Tree- in Me

April 23, 2016

It was raining today, being weekend, I still wanted to take a walk … So grabbed the umbrella and off I went as everybody else chose to laze around….

It’s strange how Divinity, wants one to spend a particular moment … And it’s more amazing when we are not expecting anything !

So I could only hear… Pit pat…pit pat of the rain drops on my umbrella … And some chirping of the birds….And could see only that much path ahead that my next step would take… It made me go in the Now !

Today , I whispered to my tree, You surround me as I walk and You are in my heart as I walk…

While coming back , the familiar row of trees I was passing…. But Divinity made me look at the thick roots that bulge out, of each tree, as if asking me to pay my reverence my salutations to the One in varied forms ….

Mesmerizing …

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