Divine love an antidote for attachments

Dec 28, 201

Param Pujya Prabhu Lord Krishna tells Arjun that his feeling of attachment and not doing his required duties is not in lieu of dharma but is adharma or a sin. 

Attachment as Gurujans explain covers the intellect with illusion and as a result neither one is able to see reality clearly nor is one able to take decisions well. 

Pujya Gurujans say that Ram Naam is the antidote for this. As one keeps aging, the attachments further increase with loved and towards ones body . So one needs to increase the sadhna too accordingly. It’s only with immense love for the Lord that comes with Guru kripa , attachments can take a back seat otherwise we all are aware how even the saints have not been spared. 

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri narrates an incidence where, an aged sadhak comes to Him and tells Him how his son is not treating him well for pension money. Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri suggests that He’ll arrange for him to live in solitude for the rest of his life and he should spend his time doing sadhna, sewa etc. The old man said, no, I cannot leave my son, you do something to fix his behavior!!! 

And when we turn our backs towards our responsibilities while being attached, it adds to our problems! As the karmas then keep adding on and that charts the course for our cycle of rebirths! 

Attachment with our own body too, is a severe attachment. Again Pujya Gurudev says that immense love for the Divine can free a sadhak from these bondages. 

May we all stay on the path that leads only to His Lotus feet.
All at Their Lotus feet. 

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