Devotion is the easiest way of acquiring knowledge about the Soul 

Aug 31, 2016

My Ram, My Gurujans, who reside inside of me and are ever present outside of me, I prostrate at Your Lotus feet. O Ram, My Lord, we are nothing as we stand in front of You, but we are Your part, Your very own, part! This we have been taught! O Ram! Kindly cleanse us such that Your Divinity within shines forth! O Ram only You can make us realize what we are ! O my Param Guru Raaaaaam bless us!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that what we eat or the way we live is not that important as compared to acquiring the Divine knowledge about the Soul! Pujya Maharajshri says that Lord’s devotion is the easiest way to get that, even though there are many other methods.

Ram Naam Pujya Gurujans say has power manifold greater than the energy contained in an atom that possesses the capacity to destroy the world ! Ram Naam as Mantra when uttered with deep emotion negates the layers of illusion that surround the Soul! The Soul that’s part of Raaam, the Soul that is as pure and as Divine as Raaam! Hence Gurujans explain that with repeated utterance with millions of loving Chant of Ram Naam, one can realize the Divinity within us. And it’s only by realizing Divinity, by being one with Divinity, that one remains unnerved in testing times. When negativity surrounds,it’s by being One with the Source who stays unmoved by external circumstances than one continues to be in complete composure.

Pujya Maharajshri teaches that Ram is Jyotiswaroop. Something that is temporary is not Ram! Something that’ll perish is not Raam. Something that is narrow and contained is not Raam! Ram is as expansive as the Universe and can be as subtle as an atom! Hence, begging Ram to uncover Himself for us, is a great feat! Requesting the Supreme One and Only One to come forth for us, as He so enjoys being hidden, is an accomplishment of this most precious human birth! May He bless us all such that our human birth becomes wothehile! O Raaaaam ! Bless us all my Lord! Bless us all!

All Yours! As everything comes from You my Lord! All at Your Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram

6 thoughts on “Devotion is the easiest way of acquiring knowledge about the Soul 

  1. Though I am not at all competent enough to make any observation but still ……….I request for an excuse in anticipation.

    In the recent post, I have observed that last sentence of 2nd para as “. ..Pujya Maharajshri says that Lird’s devotion is the easiest way to get that, even though there are many other methods”
    The word ‘Lird’ is not clear – it may kindly be clarified or it may be replaced by Lord.

    In the last para the word ‘expansive’ has been used which is usually used in worldly objects / items. Thus may be better to replace with some other divine characteristic like ‘anant’ in’endless’, ‘eternal’ or ‘omnipresent’ etc.

    Once again I request for a pardon.

    Jai Jai Ram jee


  2. Surely your ‘intellectual capacity and capability’ is superb and some times inadvertently some point may be left. ………I think I should not have pointed out rather let’s focus on the genesis of the topic so ….so sorry.


    1. Kindly continue to guide… I’ll get better!
      It’s Gurudev only wanting me to get better, that’s been long pending 🙏

      Thanks once again.
      Saadar Naman
      Jai Jai Ram


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