All problems get destroyed and auspiciousness reigns by Ram Naam

Oct 18, 2016 

Pranaam Prabhu, My Ram, My most revered Gurujans! Many many pranaams at Your Lotus feet. 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that all problems, difficulties get destroyed when positivity is enthused. Where O Ram, Your name resounds supreme. 

Gurujans say that Ram Naam, has inherent power to destroy any sort of problems or issues. But when the soul is enveloped in Gurutatwa, then it becomes all the more smoother! Gurujan say that every sadhak’s soul is nested within the Gurutatwa,like in  a spiderweb! So it’s easier for sadhak to overcome his disturbances! 

Ram Naam when by itself sounds from inside, Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says it becomes all the more auspicious!! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that a sadhak needs to follow his Gurudev’s teachings tooth and nail ! Meaning that complete faith in Gurujans’ teachings should be there, with no iota of doubt! So completely believing that yes! Ram Naam will destroy all the roadblocks, worldly or of sadhna, this is faith in our Sadguru’s teachings! 

Bless us O Gurudev with unending complete faith! May it never waver in any situation. May no doubt ever creep in at any time in our minds !! 

All at Your Lotus feet! 

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