Monthly Archives: July 2016

FAQs for the week of July 23rd

FAQs for the week of July 23rd

Questions of sadhaks and their solutions from Gurujans teachings and discourses. 

I want to do something for my Gurujans with my own hard earned money, they have done so much for me. Maybe I’ll build another ShreeRamSharnam closer to my place so that old people can easily come. This is too far. 

Param Pujya Maharajshri says that a true Guru never asks for material gratifications from His disciples. Material objects are immaterial for Him. Pujya Maharajshri says that to follow Guru’s teachings, His directions word to word is the best thing that can be offered at the Lotus feet of The Guru. In certain aspiring episodes, Pujya Maharajshri has also narrated, the offering of the thought of ‘ I am the body ‘ at the Lotus feet of their Guru as true Guru Dakshina. 
Pujya Maharajshri says that sadhaks are ‘called’ to Shree Ram Sharnam!! It is such a divine abode that , sadhaks are called there! One should never be in the illusion that one goes there… One is always called by Gurujans. Giving priority to go for satsang amidst tough worldly situations, is always considered austerity by Gurujans! 

I am new in my profession. I need to be strict, but that’s not my nature, so it’s difficult for me. I have been facing very challenging days! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that as you leave for work, request Shri Adhishthan to bless you and then ask Them to be with you throughout your day. When we come back, we go and thank Shree Adhishthan Ji for being with us at work ! Pujya Maharajshri says in this way one treats Shri Adhishthanji as someone elderly in the house and that makes it alive! Also Gurujans say that as Ram Naam is installed in us, so our body is Ramalaye, Ram goes with us everywhere! Take Them and ask Their blessings for tough situations outside! 

Following the rules as the responsibility demands, one must strive for it! Pujya Maharajshri says, you are given the service of being a parent. If you do not discipline your child or check him for mistakes or reprimand him for negative action but say O Lord! You take care of Your child!! What is the use of giving you that service. One is always doing everything for Him! He is the boss. If the service requires one to be firm, one must strive for it. 

“Till there are desires that means there is no improvement in sadhna.” Even though I have never asked Lord anything lately , but I feel they are there, so that means, for people like me nothing will ever happen? 
Pujya Maharajshri says that sadhna is a very long journey. One needs patience , perseverance as one seriously does sadhna. Our job is to take His name with complete surrender, rest He Himself takes care! Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that once one sits in the ship of Ram Naam, he will surely cross the ocean ! 

So even though we see so many negative attributes in us, but if we are surrendered and doing what we are supposed to do, that Ram Naam, who is the auto cleanser, will purify our deeds, our thoughts and make us ready for our Lord to accept us!  

All at Gurujans’ Lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram 

For serious spiritual aspirants, right company matters. 

July 22, 2016

Thought of the day 

Pranaam Prabhu ! Pranaam My Gurujans! The One who is omnipresent but is seated in my heart! The One who listens and knows without being told! One who cares and loves without being asked ! One who teaches and forgives, untiringly, One who accepts us the way we are !  I bow at Your Lotus feet! 

Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri is teaching us about Shri Hanumanji Maharaj!He says, the great Knowledgeable One, discards the company of those who follow their minds. Turning his face towards His Guru , He became the devotee of the Lord and thus a storehouse of varied attributes. 

 Pujya Maharajshri has repeatedly asked us to have our face towards our Param Guru, to listen and follow word to word directions of our Sadguru Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri! He says following the dictates of the mind, a devotee falls off the path and unfortunately does not even realize it! Maharajshri says, a devotee needs to be extremely aware of his actions, thoughts and company ! If his face is towards his Guru, then Guru makes all provisions for his learning, for his spiritual growth and even his world ! 

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that, the company of people who are soaked in devotion, company of people who are righteous , company of people who follow Gurujans’ dictates are blessings from the Lord! And are in actuality called satsang! Even a slight shadow of bad company can sow seeds of doubt! So a spiritual aspirant should be very selective in reading, listening or being in the company or thoughts of those people who will enhance the spiritual progress and not bring it down. 

