Monthly Archives: May 2019

Karmyoga 5c

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri 

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English] 

Part 5c

Tomorrow we’ll especially discuss about being happy and sad, but because you have no right on what so ever the result of the action will be, whether success or failure, happiness or distress. So, you are free to do the work, free to desire, but the action that is based on desire , will give you happiness or distress, it’s not in your hands. It’s not under your control. So the action that gives you happiness you would want to do it again and again But again, on doing that action repeatedly, it will not always give you happiness. It will give you distress at one time of the other.Thus the action will give happiness as well as distress. 

The action which you start liking or with which you get attached, one day or the other it will bring in pain. Thus in this world perform the action, but don’t get attached to it. Remember one word – why are we working ? It’s my duty. I am performing my duty. The responsibility

has been given to me by my Lord and I am taking care of it. 

Just imagine, you are parents. You take care of you son very lovingly. Way more than the daughter. The daughter is not taken care of in the same way as the son is. The daughter is not ours. That’s why the poor thing is not asked. The son is taken care of in a special manner. He is the one who will take care of us. Where ever O devotees, you expect or wish to be served or taken care of, why are you performing work? So that when he grows up he will take care of us. There only you will falter! The action will no longer remain a duty, but will become a desire. The painful action. Who knows that the son will turn out to be abusive tomorrow , kick you out of the house or will take care of you at home. Your action will no longer remain a Karmyoga. Why? You are taking care of the son , it’s my responsibility . That’s it. This responsibility will become Karmyoga. 

A lady doctor, helps pregnant women  to deliver their child. Today there, after 10 years somebody’s son was born. The doctor knows about the history. After ten years a child has been born. This. she comes out of the operation theatre and congratulates the family, don’t know about the mother. A son has been born. Just this much was the news that it reaches home. There is festivity , sweets are distributed . The atmosphere becomes so happy. Two three days, due to some reason the mother and the child are kept back in the hospital. After one week, the child dies. What does the doctor say today? Both mothers are inside. Father is outside. Family is outside. Just says this much that I am sorry, after much effort I was unable to save your son. She wraps the child in white cloth. And just says you may kindly take your child now. Empty the room please. Next patient has to come here. The doctor is neither elated st the birth nor saddened at the loss of their son. She is just performing her responsibility. She goes home. If at home also she does like this then she is a karmyogi. But when she goes home, it does not happen the same way. St home it is, my son, my daughter, my home, my husband , everything is mine. At the hospital she is performing her duty, but at home forgets her duty. Thus to perform our responsibilities dear ladies and gentlemen is Karmyoga.

Attachments, actions with desire are the reason for bondage. The day after we will continue this discussion further. Kindly allow to end here. Thanks. 


May 30, 2019

धार्मिकता से अध्यात्म की ओर

कल किसी ने बहुत सुंदर प्रश्न किया कि हम नारी सशक्तिकरण की बात करते हैं किन्तु परिवार जन तो नारी की व उसके परिवार जनों का आदर ही नहीं करते ….

दो तरह से सशक्त होना है । एक, आर्थिक रूप से स्वावलम्बी और एक भीतर से सशक्त । आर्थिक रूप से सशक्त होकर अपने पैरों पर खड़े होकर परिवार का सहयोग दिया जाता है और विपदा के समय, इधर उधर निर्भर नहीं होना पड़ता । पर इससे दूसरे आदर देंगे , विशेषकर परिवारजन, इसकी कोई गैरंटी नहीं है ।

जीवन में आदर सम्मान भी कर्मों से ही मिलता है ।

कई अशिक्षित माताएँ होती हैं किन्तु परिवार में बहुत आदर होता है। कई बहुत पढ़ी लिखी महिलाएँ होती हैं और आदर नहीं ।

सो बाहर के आदर की चाह क्योंकि अपने बस में नहीं है, सो भीतर से सशक्त होने की ओर मुड़ते हैं । यहाँ आता है अध्यात्म । स्वयं को रूपांतरित करना । स्व सुधार करना । अपने को भीतर से सशक्त करना । अब यह हम स्वयं के लिए कर रहे हैं । दूसरों से आदर पाने हेतु नहीं , बल्कि स्वयं के कल्याण , उद्धार , शान्ति व आनन्द के हेतु ।

