Monthly Archives: August 2016

Ram is the true companion who loves selflessly, without expectations! 

Aug 13, 2016

Thought for today 

Salutations O my Ram ! My Gurujans! So much You bestow! So much You bless! Many many thanks O Gracious Ones! O Prabhu! I am the most ignorant one, the one who forgets to count her blessings! O Ram the ungrateful one who forgets to see every second, how blessed I am! O my benevolent Ram, My Maa, crores and crores of blessings You Give as You make us remember Your Name! O Maa! Make my thinking straight , such that I appreciate what I have, I acknowledge what You continue to bestow on me! O Gurujans kindly teach me to be grateful!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri teaches from 5th adhyay of Shrimadbhagvadgita that Lord Krishna says that one who considers me a well wisher of all without any selfish interest, attains peace ! 

Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri says that, to know and understand that Ram is the true friend, Ram is the true companion of ours, who can never think, say or do anything bad for us, brings instant peace to the devotee. Pujya Maharajshri says that, if there is a conflict at home, and the mother in law has said something inappropriate, then if that at point, instead of reacting , the daughter in law remembers that my Ram cannot hurt me, it must be my karmas , I must have said something more worse to her in some birth and there must be some sort of KRIPA hidden here for me at present. Pujya Maharajshri says that this thought will fill us with immense peace instantly. 

It’s very hard when situations like these come up! Death of a near dear one, insult , suffering of somebody close due to illness, loss in business, conflict in the family, children not listening etc etc.. One can count so many instances. So if a devotee, during this time, remembers that Ram is my closest friend, He can never hurt me, He is still standing beside me, taking care of me during my tough time of my own karma, then one receives peace immediately!

But the question comes, that we always do not remember it! We forget! For that, Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that constant practice, really helps. Telling the mind, training the mind, again and again, that Ram Loves me in all situations, Ram loves me inspite of my ignorance, Ram loves me the way I am, Ram loves me like nobody else does! That’s why Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has given us the best give of Naam Simran. Constant rememberance helps to get us connected to Ram in trying situations! And then those situations no longer remain tough, as Gurujans say, that we get the greatest support of this entire cosmos! 

On top of that, Ram never ever expects anything from us, not even a thank you! Ram keeps giving unconditional love, without any credentials of ours! That’s how selfless He is! 

Bless us Ram! Bless us O Gurujans with the thought of gratefulness in all situations! 

All Yours and All at Your Lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram 

FAQs for Week of Aug 12

FAQs for the week of Aug 12, 2016

I want to be Gurujans’ special child, how can I become one? 

Param Pujya Maharajshri says that wanting to be special is a sign of hidden superiority! Getting special attention of Gurujans, being Their special smells only of EGO!

But one can become Their special in another way… Maharajshri says by completely dissolving our EGO, ahm! By dissolving our identity in our own eyes! By breaking ourselves into smaller smaller and more smaller pieces till only He remains and I is no longer there! By considering ourselves wholly solely dependent on Them in the real sense! By forgetting our needs but jumping out immediately to assist others! Offering ourselves completely at the Lotus feet of our Gurujans..without any further questions !

So by dissolving our ego to completion, by being in Ram Naam always, by serving others selflessly, we automatically become Gurujans’ special, we do not have to make some special effort for it!

I am a social person. But somehow I feel I do not get a response that I am looking for. I am sensitive, well mannered, but the love that I am looking for or searching from friends I don’t get. 

Also I feel others are having a good social life , where as I am stuck at home. 

Gurujans say that  with sincere dedication in taking Ram Naam, the worldly desires start reducing. It’s the lure of the world, it’s false attractions, that are the cause of most of our sorrows.

Pujya Maharajshri says that once a sadhak starts taking Ram Naam, starts enjoying divine teachings, it’s Ram Himself who due to His compassionate Nature, starts closing doors of superficial artificial society. He says,it’s because of His love that doors of the world start closing on us. It’s because of His immense love for us that worldly people insult us or start ignoring us! So if the doors of the world are closing that means Ram is ready to open His doors for us!

Now because we feel pain and uncomfortable, we need to increase Ram Naam jaap, such that in true sense we can enjoy the blessings that has been showered on us!

Maharajshri says, what the world does not have, it cannot give! It does NOT have true love, so it cannot give it! We are searching at the wrong place! Ram is true love, only Ram!