Pujya Maharajshri says take charcoal powder in your hand. Now throw it. Black stains are there. Wipe it off. They are still there. Now in the other hand, take sandalwood powder. Now discard it. Your hands gives off fragrance . Now wipe it off! It’ll continue to give fragrance even after long hours! Such is the importance of company! It can spiritually elevate you to great heights or make one fall! Hence for a sadhak , internally he needs to be always be connected with his Guru, who is there with every single breath and ready to guide, anytime! Asking or without asking, like a mother!! 

All is immaterial my Lord, other than You and Your name! Nothing matters more other than You O my loving Masters! Gratitude ! All Yours and at Your Lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Pujya Swamiji and Hanumanji 🙏

July 21, 2016

Thought of the day 

Salutations O Ram Ji ! My Gurujans! Many many loving pranaams! Gratitude for steering me where You want me to go! Gratitude for allowing my mind to accept Your wishes! Gratitude my Lord for Your care, gratitude for allowing us to see it! Otherwise You are so good at hiding Your love and care! I am one among Your infinite creation, I can say speck in my language but from Your perspective, I have NO idea ! But even then You chose to be seated in us ! Many many thanks! 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri starts a beautiful theme of Param bhakt and sewak Shri Hanuman Ji ! He says He was soaked in the name of His Lord, with uninterrupted bliss. In the ocean of His heart, arose the great vibes of Love! 

Param Pujya Maharajshri says that so many have benefitted from the company of Shri Hanumanji! He should be our ideal! We should not ask Him, petty things of removing our headache or saving us from the dog that is running behind us. Instead, we should pray to Him to make us a devotee like He Himself is, make us a sewak as He Himself is! 

 Today as the theme begins, Pujya Maharajshri narrates a beautiful incident that took place with Shri Swamiji Maharajshri! Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri used to do beautiful katha of Shri Ramayanji. Large crowds would gather, and Pujya Swamiji would address all without the microphone! So the part of Sunderkand was going on, and Pujya Swamiji was narrating the scene of Ashok  vatika, the place where Maa Sita was held captive by Ravana. So after the katha, as Pujya Swamiji was leaving an old man stopped Him. He complimented on the katha, but said, Swamiji , all was good,but I do not agree with the color of the flowers you mentioned on the Ashoka trees! They were not white but red! Swamiji very humbly replied that, this is what I have read in shastras and hence narrated! But how can You be so sure! The old man replied, I know as I have seen it! It did not take Swamiji long to recongnize who the person was! Swamiji said , So Pujyavar! Who will now decide that what was the color of the flowers! Hanumanji said, I will go and ask Prabhu Ram!Maharajshri says here, that see how devotees are so intelligent! Pujya Swamiji said, why ask Him there? Bring Him here , so that we both know! Prabhu Ram came  at the request of Hanumanji! Both offered Their salutations! He said, What happened? Hanumanji said, Prabhu ! He  says that color of flowers in Ashoka vatika was white but I saw it , it was red! Prabhu said- Satyanand is correct! They were white! Hanumanji said- Prabhu do you think I am lying? Prabhu said- Hanuman ! At that time You were so angry that everything appeared red to you! Hence You saw the flowers to be red! 

Hence Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri not only had the great opportunity of having Darshan of Shri Hanumanji but also Prabhu Ram Himself! 

Blessed are we who have such Gurujans taking care of us! Blessed are these ears who have had the opportunity to hear such Divine talks of our Gurujans! Prabhu it’s You who makes this finger type, My Lord, my mind being impure, kindly forgive if there is  something missing or lack of respect and reverence that got written! Forgive me Maharaj! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram 

A thoughtless mind is a completely surrendered mind.

July 20, 2016

Thought of the day

My salutations O My Ram, my Gurujans! Gratitude and much more gratitude My Lord! For the constant learning, for teaching and cleaning that You provide on everyday basis, when this mind tries to go here and there, when this mind tries to be ungrateful, when this mind tries to go out, instead of in , at Your Divine Lotus feet! Many many thanks Prabhu for overlooking but treating those areas that need to be fixed! 

As the theme of Bhaktimaykarmyog comes to an end today, Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that he attains the highest abode, who follows the doctrines of devotion. He who likes the experiment with Naam jaap, no amount of negativities can come near him. 

Bhaktimaykarmyog, as Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri explains that it is complete surrender of body, mind and wealth. It is the ultimate Bhakti! A person who has surrendered his mind, Pujya Maharajshri says there is nothing now left for him to do! As he has given up all doership to His Lord! He is a mere instrument now! Such a person has the purest mind, as a mind that has thoughts is not considered surrendered. A thoughtless mind, has become a pure mind and that mind is now said to be surrendered. 