भीतर के सशक्तिकरण में अपने अपने मन की इच्छाओं , अपेक्षाओ को बारीकि से देखते हैं और उन के दृष्टिकोण बदलने की ओर चलते हैं। दूसरों के कार्यों की बजाए अपने कार्यों पर नज़र करते हैं। दूसरों की सराहना की बजाए अपने किए कार्यों पर आनन्द लेते हैं, दूसरों के कर्मों व प्रतिक्रियाओं से अपने को अलग करके अपने कर्मों व प्रतिक्रियाओं पर नज़र रखकर सुधार करने का प्रयास करते हैं। दूसरों के चयन के प्रति आसक्त न होकर अपने चयन की ओर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं !

सो जीवन में आनन्द स्व सुधार , स्व रूपांतरण से ही आता है ! एक अद्भुत सफलता का एहसास होता है जब हम दूसरों के चयन किए गए कर्मों पर केंद्रित न होकर अपने कर्मों को देखते हैं और सही चयन करते हैं।

यह है सशक्तिकरण ! भीतर से । सो यदि भीतर व बाहर का समन्वय हो जाए तो जीवन बहुत ही समृद्ध हो जाता है ! दूसरों के व्यवहार से स्वयं पर केंद्रित होकर अपने आप को आनन्द से सशक्त कर सकें तो यह बहुत बड़ी उपलब्धि है !!

यह हर एक के लिए है । पुरूष व नारी ! युवा व बड़े ! बच्चे व बुजुर्ग ! जो कर गया वह तर गया !!

सो हम सब प्रयास करें .. स्वयं को भीतर से सशक्त करने के लिए सजग प्रयास करें !

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में

Karmyoga 5b

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]


There is a garage in the houses. You park your car there. We will understand with the help of an example. How are actions possible without the desire?

There is a garage. You park your car there. The first state of the car is -neither the motor is working , neither the wheels, nothing. The car is standing there since few days. Neither there is any desire to work, neither any action. It’s a very easy example, everybody can understand it. The car is standing in your garage. You have not even stopped it. If it’s standing, neither there is desire nor any work is being done. Now you start the car. Put the keys in, the engine starts running. But the wheels are still not moving. Car is still in the garage. The desire has come, but no work. You press the accelerator and the car starts moving. It comes out of the garage. The engine is running, Action is also being done. The wheels are also moving. The desire is also there and action too. There is a slope. Get down from here . You all turn off your engine. Now there is no need. The wheels move. The journey is determined. You travel so far without starting the car. Scooter riders too do like this. They turn off the scooter. The slope is there, the scooter keeps moving, till far, without being turned on.

Saints here say that here there is no desire, only action is taking place. This state provides peace. There is no desire but work is being carried out. Such a state is a perfect example of Karmyoga. What is Karmyoga? When without any desire the work is being done. whatever action is done it happens by itself, I do not want any pleasure out of it. Only one desire there is. Now I do not want pleasure out of it. Comfort I understand. How so much comfort I give others, that Lord of Supreme Beings will make me eligible for the Supreme Bliss. That I don’t need to ask. What do I have to do? Provide comfort to others.

Thus, saints say that O seekers, Devotees, Kindly always remember, one must not go after the the pleasures of life, Kindly do not run after them. Share the comforts. If you share it, then the Supreme bliss will come after you by itself. The bliss of the Lord, the bliss of devotion, the bliss of Supreme peace, all will follow you. Why? You have become the right hand of the Lord and working. You are providing happiness to others, peace to others. The Lord then fills you with peace, bliss and with His own love. There is a huge difference O seekers between a karmyogi, one who is working selflessly, without any desire he is working and going around in the world and the beggar, who has desires and then working. He is called one with Self interest. The difference between the one who works with self interest and the one who works selflessly is the same between the earth and the sky.

Let’s go to a king’s home. A kind has many maids at his service, but he had two personal ones. One who took salary and the other who without salary, served the Master. One is called a maid and the other the Queen. Where lies the difference ? One is working with a desire and the other is working as a wife. The latter has no self interest. The one with desire, the maid, the worker, has the right only uptill the salary. The other who is the Queen, has the right on everything. So, how much is the difference between selfless service and the service with self interest. So much difference is there, working without the desire and working with desire. One is termed as a maid and if we keep going further down then is called a beggar. Whereas the other, My Lord, Queen etc . So much difference is there.

