One with friend and foe

Aug 21, 2016

Thought of the day

I prostrate at Your  Lotus feet O Raaaam and My Divine Gurujans. Gratitude O Raaaum for Your Love, which is unparalleled! Many many thanks O My Love for showering it on me without any reason! It’s Your Love that makes one forget everything, just about everything! 

Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri says that in Shrimadbhagvadgita, Lord Krishna is telling his friend and disciple Arjun, various qualities a sadhak, a devotee  needs to have in order to become his dear one ! 

Pujya Maharajshri takes up the quality of being the same with friend and enemy! He says it’s such a beautiful attribute as then, the disciple just see Raaaum and nothing else! 

How is it possible ? Here comes a person, his face or just name, who has done something wrong with us, and all negative feelings of anger, dislike, hurt crop up. If not outside but inside they keep piling up, ready to explode, anytime in the future! 

Loving all as Raam , is an attribute of the Soul! So when one crosses the mind and intellect and enters the Soul area, and stays there comfortably , it’s then we can actually see the same Divinity in all and the behavior caused by the body of the other takes a back seat. It’s only because of this state of sadhna that saints through ages have incurred and accepted insults of people jealous of them or those with ego issues! For them it’s always Raaam and His prasaad! Nothing else !Param Pujya Maharajshri says this may take a huge sadhna of many many births !! 

One may wonder how can we go to the soul content. Here Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says, constant practice of the thought that I am the Soul and so are others. I am Ramansha and so are others!!! 

O Raaam! My Gurudev ! How You teach is amazing ! Many many thanks My Lord. All Yours! At Your Lotus feet!!

Jai Jai Ram 

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