
August 16, 2016

Thought of the day 

O My Ram ! My Sarvasv! My Gurujans! Many many loving and humble salutations at Your Divine Lotus feet! O Ram! It’s You that my heart yearns for! Not Your illusions! O Ram! There are no desires to chase Your illusions O Ram! It’s You my Ram, it’s You! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that in Sixth Adhayay of Shrimadbhagvadgita Ji that Lord Krishna says if with the intention of betterment of one’s soul, doing all our karmas selflessly, submitting all our karmas to the Lord, and doing all responsibilities as Lord’s Divine wish is yog – Oneness with the Divine Soul . And with this yog, the soul gets uplifted. 

“Selfless” a very significant term that contains the potion for being one with the Divine Soul! Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri says that if it’s only selfless then the doership concept remains with the disciple. But if with selfless attitude,one offers , one surrenders everything at the Lotus feet of Ram, then the doership too vanishes! Then there remains no identity of the disciple. He/she becomes one with Divinity and Divinity makes him/her work in its own way! 

Let’s see with a real life situation how Pujya Maharajshri teaches us how to actually practice it! We are householders and everyday is never the same! We all have responsibilities ordained by the Lord. We are mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, sons , daughters, teachers, doctors, businessmen, office goers etc. If all the responsibilities we perform as if His , without any personal desire or self interest and then we offer it all at the Lotus feet of the Lord, our soul in such cases gets elevated. 

A beautician is doing massage on her client. She knows her hands are working but her mind is at her Lord’s Lotus feet! Here the concept of doership gets nullified! It’s He who is making her do the act, so her own identity dissolves and only Divinity remains. Then even the act of doing massage becomes a Divine act as the identify or I of the beautician is no longer there and Divinity flows freely! Hence, Pujya Maharajshri says that our everyday routine jobs  can become deep meditative acts! 

Pujya Gurujan say that when during mediation, there are no thoughts, even the word Ram is not there, at that point our soul is one with the Divine Soul! Same is the case in deep sleep, with no dreams no thoughts, only the Self remains! 

Mediation is an extremely important part of our sadhna and it needs to be practiced many times a day. This only comes with practice. One has to sit for it, the way it has been taught by our Gurujans! The advancement of the soul comes through meditation! 

All Yours my Lord! All at Your lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram 

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