In the eyes of the Lord, where there is desire, there you’ll have likes and dislikes. You want comforts, but always there are not comforts in life. The fulfillment of desire is not in your hands. As it is not in your hands so every act does not give your pleasure. If are free to desire a work but whether that work will give you happiness or sadness, you do not have any say on it !

Karmyoga 5a

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]


Today is Raksha-Bandhan. It’s full moon too. On this auspicious occasion wishing all congratulations . Best wishes . Yesterday in the newspapers it was mentioned that the auspicious time to tie the holy thread is between 7:45-9:00. So after the satsang, those who get the Rakhi tied and those who get to tie the Rakhi, may kindly go and tie. So much trouble you took to come here today. This discomfort is not through a person, it’s through the Lord, the Nature. You all so joyfully accepted this discomfort and have come here , so I hope that today’s distress the Lord will accept as austerity. If He won’t agree then I pray to the Lord with folded hands that the distress that you experienced while coming and will experience while going then O Lord ! it may not turn out to be a distress but kindly accept it as an austerity. Heartfelt thanks to you all that you came.

The discussion that is going on is how to convert labor into worship. Discussion is going on how to make an action into Karmyoga? Today at the completion of the 6th chapter, The Supreme Teacher of Gita, Lord Shri Krishna, has sung the glory of Yoga. In the first and the second chapter Arjuna wanted to become a yogi. But which yogi ? The one that begs. I will not fight. I will not perform my duties. I will beg and survive. In chapter one this is the wish. Lord decides there and then, Paarth, I will make you a yogi, but the one that performs actions. Today also, at the end of this chapter, he is saying the same.

Become such a yogi, who works selflessly. This kind of yogi is called a karmyogi. His status is very high. The karmyogi who has devotion, his status is still higher. Swamiji Maharaj calls a devoted Karmyoga as devotional Karmyoga ( bhaktimay karmyoga)

What are the practices of Swamiji Maharaj? Devotional Karmyoga. We all too want that we should become devotional karmyogis. So, the subject of the discussion is, this only, O seekers! This discussion is going on since last few days.

Karmyoga is also called selfless action. Whatever you have heard earlier, there is no need to repeat it. Let us move on. Karmyoga is also called selfless action. That is, without any desire when work is performed.

What is desire? You have been told earlier too that the names can be different. They can be many. A worldly person has only one desire that he wants the comforts of the world. Whether it is in the form of success, winning, promotion, name or fame, in the form of an award, or to become something.

The desire is one only. From all these, what do you want? Comforts of the world. To want the worldly pleasures is desire. Till the time this desire is there, Saints and Divine Souls say that the real desire of absolute bliss , the real desire cannot be born in you. When this desire is not born, till then you cannot attain absolute peace. You will get comforts of life. Small house, you’ll get a big one. Pleasures you will get. Earlier you had little work, now you have expanded it. Now you have become a big industrialist. So many factories you have now. Showrooms are there. Hotels you have. You will get comforts Son with this. Ur not peace. This scriptures say very confidently. Do remember that these things can give you comforts but not the Absolute bliss, not the Supreme peace.

What is the Supreme peace related with? To beget the Lord. When you have the desire to beget the Lord, the intense desire, it is a desire too. But this desire gives salvation. There are so many desires , but this one desire gas the capability to give salvation.

All those desires bind you with handcuffs, bind your feet , these desires cause bondage. Till the time that these bondage causing desires are not done away with, till them Supreme peace, you cannot attain , scriptures make it very clear. The Supreme Teacher of Gita ji makes it very clear .


