Sky – open up

April 23, 2016

How Nature opens itself up for us is just amazing !

We were having a discussion on how one should be open and receptive personalities rather than closed boxed ones!

And guess who beckoned me !! the blue sky !!! It propelled me to look up !!

Yes ! As open as the sky and limitless.

The sky holds so many different objects, white clouds, dark clouds with water, clouds with hail and snow, up in space the moon, the stars, the sun, planets, asteroids, comets… So much more !

Like wise if we allow ourselves to open up , free ourselves from the closed shackles of our mind, we too can be limitless like the sky the space!

The sky pointed out that – I do have pollution though ! But that’s not my own !

I said – Yes ! That’s our created!

Same way as we make our own choices to inculcate negativities inside of us,which is NOT real us !

It’s amazing ! How the outside Nature that Divinity has created the macro cosmos resembles so much of our very own – a micro one !

Again ! We are the same …limitless ! Provided we choose to work on un layering ourselves !

So whenever we get bogged down by life!whenever we are saying no! Or not accepting things!

Sky ! Is where we need to look …. Open up our arms … And be one with it ! Saying Yes! You and I are the same … Limitless!!! I choose to let go ! Let go ! Let go ! And accept !!

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