Never let go of me please!!

Aug 26,2016

My salutations O Ram! My Gurujans! Kindly accept my humble gratitude at Your Lotus feet! 

Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri says that such great misfortune had befallen Lord Ram. The exile of 14 years, but He demonstrated such balance of mind. Nothing even caused a ripple in His peace of mind. Pujya Maharajshri says that such great ideals are worth following and these will be looked upon with respect and reverence in ages to come.

Exceptions to every case are always there. But as a common man or a common sadhak, piles of situations that go against the acceptance of our mind or our plan does shake us terribly. So we see ourselves way far away from what Lord Ram was or His conduct was! Anxiety, stress, envelope us, as if we had never ever taken Ram Naam! The huge thick garb of illusion covers us, taking us further down in the sinkhole. For people like me, only strong dose of Grace of Gurujan can only pull me through ! Otherwise my state becomes like, am I even a sadhak? 

On contemplating, it turns out that the basic root is desire. Desire to get what one sees in the situation as rightfully ‘mine’ or if family is at stake. So attachment factor too comes in. In situations that I was put in lately, I failed terribly. I failed to recongnize My Ram as the doer. I failed to be calm and grounded to be rooted in Ram Naam. And only the completion of the job, brought me to my senses! The completion of the job could take place through Divine Grace. But I failed to offer my situation to Divine Grace in the first instant! 

So on contemplation it was concluded that the balanced attitude is the attribute of the Soul. It’s the Soul that remains unperturbed , unrippled always.A person, disciple who is well rooted in His Soul will not be affected by external circumstances, or when His Guru is literally holding the devotee very close, then also, the external turmoils do not bother the peace of mind at all!My whole life  I have my lived and survived only on Grace as I do not have any energy of my own sadhana! Actually I don’t have my own sadhna at all!  So now too, I pray that O my compassionate Gurudev! I am a complete failure on my own. I cannot survive a single step independently. Please kindly never leave me  or test me to see where I stand on my own ! I’ll fail and fall and get terribly hurt. Please hold me always as I know not to walk by myself in Your world, inner and outer. I’ll be a huge disappointment! Please kindly never let go of the leash from me ! I beg my Lord! 

All Yours and All at Your Lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram 

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