Karmyoga 4b

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 4 b

Today a Divine Soul saint has gone to a Barney’s shop. He went and said – brother, for the sake of God, Kindly do my hair. To get a hair cut, the Divine Soul has gone to the barber’s shop. You also go. Sometimes you find the barber alone otherwise somebody is getting the shave done, someone is getting a haircut and some are sitting and waiting . Waiting for their turn. The moment the barber heard the saint utter the words- For the sake of God, Kindly do my hair,

So to others who were seated he said – The Lord’s work first, my apologies please. This saint has come. His work first. If you can wait, please do keep sitting. If you need to go elsewhere, then do some after a while. People said, a great saint has come. How else we could see him , so all kept sitting. Kept having his darshan. A true saint’s even darshan never goes waste. From the saint, what one gets to see, there is way more that is unseen. This is the glory of the saint. This is the Lord’s Grace. The Lord, does not allow one to know, that what all you attain through the saint. Just by his presence, just by his darshan, so much satisfaction, peace one gets and the mind gets stabilized. The stability that one does not get after elaborate practices, the same one gets just by having the darshan of the saint.

Thus, those who all were sitting, they thought that we would keep having the darshan of such a big saint, otherwise how is it possible? The barber made the hair. Very lovingly he made the hair. After getting the hair done, the saint got up. There is a small bag at his shoulder. He took out the money to give it to the barber. No, said the barber with folded hands. O saint ! What is this ? The moment you entered you said- for the sake of God, make my hair. I did not do the hair for money. I did it for the Lord.

There is so much difference in the talk now. The saint in his own words said – In my discourses I always then said that I learned Karmyoga from that barber. What he demonstrated. I merely said that for the sake of God Kindly do my hair. He actually did it. O Divine zone ! I did not do the hair for money. You came and said- For God, do my hair, and I did it for God, nor for money. The saint liked it and felt slightly guilty too. See, how good this barber is. He put the money back in his bag. This is Karmyoga. Where the action gets enjoined with the Lord, where action is done for the Lord,

There is no harm in doing business. You will do it for the world, for yourself, for your loved ones, that is selfishness, that action will remain an action. So clear is the Gita, the scripture. You will do it for yourself, for your loved ones, that action will remain an action. The action is the same but if you enjoin it with the Lord, not for yourself, not for your loved ones, only for Lord, then that action becomes a Karmyoga. That will pave path for your salvation.

RamaKrishna Paramhansa goes further. He was illiterate. His talks are very sweet and dear. How does he teach Karmyoga? Today you listened to the hymn, “ if we get the support of Lord, then nothing else we need”. What does it mean ? To stay connected with the Lord, meaning to stay in the Lord’s refuge. Yesterday we saw that till Paarth gave the reins of his life to Lord Krishna he did go go out of his house. Meaning, Arjuna has taken refuge in the Lord’s Lotus feet. He has kept the Lord, with him and around him. Just recollect that when Swamiji Maharajshri gives us deeksha, the first thing He says is keeping the Lord sound you and with you, bow and pay your salutations. As if Swamiji Maharajshri kept these words the foremost. Keeping the Lord with you around you make porridge. Whatever you make. Anything you make. When we make anything keeping the Lord with us and around us, then that preparation is ultimate, it is eligible to be offered as a prasaad.

RamaKrishna Paramhansa gives a beautiful suggestion. Arjun had the Lord directly with him, one who could be seen. We don’t have. RamaKrishna Paramhansa has Mother, but not the temple. Mother of the temple could not be kept side by side at all the times. So how did RamaKrishna manage then, and how does he explain it to us? He says, with the right hand dear ones perform the work, and keep the left hand at the Lotus feet of the Lord. Automatically the work will get connected with the Lord. Connection has been made, the line has got connected. With one hand perform the action, keep the other at the Lotus feet of the Lord. The unseen Lord. “ With folded hands and bowed head I pay my salutations to you again and again, to You O the Lord, the Supreme Soul, the most auspicious One! So says Swamiji Maharaj in Namaskar Saptak. Which feet? Our Lord is the formless One! The form One only some have, one who can see Him. One cannot refuse this. Everybody’s Lord is the formless One. So for that formless One, RamaKrishna Paramhansa says, perform work with one hand, use the spatula, and keep the other hand at the Lotus feet of the Lord. When the work of spatula is done, then bring that other hand too at the Lotus feet of the Lord.

What will happen with this? RamaKrishna Paramhansa says that the one who is using the spatula, will realize that whatever work you made us do, it was You who made us do it, all we offer at Your Lotus feet. Keeping both hands at the Lotus feet means, that work was performed with Your energy, with Your Grace, with Your wish. So therefore, both hands are at Your Lotus feet.

