Constant rememberance of His name has solution to day to day conflicts! 

July 31, 2016

Thought of the day

Salutations O My Ram ! My Gurujans! At Your Lotus feet! Gratitude O Divine Ones! Gratitude ! For knowing my each thought and activity ! For having patience with me and lovingly teaching in silence! With every action and every thought and word under your Divine monitoring eyes, all are offered at Your Lotus feet as all come from You Only O My Divine Masters!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri is teaching us about ‘relationships’ . He says, chant the Name, as that’s the good deed to do. Do the hard work of earning the name and hence ask for whatever you want!

Pujya Maharajshri says that it’s not easy for householders to perform sadhna, as the load of responsibilities is a lot. But Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has made it very simple for us. Naam SIMRAN ! A great way to stay connected with Divinity inside and alongside performing our duties! With constant rememberance of Ram Naam, no bad or negative thought can enter;  with constant remeberance of Ram Naam, we’ll be aware of our actions; with constant rememberance, attributes of Ram will automatically flow is us!

Pujya Maharajshri says that devotion, is not that we take Lord’s name, at a particular time, forget Him the rest of the day and thereby performing unwanted deeds! Devotion needs to be such , that it seeps in our daily life and our actions become more pious and like Ram day by day! That’s why He says, check yourself, has the anger reduced? Has ego settled down , has faith increased? Has attachment reduced? Have we reduced our masks?  This is only possible when throughout the day our mind is immersed in Ram and we start gaining His attributes! It’s only then, that conflicting situations at home can be dealt!

Pujya Gurujans say that in family relationships one needs acceptance of other’s thoughts,  one needs patience and perseverance to deal with other’s behavior and one needs to rise above likes and dislikes! All this is possible only with constant rememberance of Ram Naam! As Ram Mantra has the Divine power to absolve all negations, Ram Naam has the power to make one come out of dark conflicting depressing situations! And Ram Naam gifts us the tranquility that one really needs!

With my breath attached with Your name, with my heart beat attached with You, with my mind in You and You alone, allow me this O My Master, as this body walks the path as destined by You! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram

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