Being aware- is Grace of God

Nov 12, 2016 

I prostrate at Your Lotus feet O Ram! I prostrate at the Lotus feet of my beloved Gurujans who introduced me to You! Forever and ever indebted ! Nobody can understand You or Them, till You all allow ! Nobody! It’s with Your benevolent Grace that You make us know Your Love, You make us understand what You wish from us! Without You we are blind, deaf and mute towards You O My most loving Ram! It’s only with a Master’s Grace that we understand our Master… not otherwise, never!! 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says, amongst my duties and responsibilities, may I always be aware. In doing service and practice , may I never turn a blind eye towards it. 

To be “aware” . It seems that we can! But this is a gift bestowed only by Grace! To be aware of our actions, thoughts! It’s that Supreme One who allows it to happen! Why do saints say that we have wasted so many births and even this birth in sleep? What sleep are they talking about? It’s the illusive sleep we all are sleeping with eyes open! 

Saints say we are One! We see differentiation. Saints say there is only One God!We see our God, his God, her God ! Saints say, there is nobody except Ram! It’s Ram in you me her, him, in Nature, animals, everywhere ! But we see differently! Why is there so much of difference! That’s the sleep they are talking of! 

To be aware of who we are ! And to stay positioned in it, is sadhna! That’s the whole point of human birth.. but it does not come without Grace! 

Why do we need to be aware? Why is it so important? The reason is then how will we watch our actions? Our thoughts make us act and our actions with our thoughts form our karmas! If they are not appropriate or righteous, then we suffer, we suffer the consequences of our own thoughts! 

We are able to see that we are blessed only because of the awareness! We are able to be grateful only because of that awareness! We are able to experience humility only because of us being aware! Let’s say,  We were experiencing Divine love! But we brought our mind, our I into it, we lost those precious moments! We got involved in our thoughts rather than experiencing Divinity! That’s the reason when  sometimes we enjoy heights of bliss and then we get dry, it’s only because we were not aware of our mind, our “I” creeping in. If we are aware of this false I, we could stay in an anandmaye, Rammaye state for a much much longer period! 

But again, it’s due to Grace that we remain aware. All due to Grace! 

All at Your Lotus feet 🙏

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