So kindly allow to end here. Tomorrow we’ll continue with this discussion. Do you remember the topic of the discussion? How to convert this labor into worship, how to convert action into Karmyoga? Kindly remember this subject. Tomorrow it’ll be continued further. Thanks.

हर कार्य परमेश्वर के लिए

May 27, 2019

धार्मिकता से अध्यात्म की ओर

हर कार्य केवल परमात्मा के लिए । तभी वह कर्मयोग बनता है और तभी उपासना । यदि हम किसी और प्रयोजन से कार्य करते हैं तो वह कर्मयोग नहीं बनता ।

इसलिए, चाहे यात्रा कर रहे हैं, वह परमात्मा के लिए, चाहे conference attend कर रहे हैं, वह परमात्मा के लिए, चाहे बाहर पार्टी पर जा रहे हैं, वह परमात्मा के लिए, चाहे चित्रकारी कर रहे हैं वह परमात्मा के लिए, चाहे सैर कर रहे हैं, वह परमात्मा के लिए। चाहे मेहमानों की देखभाल कर रहे हैं, वह परमात्मा के लिए । चाहे प्रार्थना कर रहे हैं , सब परमात्मा के लिए ।

हर चीज़ ! सो जब हर चीज़ उनके लिए होगी तो हमें वहाँ फल नहीं देखना । फल देखा नहीं कि कर्मयोग वह बना नहीं !! इस बात का हमने बहुत ध्यान देना है और सावधान रहना है ।

पूज्यश्री महाराजश्री कहते हैं कि न पूजा पाठ से न ही केवल कर्न करके जन्म मरण का चक्र कटेगा ! नहीं ! यह कटेगा हर कार्य उसके लिए करके।

पीडा हो रही है, तेरे लिए प्रभु यह सहूँ ! नुक़सान हो गया है, तेरे लिए देवाधिदेव इसे स्वीकारूं । हर कार्य तेरे लिए ! फल की माँग न आनी पाए !! फल की माँग बेड़ियाँ डाल देगी .. कर्न फल दे देगी ! और हम और कर्म फल नहीं चाहते !

सो जहाँ आप ले जाएँ , आपके लिए जाएँ, जो आप करवाएँ आपके लिए सब करें !

इसके पश्चात वे स्वयं लेकर जाएँगे , कि सब वे ही करने कराने वाले !

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में

Karmyoga 4a

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]


Dear ladies and gentlemen! Everyday, standing at the door with folded handed a prayer is offered to you all that in your mind kindly keep chanting RAM RAM. Kindly do not talk on the way. Throughout the day, do chanting, etc etc. Many devotees do this too. The ones who do not do it, kindly start doing it from today. It’s beneficial for you only. How much earning you’ll do, it’s yours alone. All of it will go in the Lord’s court with you. This is the earning that will go with you. Big gardens lands, mansions, hotels, etc. will remain here only. Only the earning from the Name will go with you. It will be an intelligent decision if we do more and more of this earning and at the same time perform our duties well.

Heard great praises. Banti has narrated many talks about the village. The village of Manali had organized Shrimagbhavad katha. Great praises have heard. Many people listened to it with great reverence. It’s a beautiful thing. The pollution of the environment gets diluted, the environment does not get polluted. If it gets polluted then the pollution is taken care of. So these events should be organized. After listening to it intently then it needs to be contemplated. What have you heard? It needs to be brought into practice. Then one gets fruit of listening. Then the katha gives its fruit.

King Preekshit listened to this katha with great intensity. A listener like Prikshit and a speaker like Maharaj Shukhdev, both the listener and the speaker are devotional, if a conjunction like this happens, then dear devotees, only in 7 days, one attains salvation. This is the declaration of Shrimadbhavad katha, this is not only with Bhagvad katha but Ram katha as well, any Bhagvad katha, Shiv katha, with any katha it’s the same thing, the speaker needs to be such, the one who has experienced himself , what he is saying, he has implemented in his own life and the listener too, such that he also tries his level best, is interested in, is eager to implement. If we only listen, then for the moment you listen you are benefitted. At that time there is less remembrance of the world. For that time the mind is focused.

