
Aug 27, 2016

As a new day begins, with a new start, I offer my humble salutations to my Lord and my Gurujans! At this moment, I choose to be in THE moment, filling myself with gratitude and love for all that Divinity showers without any reason!

Even though I feel full with gratitude , Allow me to bow and pray for those who suffer. Suffer with Ego, suffer with blocked minds, suffer with narrow vision, suffer to see their loved ones suffering. Prayers for those who suffer with their own guilt, their mental and physical ailments, their negativities, their anger, spite and weaknesses. It’s not just others but me too  My Lord who suffer from these diseases!

O Ram, it’s impossible to cure ourselves of these things. It’s impossible to even recognize these things in us. It’s You , my Lord who can cure us of these unseen diseases. O Maa, bathe us in Your love, such that Your Love breaks the boulders of Ego that keep causing hurt of past or present pains! O Maa, You love us so much but we still keep the memories of pain and suffering ! Please cure us , such that we only remember Your Divine Love!

O Ram ! Who else is ours, who knows our deepest secrets and thoughts! It’s You and only You! We stand before You stark naked from inside, with all our karmas right before Your Divine eyes! O Ram! Bless us ! If You look at our karmas, You might not want to look at us again! O Maa! Cleanse us! Look at us as You and with compassion O Maa!

O Ram ! Many many thanks for being there, always! Even when we are busy elsewhere, even when our mind forgets You! Allow us to remember You always! Allow us to see You in all! Allow is to be filled with Your love O My loving Ram!

All Yours! All at Your Lotus feet!


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