heart but gives strength to deal with conflicting situations. Pujya Maharajshri says that as one gets filled with Ram Naam, His attributes of contentment, patience and forgiveness by itself starts pouring in, one does not have to apply any extra effort! As one keeps on doing Naam Simran , with supreme faith and surrender, Lord takes over the devotee’s life . A sadhak then learns to see His leela , His play all around! Thereby accepting everything with not so constrained mind. 

It’s You O Ram , My Gurujans, that bring the sweetness is this life ! It’s with You that this life becomes a life of worth living! Allow us to remember you with every breath O Lord! Bless us Prabhu! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

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