May God bless such that these kinds of events are organized. You all may keep going, and listening. The Divine company is a very sublimated thing. Katha is fine. The orators of katha ( story) do story telling. The Divine company is with a saint, with Truth. There is a huge difference between the two. The Divine company is Divine company only. It’s meant to be done and not listened to! The story is to be listened. Never forget this difference. The difference is minute. You come to do satsang. You yourself do Shri Amritvani paath. You do paath of Bhakti prakaash, Ramayan ji, Gita ji. This is called the Divine company. This is called satsang.

You listen to stories ( katha) . Then also do many kathas are being organized. It’s very good. The environment does not get polluted. If it is there, then it gets cleared out. If you get an opportunity then may these events continue to be organized, and never hesitate to participate in them. You never know from where we learn something that changes our life forever!

The discussion in Gita ji is going on. We all are laborers. From a house wife to the owners of hotels , we all are laborers. We labor and we eat. You have a jewelry shop, He is also a laborer , a worker breaking stones on a road, is also a laborer, bank manager is also a laborer, the Prime Minister of a country also a laborer , the President of the entire world, he is also a laborer. Wherever one does something and gets something in return ,whether in terms of a paycheck or any other thing, there one is a laborer. That is labor.

The homemakers cook food and give it to the husbands, the children. Somewhere there is a desire that today they will appreciate the rice that I have made. Wherever this desire comes, there the act becomes a labor.

The same thing, if a person thinks that the food will be cooked, the ladies , the homemakers have to cook food, have to eat the food and give it to the family too, only this emotion if it gets transformed that I am going to the market to get vegetables and I have return home fast as I have to cook food for my Lord, then your visit from home to the shop is also worship, coming back from the market is also worship, you have made the food at home, that is also a worship, you have to wash hands, some dirty fellow may not enter inside, some dog or cat, etc, you do not allow as you need to maintain purity. The manner in which the food is made for the Lord, the same is made for the family. The family will get it, the family will eat it, but your emotion is, that it is being made for my Lord. This will make your action into worship. This will make an act into karmyoga.

Now dear lady, you will not get food. Now you’ll get prasaad. Why? Because you made the food for the Lord and offered it to Him. You offer the prasaad to the Lord, O son! When you go to the temple. You buy a box of sweets from Manali Sweet and give it to the pundit and the pundit offers it to the Lord, and from there he gives two ladoos to you and you receive it from both hands. The box you give from your one hand but when he gives you the ladoos back, then you take with both hands. Why? It has become prasaad. Only by changing the emotion, that this food is for the Lord. These actions are for the Lord, the Supreme Being, then that action, does not remain an action, it is as if , that action no longer brings in hand cuffs, the action no longer causes bondage. It becomes the tool for salvation. This action is called Karmyoga.

Continued ….

Karmyoga 3b

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 3b

The topic is how to make an action into Karmyoga ( action enjoined with the Lord). How to convert labor into worship? Meaning how to convert action into Karmyoga such that the action which is the cause of our bondage , the action that binds our hands and feet in handcuffs, the same if removes the bondages and becomes the reason for our salvation, then dear Son, it’s called Karmyoga .

How to perform our action such that it becomes a reason to be enjoined with the Lord, to get connected with the Lord, to beget the Lord, this is the topic that what do we need to do?

One by one we’ll start our discussion. Will you remember it, whatever is being said now? Whether dear lady it’s household work, whether it’s office work, whether business, farming , work of garden , collect all these work, then also you’ll not achieve salvation. Then also you’ll not be free from the cycle of birth and death. Such a declaration is made by the scriptures. Saints and Divine Souls say, you may get it written on a blank sheet of paper. How so much learned you are, we have no qualms about writing it down, if you do not convert it into worship , then this action can never provide you with salvation. In many many births you will not attain salvation. That department is different. The action that gives salvation is different, those things are different. That is called spirituality. That is called worship. That is called chanting of chanting of Name, meditation, etc etc.

We have to have a communion of these two. How to do it? Ladies and gentlemen, there is no respite for action. Keep doing it. If we see, a man can perform worship of at the most one hour in the morning, and if you are a great devotee then one hour in the evening. Many don’t even do that. We don’t even have time more than this. Why? We are so busy in our work, the work of worshipping the livelihood, we are so busy in our work that time is that much only. You cannot increase 24 hours. So what do we have to do? The action that takes up most of our time of the day , the worship of livelihood, we all are busy in this only, right? Then how to convert that action into worship , this is the topic of discussion.