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has also taught us that, we need to keep telling the mind, that you are now His. So no need to go here and there. You are now Ram’s. He says that by telling this to the mind repeatedly, it eventually becomes His one day! All negative attributes then get washed off! The mind works as Lord’s tool now ! It’s here that Pujya Maharajshri says that, the Lord, takes over the karmas of the devotee’s and makes him work as per His wishes and not as per His karmas! The person continues to go about in the world doing his normal responsibilities, but no longer as a doer. 

Allow us to realize this my Lord! Allow us to have the knowledge that stays. Let not forgetfulness take over such that we slip time and again! O My Master, all Yours, all Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Gratitude O Gurujans!

July 19, 2016

Thought of the day 

As this auspicious day ends in one part of the world but continues with its fragrance in another one, I still have time to make up the lost moments! Moments lost because of the fickle mind…. I guess I wait for something extraordinary to happen…. It does happen… But I miss catching it… But still half a day is left, I feel Gurujans forgave me for my attitude and allowed more hours!! 

O My Gurujans, how so ever I crib or cry, it’s You only I wish.. Desire.. Yearn.. And You know that! 

But I am eternally grateful O My Divine Masters, for coming in my life ! O Swamiji Maharajshri, I prostrate at Your Lotus feet, for accepting me as Your own! Even though I am not a good disciple, yet You remain unbiased! O Swamiji Maharaj! You are too Divine for me to even address You ! But today I do so Maharaj! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet and thank you for the beautiful Naam Daan! My Gurujans have taken care of me more than any human relation could Maharaj!  You showered parental love of amazing kind! Always being there ! How one can do non verbal expression of love and care, it’s just amazing ! And now too You continue to do the same! Always telling that Ram loves even more !!! Is there a more that can be imagined? 

Thank You Gurudev! Thank you! I know by saying thank you it does not suffice!Your directions need to be followed … You work so hard for all of us… But still Maharaj.. My Master.. Thank you very much! Till my last breath I’ll keep hoping if this life of mine made You happy! Made You want to embrace me… !! Would You think that this little girl of Yours, deserves Your lap!!

So on this auspicious day today, kindly allow this body to serve You, kindly allow this mind to serve You…. And let my soul merge into Yours! O My Gurudev.. My Master, let whatever wish floats in ,be Your wish… Whether it’s to eat drink sleep or work … Let it all be through You! It’s a beautiful life only because You are there, with the blessed Ram Naam! 

Thank You so much for making this life so beautiful…. and making me smile.. When only You know that I am not and with strange ways.. Would force me to do it!! 

Always and forever Yours! 

Param Guru Ram 

July 19, 2016

Thought of the day

O Ram, my Lord who resides in the most beautiful name, My Gurujans, who gave me this name and told me about it, I prostrate at Your Lotus feet!  It’s You My Lord, who has been making circumstances before my birth, planning, such that I’ll know about You! It’s You my Lord, who came in varied forms to turn me on Your path! It’s You who my Lord who came in form of my Gurujan, to have me the taste of Your care and Your Love! It’s You my Lord, I seek! It’s You my Lord, that I sought the refuge of saints, be it written matter or Your physical ones ! I am a nobody my Lord! A small piece of grass in Your whole cosmos! 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says Pay salutations to the Guru with deep emotion again and again, who steered us in His boat, through the ocean of illusion! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that it’s the Guru only who can remove the illusion of the Maaya from us. He says if a devotee is constantly facing the Lord, no Maaya no illusion can defeat him! It’s the Guru who keeps reminding the devotee of his true journey , of his main objective ! Be it physical or in tatwa form, He who resides in the hearts of devotees keep pulling them inside ! 

O Prabhu!  If You don’t wish, nobody can know about You! If You don’t wish, nobody can even take Your name! O Ram! I am Your baby and You have held me close, as You made me move from one form of Yours to another since decades. It’s You who made all conditions of my life such that I seek Your love!  O Ram ! Allow me to be with You and You alone ! O Ram ! I seek only Your name! I have no divine experiences of my own, though I am made to hear them! I am nothing, but still You make me feel You care ! Bless me Prabhu with Your name! Your name is that I seek! Let me never part from it even in strangest of all situations! O Ram! All Yours! All at Your Lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram 

A Guru gives so much that no worldly relation even has the capacity to give! 

