What does it mean -not to get trapped in this world? 

Dec 1, 2016

Param Pujya Shri Gurudev Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri says that we need to live here and not get trapped! 

He explains that getting attached, adding fuel to our desires, wanting more of everything ranging from money, to fame, to praise, are all features that trap us! 

What does being trapped mean? It means that we continue to go in the cycle of birth and death! We no longer go home ! Again and again one has to go through varied life forms of varied births, till one really gets tired of it and finally wants to “go home” ! 

A child whose sanskaaras were pious, started indulging too much in worldly activities. Stopped going for satsangs, or doing chanting of Lord’s name. He somehow would come and brood to his mother, Maa I want to go home! His mother said this is home. But he said I feel uneasy, nothing seems like home! Mother understood. His soul was yearning for Lord’s name, was yearning for Divine connection. But his karmas, kept him engrossed in the worldly things!! 

Pujya Gurudev says, we yearn for true love, we yearn for peace and happiness. We do not want it just for few seconds on some particular days! No we want it’s flow to be unstoppable ! We want it to be permanent! But He says! We look for it in the wrong areas! We try finding it in persons, things etc! But these are Divine attributes! They can only be found with Him or with Souls one with Him! 

Hence, the worldly pursuit makes us trapped instead of allowing us to live here! It does not Allow us to let things that come come and those that go go ! Instead it makes us hold tightly to people and things that can never be ours permanently! We are not the permanent residents .. we are just guests on this planet, with this life, the journey continues even after we shed this form of ours! But we forget it! We hoard things as if we are going to stay here forever ! And then cry at losses, get upset at separations ! 

So that’s why saints keep knocking to wake us up from our slumber- such that we  work for our journey beyond! To remind us that we are just visiting! 

Constant chanting or rememberance of Ram Naam and company of Divine Masters/ Souls, in form or Formless, helps us to constantly remember our objective on this earth!! 

Live, serve and be happy rather than get trapped and be unhappy! 

But to live the way saints teach is nothing but “sadhna”. 

All at Their Lotus feet!! 

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