I work at an office. I am no longer going to work there. I have decided. I am going to be a Slave of Gurujan. I’ll start my own work . 

Pujya Maharajshri says that whatever work we do, it’s actually Ram’s work only! It is His world! He has given us His children as companions ! And it’s His money and His work! Pujya Maharajshri very firmly says, be it a housewife, be it a shopkeeper , a businessman, office person, president, or a custodian, all are doing His work !

Pujya Maharajshri says, what is ‘mine‘, in actual practice nothing! That my business too is His! As is the office job!

Now the dissatisfaction or suffering we get from our work place, non payment of salary, Non cordial work environment, negative colleagues are our karmas! But our ever compassionate Gurujans are such that They make life beautiful even in such adverse environment!

So acceptance of our situation comes with Ram Naam. Strength to accept the situation comes with Ram Naam. Not being affected by adverse situations too comes from Ram Naam.

Maharajshri says, even a slight acceptance from our part, Gurujans take so many steps and how life can transform, one can never say!

All at Gurujans’Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram

Going beyond likes and dislikes….

Aug9, 2016

Thought of the day. 

Pranaam my Ram! Pranaam Gurujan! Prabhu I am too silly to understand Your leela! O my Lord , kindly hold my hand and lead me through! O Gurujans, You have always been compassionate and have ignored my shortcomings ! O Maa! I know nothing as I am too ignorant..please continue to forgive me Maa! 

Param Pujya Shri Dr. Vishwamitr Ji Maharajshri says that we follow our responsibilities in different ways for different people. For some we don’t even perform our responsibility. If we go beyond our likes and dislikes and be the same towards everybody, then that action is that of karmyog. 
Pujya Maharajshri says if somebody anywhere, does not treat us well, our behavior towards that person will be way different than towards our loved one! Or if somebody who continues to praise us, irrespective of our behavior then we bend towards that person. This difference leads to formation of karma! And we don’t want that! 

Pujya Maharajshri had taught us that formation of karma leads us to another birth, if it’ll be human is never guarenteed!!! So that’s the reason that Pujya Maharajshri continues to lay the importance of surrendered karma, where the doer of all karma is the Lord Himself! The disciple here just becomes an instrument for Divinity! 

The question then arises how to go past these likes and dislikes? For this Pujya Maharajshri says that just as we believe Ram is seated in our hearts, in the same way Ram is seated in other person’s too! Hence, treating everybody as Gurujans’ child or treating everybody as Ram can assist us in moving beyond the prejudice of like or dislike! Gurujans say that Constant chant of  Ram Naam with surrendered attitude can wash off the ignorance and we could have an unbiased vision.

All at Your Lotus feet. All Yours.

Jai Jai Ram 


Aug 6, 2016 

Thought for the day 

My Ram, the sole doer of the Universe, My Gurujans, who are none other that Ram, many many Pranaams. My Prabhu, the One who resides in me and in everything else, allow me to always remember You as the doer! Let not my mind ever wander. Allow it to completely merge in You further and further. 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri starts the topics from the 3rd Adhyay of Shri Gita Ji. Lord Krishna says, whatever action is done by the doer, it’s sanskaars get imprinted on the soul and these are the cause of bondage and because of this we continue to get repeated births. 

We need to ask ourselves, why do the saints keep asking or talking about mukti or moksha? Do we really want it? Why do they keep on stressing on non doership of karmas ? Or Selfless devotion or service! Do we have a burning desire in us to get out of this cycle of birth and death? What is that, which holds us back? What are the things that do not allow us to yearn to be with Him always? 

Pujya Maharajshri says the enjoyments of this life. The desire to keep enjoying them. The attachments that are there for those enjoyments which give birth to ‘me ‘ and ‘mine are the major causative factors for the illusion to stay. But Ram Naam, devotion for the name gradually by its own accord starts dissloving these layers and one starts getting  true knowledge. 

In the coming days we’ll see further the importance of karmyog and how in real life we can apply then, under the loving guidance of our Pujya Gurujans. 

All at Your Lotus feet my Lord. All Yours my Gurujans! It’s Yours and Yours alone. 