July 18, 2016

Thought of the day

I prostrate at the Lotus feet of My Prabhu Ram and My Gurujans, who are omnipresent, omnipotent! From whom Grace flows incessantly, without any bias! Whosoever takes refuge, gets blessed for sure! Gratitude my Lord! Gratitude O Gurujans!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says, it’s at the refuge of Sadguru that we learn to contemplate and which is the reservoir of wisdom, knowledge. It’s here we learn about chanting of holy mantra, about austerities, about devotion , which in return gives sublime contentment!

Pujya Maharajshri says that a true Saint, true Guru is Lord’s representative! He is here for His work! And His work is not about providing worldly comfort or riches. His work is to make the souls ready to merge in Divinity, in Ram! Pujya Maharajshri says it’s an extremely hard task ! A Guru keeps toiling for the welfare of the sadhaks. He keeps giving His own hard earned spiritual wealth to cleanse the disciples, such that millions of layers of illusion fall off and the devotee sees his real Self and thereby merges himself in Divinity or Ram! That’s a real Master! He does all this hard work out of immense compassion for the soul! He does not see if the disciple has good looks, or is wealthy or his status in the world,or his worldly education, or gender or the country of residence, or intellegence.. No nothing! He embraces all without any bias and the way a disciple is!

Pujya Maharajshri says that a disciple receives so much from his Guru, that nobody, absolutely no one can do so much for him! A disciple feels indebted!He wants to serve His Master! So much he receives,the overwhelming emotion to do something in return overpowers him! What can he do? Does a true realized Guru want ashrams built? Does He want big royal cars? Does He want huge crowd turnouts? Does He want treatment like a God? No, nothing! A true Guru wants His disciple to know his real Self! A true Guru wants His discipline to know that he is not the body, he is something way more Divine! That’s what a true Guru wants! That’s what would be true Guru Dakshina! To achieve this, Pujya Shri Maharajshri says, a disciple needs to follow the directions / teachings of His Guru tooth and nail! By doing this a Guru remains immortal! It’s through His disciples the Guru lives on forever!

All Yours My Ram !O Param Guru All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram

Divine love with Guru is because of immense outpour of His Love for us! 

July 17, 2016

Thought of the day

Pranaam My Ram and my Gurujans! Many many pranaams and more and more pranaams. Loving pranaams, prostrated pranaams, soulful pranaams ! Is it possible to count the blessings received from You ! Ohh! No My Lord! They are infinite as our breath! Gratitude for showing us Your path! Gratitude for Supreme Divine Gurujans!

Today Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri starts the three day celebration towards the most auspicious day for disciples ‘ Vyas Poornima’ . Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that by His wish, the Sadguru appeared on the path, held my hand by Himself, quenched the burning longing and blessed me with the Naam Jaap!

Gurujans say that it’s He who comes, when the disciple is ready! The wait, the longing, He gives! The yearning to search for the Guru, He gives and then at the most auspicious hour He comes! He may come in human form or in His Tatwa form! It doesn’t matter! It’s His coming in a devotee’s life that is most auspicious! Pujya Maharajshri says it’s the Guru who sows the seed of love for Him! He bestows so much of love to the disciple that the disciple in return starts loving Him!

Pujya Maharajshri says that Swamiji Maharajshri taught that our relationship with Ram , with the Guru, with each other, is not through the body! It is purely spiritual, meaning, it purely concerns the soul! The body relationship is impermanent! It soul relationship lives forever, even beyond this life!

The Divine relationship of a Guru and disciple , Pujya Maharajshri says is extremely pure and pious! It is not tarnished by any sort of expectation! The Guru showers His selfless love to His disciple, not expecting anything in return! But as sadhaks, as devotees, as good disciples, we should follow Their instructions, word to word! That’s the best offering  we can offer at Their Lotus feet, teaches Maharajshri!

O Ram ! O My Gurujans! Let my love with You deepen everyday ! O Ram ! O Gurudev! It’s You who loves us more from within, kindly allow us to further experience Your love, every moment of the day! O Gurujans! Bless us all with Your nectarine Divine Love! All Yours! All at Your beautiful Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram

For a surrendered devotee, every life situation is out of Ram’s love! 

