He is the friend of the helpless

Oct 14, 2016

My Salutations O My Lord! My Gurujans! Many many pranaams. 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that it is by His Grace that we get His Name. He is the Master and Lord of the helpless.

Yes,our Gurujans say, helpless! A person, who considers that he is not capable of doing anything on his own, who has no capability of his own, for that person, the Lord, becomes his greatest aide! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that it’s not that simple to consider that we cannot do anything on our own. It requires tremendous sadhna or His Grace to know that we are not the doers! With that a devotee of Bhakti marg demonstrates His helplessness in doing every thing! Every chore, every action, every thought, just about everything! 

The devotee says, My Lord, I cannot think positive till You make me think like that. My Lord, my hands and feet are of no use till You make them do the work! My mind and intellect are limited and dirty till You make me think and contemplate!! My speech, sight and hearing do not work till You make me speak, see and hear !! The devotee says my Lord, all these senses are operational only because of You! But inspite of that I  indulge in dirty thoughts, dirty speech and unworthy sights and sounds! But for this devotee the Lord says, your body is mine, your mind is mine….! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that Lord, takes over everything for such a devotee! Nothing remains his, not even the body!! All get possessed by the ever loving and compassionate Raaaaaaaum !!

So what is left now ! When even the body and the mind is no longer his own! What is left !!! 

As You teach, so we understand, as You guide so we follow… We are nothing without You … Nothing! 

All at Your Lotus feet. 

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