Jai Jai Ram 

FAQs for the week of Aug 5 

Aug 5, 2016

FAQs for the week 

It was a religious holiday. A customer came.. We had a disagreement about something, I wanted to wish him for the holiday, as he was of a different religion . But somehow just could not bring myself up to it ! Twice from within I was urged to wish, but I did not! 
Param Pujya Maharajshri says God is One! He has different forms and different names but he is One.
Pujya Maharajshri says that a true sadhak conducts himself in the same way as he would in front of his Gurudev! For him known unknown all are one.

It’s only with Guru’s grace that one gets the reminders and direction from Them , seated within , to tread the right path. If we listen to those inner voices, our connection maintains, but if we keep ignoring those inside whispers, they stop!

What to do when a relative back bites about us? How should we take it? 

Pujya Maharajshri says that a true sadhak does not cave in by other’s behavior. Other’s behavior is other’s responsibility. We need to see that we never behave in such a manner. Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri teaches that for such kind of people, find something good about them and praise them in public or to others! To do all this one needs strength and this we get from Ram Naam.

I think a lot. Even very small things, I think a lot. I share spiritual  posts on Facebook. A family member said don’t share as nobody clicks ‘like’ on it! What should I do! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that filling oneself with Ram Naam avoids unnecessary thoughts. Meditatation is the best medicine for over thinking people! 

There can be two aspects to this –

One, is that one might share things only because we liked it! That’s it! Others see it or not it does not matter.

Second aspect is that we share, so as to serve. Now the question is whom to serve! Pujya Maharajshri says other than Lord, there is none and nothing! So we serve God! Once we have offered our sewa to Him, what the world does, like or not like, it does not matter! Because it’s for Him that we did our job!

All at Gurujans’ Lotus feet

Ram Naam is the Source of strength to deal with adversities of life. 

Aug 4, 2016

Thought of the day

O My Raaaaum, My Love, My Gurujans, my sarvasv, many many Pranaam at Your Lotus feet! Gratitude my Lord! For making these feet , tread Your path. Nothing in this life is more precious than Your thought My Lord! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that the devotee who is steadfast in his devotion, Sri Ram’s power by itself descends on him. 

Pujya Maharajshri says that Ram Naam, is the ultimate source of love, peace, power, energy! He says, I attend this satsang , that sadhna, you make make me attend any number, there is never any fatigue! He says, fatigue comes with the doership! When there is no I left, then for whom is the fatigue? 

We as householder, with working or business class, all work! Many a times, the work is outside as well as at home! Umpteen number of responsibilities! Gurujans say, Ram Naam gives us the power to keep going! But if one is aware that He is the One who is keeping us going, converts the action into a Yog! Yog is to get joined! So if as householders we do the responsibility along with our mind fixed on Ram, we are actually doing sadhna! As Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says, Ek haath se Ram, doosre haath se kaam! 

Likewise, when there are conflicting situations at home, or some calamity ( in our language) has befallen, some illness has come over a loved one or there is loss of near one, Ram Naam is the sole pillar of strength ! Ram Naam gives immense energy and patience, when relationships are stressed out! It’s not possible to love when you are being lashed out or blamed! But it’s possible to still give out loving vibrations, if one is One with Him! He then does  the job of providing peace in conflicting situations. He then takes over our mind and smears it with love, when one loses a loved one! He gives support when one suffers the adversities of life!

It’s You and Only You ! So many forms may confuse us, or cause illusion to do its job! But Your name, causes disillusionment! your Name is THE only One, when all forms are dropped! It’s You and Only You! All Yours my Lord! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Constant Ram Naam Simran mellows the Ego to allow cordial relationships

Aug 3, 2016

Thought of the day 

O Ram!My Gurujans! My Jaduii Ram! My Raaaaauuum ! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet! Allow me to become the grain of sand that just remains stuck beneath Your Lotus feet! With these hands I touch Your Lotus feet! With my forehead on Your Lotus feet! I allow my eyes to drink the nectar of having Darshan of Your Lotus feet! My sarvasv! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says bathe in the constant rememberance of His name in this time. Rememberance of His name , i.e Simran, charity, selfless service, and devotion are the rich treasure troves! 