July 16, 2016

Thought of the day

My salutations O Ram, My Gurujans, who are seated in my heart and heart of others as well! Kindly allow me to prostrate at the Lotus feet of all forms where you reside in! It’s You and only You my Ram! The moment of time that You make one feel this , or realize this is , it is the most auspicious moment my Lord! My gratitude, many many gratitude !

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that those devotees are loved by the Lord, who readily give up their everything for those in distress. They walk on the path of love and as a result they taste the sweetest fruit ever!

Gurujans say that we all have love in us. It comes naturally to every being on this planet. Be it in the form of a parent, child, beloved, etc. But Divine love, surpasses every love that we experience in the world, even though the source of every love is Divinity! What’s so special about this Divine love is that it’s absolutely pure and is free from any kind of expectation!

Pujya Maharajshri says that one who has surrendered, for one who has nobody and nothing as his own but the Lord, for the one who has given up his mind, body and wealth at the Lotus feet of the Lord, one cannot imagine in the wildest dreams, what Ram does for them! Pujya Maharajshri says that the Lord says, for a normal person I keep giving him things In accordance with his karmas.. But for my dear one, I become the charioteer of his life, I steer his life, the way I want to!

Now does this mean that the life is going to be comfortable and easy!! It means that every single incidence, situation, word, sight, hearing, all comes from the Lord of the Universe! As worldly people  we can label or categorize it as suffering, pain, success, praise or insults!! But for the devotee who is completely surrenedered, does not have these distinctions, does not have these labels! All he has that it’s my Lord! And all my Lord knows is to love! As the attitude of looking at things has changed, hence for the surrendered devotee everything becomes auspicious!

O Ram ! My compassionate Gurujans! We are Yours! Your paintings! Allow us to accept Your creation , Your doings with love and 100% acceptance! All Yours My Lord all Yours!

Jai Jai Ram

FAQs for week of July 15

FAQs for the week of July 15, 2016

My life has changed a lot. I have too many responsibilities. Too much work load. No time. So it’s impossible for me to go for satsang. Life is very stressed out.. Sadhna has reduced.. Going for satsang is not possible .

Param Pujya Maharajshri has always stressed that one should cater to one’s responsibilities in a very dedicated manner and if one is doing ‘ Ek haath se kaam doosre haath se Ram’ meaning that if Simran is constantly going on when we are working then blessings pour in nevertheless! Many do not have access to satsangs for years, that does not mean that Grace does not flow on them!

This can have another aspect too! Pujya Maharajshri says in one of His discourses that it’s all about our choices.. We start for satsang and a guest comes in right then!What will you choose! Also Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri in Parmatma Milan mentions that a sadhak who knows the importance of karmyog, reaches satsang even in heavy rain! Pujya Maharajshri also has mentioned, that some sadhaks come from as far as 2hrs commute in local transport, in extreme cold weather, early morning at 7:00am, all this is considered as tapasya or austerity in sadhna.

A family member has done a very bad deed. I am afraid for him. I don’t want him punished. I wish I can take his bad deeds on myself! Even though he does not care at all.. But I am scared for him.

Param Pujya Maharajshri says that ‘ jaisi karni vaisa fal aaj nahi to nishchit kal’ meaning what we have done we have to suffer the consequences of it based on our action. If the action was good, consequence would be good, if action negative then action too negative. Param Pujya Gurujans how ever have suggested prayers! Prayers to ask for forgiveness, prayers when done for others, reap benefit,not only for us but other as well. Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that if the person who has sinned, too prays, feels remorse then the effect is definitely more fruitful and stronger!

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri said in one of the posts that one should monitor how one felt while seeing a poor person on the road, or if we could not help him monetary wise, did we feel compassionate? but what if we live in a country were we do not see poor people on the road?

Pujya Gurujans have laid the importance of bhav or emotions. Even if literally one does not per se ‘see’ downtrodden people but hears about them or reads about them and then feel compassion for them and as a result offers prayers for them, that serves the same purpose as physically doing something for the less fortunates. It’s the intention within that matters and karmas are of the thoughts too not just physical action!
All at the Lotus feet of Gurujans.
Jai Jai Ram