True knowledge – gift of Bhakti goes with us even beyond!

Sept 21, 2016

My Raaaaaaaaaaaam, My Gurujans,my Aatmik soulful pranaams at Your Lotus feet.

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji says that Shri Ram’s  abode is the source of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. With me flowered from within, I offer many salutations!

Raaam is the Source of every single piece of knowledge! Without His Grace, it’s impossible to understand even a single word! So all knowledge He reveals! Even if a person reads or listens to saints or Divine souls, till He allows, nothing can make any difference ! 

Acquiring knowledge and the processing it ,applying it and then experiencing it, transforms a person ! And this goes for any field for that matter! But in spiritualism it opens unknown gateways !

Pujya Maharajshri says Ram is the source of knowledge, if it comes as a gift of devotion or Bhakti, it’s way different, if it comes alone! With devotion, knowledge brings peace , supreme bliss, and opens doors to surrender! 

Gurujans say that it’s with this gift of Bhakti, the knowledge then leads to parabhakti! Wherein everything and everybody is seen as Ram! The fact that there is nothing and nobody other than Ram is understood without any effort or without any forced understanding ! Pujya Maharajshri says that this is actual knowledge, this is true knowledge and this brings utmost humility! All other knowledge stay here or are left behind but only this knowledge goes further .. Birth after birth….with this knowledge everything else gets submerged … Falls off like leaves in autumn ..

Spriritualism is mesmerizing as one just floats and things get revealed at their own time….but nothing, absolutely nothing is possible without His Grace! 

The Source of eternal bliss, My Ram, the source of eternal love, My Raaaaaaaum, many many many pranaams ! 

All Yours my Lord, all Yours! 

Raaaaaaaaaaam 🙏

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