Pujya Maharajshri while teaching us about relationships, says that basis of all relationships is Divine love! But in its absence or if we have turned our face away from it, we get the fault finding vision. This corrupted vision then leads to unpleasant thoughts and thereby inappropriate usage of words! Which results in the unpleasantness in the relationships and hence the whole household! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that with this attitude, all suffer. Parents and children! But if during conflicting situations, one takes refuge of Ram Naam, then all tables can be changed! Intense Ram Naam, allows the ego to mellow down, and opens path to give respect to family members, way more than they deserve! It’s Ram Naam that holds the key to the dream of having a peaceful family atmosphere! What is not possible with Ram Naam! Impossible word does not exist for Raaaaaaauuum ! 

All at Your Lotus feet My Raaaum! My Gurujans! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Selfless love is Divine Love

Aug 2, 2016

Thought of the day.

My Ram ! My compassionate Gurujans! Many many pranaams at Your Lotus feet! O Ram! You brought us in this world, by Your wish! My Ram! Many many thanks! O Ram You came in our lives, as Divine Souls, many many thanks! O Ram , You’ll be there after we complete our time on this earth! But My most compassionate Maa! The transition from this to that world, is tough, O Maa! O Gurudev! Kindly hold our hands and lead us … In those moments let us remember You and You alone! O Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaumm ! My Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! My Sarvasav! Please bless! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that the air of sin is so polluted that it fills the mind and the body with it! But with the love of the pious Name , it can kept kept pure! 

Pujya Maharajshri says, that when Divine love gets replaced with lust, all other gunas or attributes are lost. Love in its purest form is Divine. Divine love does not need a ‘body ‘ per se’. It has no malice of expectations attached to it.There are no selfish interests or motive! Love just flows! When Divine love flows, one does not expect from anybody. One does not need anything from anybody. One just keeps giving keep blessing! Divine love does not force forgiveness , it does not force patience. Lovingly patience and forgiveness by themselves fill the heart! Pujya Maharajshri specifically mentions that Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has talked about Prem Path in the last chapters of Bhakti Prakash, and it is not lust, he stresses! 

Pujya Gurujans say that Lord is Divine Love! Or He is the Source of Love! In any relationship where there is selfless love , be it mother child relation, husband wife or between friends , it’ll be divine! 

O Ram ! Your name is our only hope! Fill us with Your Love please! Allow us to be One with Your Nature, as they all emit Your Divinity! All Yours! All at Your Lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Presence of Divine love allows patience and forgiveness in marital relationships. 

Aug 1, 2016

Thought of the day

My Ram, my Gurujans, many many soulful pranaams at Your Lotus feet. Gratitude My Lord! For everything! For the path, for holding my hand, and making me see it, this moment, and many other moments too! Gratitude for varied souls that You make me come across! As its with Your permission only that we meet! Gratitude my Lord Gratitude!

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri while teaching us about relationships today says that one should not consider himself big. One should not talk about one’s practice, what one attains, one’s composure and one’s meditative state! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that in relationships, especially in modern days, due to education, the couples in their egos refuse to bow or bend. Pujya Maharajshri says that bending is not a sign of weakness ! Only a very strong person from within can do it, without letting malice entering into his mind! He says a wife says, why should I comply and a husband says why should I, as a result both meet in the court! Pujya Maharajshri says that in earlier times, there used to be love, patience and forgiveness amongst the family members , as a result, the daughter in law would listen to all the rough talk of the mother in law , work and at the end of the day would serve her too! But today this is not there. Intelligent parents , in the beginning only  ask their son and his wife to occupy a different floor, such that conflicts are avoided. 

Pujya Maharajshri says that today, the conflicts are more between the spouses rather than in laws!! He says because instead of love there is lust! Maharajshri says that wherever there’ll be love, patience to endure other’s opinion will be there, and automatic forgiveness too will be there. But because there is absence of love , hence, conflicts, disagreements and fights reign supreme !

So as sadhaks, one need to fill ourselves with love! How is it possible? Maharajshri says by being connected to the Source of Divine love! Only by this connection that one can feel love and thereby spread love! Maharajshri says that whenever we’ll talk of love , it’ll be the Divine love! It’s Divind love that’s free from the malice of expectations and its this Love that knows only to give! So one needs to beget Divine Love by getting connected to its Source, that’s Ram! 

Bless us O Ram ! Fill us with Your Love!Fill us to the brim in such a manner that there is no leakage! All Yours my Lord, all Yours !