Identification ” I Am The Body” is The Root Cause Of all Suffering

Dec 31, 2016

On the last day of this beautiful blessed year, it’s not strange what Lord has brought before me . Arjuna, says to Lord Krishna, that due to fear , I have lost the courageous nature of mine . I am unable to decide, whether I should do my responsibility or beg for alms – my mind is confused. That’s why I ask you- whatever path is beneficial for me , kindly tell me that definitive path. I am Your disciple, and at your refuge. Kindly guide me! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that Arjuna opens up completely at the Lotus feet of His Guru. He accepts his weaknesses, as he is unable to think clearly or decide for himself, he surrenders and asks the Lord to tell him the path that is beneficial for him! 

Arjuna’s state and our state is many times the same. He is sunk in the attachment of his near and dear ones. We do the same. Identifying ourselves and our loved ones as the body, we get stuck. Our pain , their pain, our suffering Their suffering, all causes tremendous pain and we go down in depression or remain sad always! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that yes! for a sadhak to come out of deh abhiman is an immense effort! He gets extremely upset and tries hard to comes out of it as he knows that identification with the body is the root cause of all ailments, ours or our loved ones.

The body that is perishable and is ever changing has so much illusion attached to it that causes huge trouble.

Divine love, pujya Gurudev says is the antidote for this! One needs to get so mych engrossed in love of Ram or His Name that one looses the identification with the body!
That’s why constant rememberance of Ram Naam has been prescribed by our Gurujans. As Ram Naam is the Mahamantra and it has the capacity to dissolve the concept of ” I am the body” from the mind and replace it with Divine Consciousness!

O my Gurujans! like Arjuna, I too take refuge at Thy Lotus feet. i am unable to cure myself of this ailment. Only You can cure me! Kindly bless us!

All at Your Lotus feet.

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