Let’s start the process. What process we need to apply such that our action becomes worship. It’s a long discussion, ladies and gentlemen but very productive.

One topic, if it enters our lives, then our practices with be successful. Only by chanting on rosary, meditation, singing hymns, with Divine company, it takes a lot of time. But this work that you are doing for the maximum amount of time, if the entire thing becomes a worship, if the entire behavior becomes worship then things can work out really fast. As it and Divine Souls go to this extent and say that your practices will only be successful if you convert your actions into worship. Then it’ll become very easy. How to do it? Let us begin.

Arjun is ready to go to the battlefield. Before going what does he do? He makes Lord the charioteer of his chariot that is his life. Come with me please, otherwise I will not go. Kindly take o de my chariot . You kindly hold the reins, you run it. I will sit comfortably. Tomorrow, when you go out of your home, why tomorrow? From today itself, when you come out of your home, to go for your business, ask the Lord, to kindly come with us. Kindly stay with us. Wherever the Lord’s company is, wherever the Lord is near, wherever the Lord takes the reins of your life in His hands, then those actions are inspired by the Lord. Where will that chariot go? Where the Lord will make it go. The chariot will not go there where Ego will remain, where selfishness prevails, where anger sustains, where jealousy prevails. It will not go there. Where will the action go, where the Lord will turn the reins of the horses. Where the horses faces will turn, there the action is going to go.

So the first tool: think a little bit as you go home today. Who is the charioteer of our life? Arjun’s charioteer we all know. The Lord Himself is seated. Who is the charioteer of our life? Ask for this answer, contemplate, think, then you will realize that the charioteer of our chariot are the defects, selfishness. These pleasures, they do not leave us. Wherever we have this desire of worldly pleasure , there the action will remain an action only. Forget these mortal pleasures. These pleasures of life are the cause of bondage. These are the reasons of your bondage. These cannot become the reason to set you free. These are not the reasons for your salvation. These are the reasons for bondage. But we want the tools for salvation. If we want to attain salvation, if we need to beget the Lord, if we want to free ourselves from the cycle of life and death, then.

So, firstly , take the Lord with you when you step out of your house. If staying at home then, keep the Lord all around and near you. When going out, then take the Lord with you. Ask Him to kindly be seated on the charioteer. The chariot of life, kindly be seated on it. Kindly take its reins in Your hands and make us work. We will come after You. But now what is happening, we want the Lord to work according to us. We want this, we want that, do this for us, do that for us. Right now we are making the Lord work according to our needs. And Paarth says- Oh no! Don’t do this stupidity. Don’t make this mistake. Walk in accordance with the Lord.

So this is the first tool/ resource that will convert the action into karmyoga. We will continue this tomorrow. Today kindly allow to end here. Thanks.

Karmyoga 3a

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 3 a

The discussion that’s going on is, Paarth, you are entitled to only action and not on the result. If a person gets sick, if somebody at home gets sick , the daughter gets sick, wife gets sick, sister gets sick, husband gets sick, your entitlement is only such that his/ or her treatment does not suffer. Get the illness treated. If the person needs care, then do not whine or complain and serve but serve with joy. The Lord has given you this service, the Lord has given you this duty , do it diligently.

The person will get better because of the medicine or will not get better, neither you know nor the medicine knows. This is only under the control of the Lord.

“I treat He cures”

A good and intelligent doctor always says, I treat , the Lord cures. The medicine does not cure, if the medicine cured, then dear friends, why would the people die by taking medicines.

People still die inspite of taking medicines. It is as if medicine is just an excuse. Whether the treatment will cure or not, it’s under the control of the Lord. From our side, we should not slack.

Let’s move ahead O seekers!

Scriptures say that there is two kinds of worship. One with which everyone fills his tummy. And the other the Lord’s worship. Saints and Divine Souls here say, that be it the worship for the tummy or for the Lord, it’s not enough. Today Lord is telling us such practical things. Lord, the instructor of Gita, Lord Shri Krishna. Says in Gita ji , one who sleeps a lot, his union does not get fructified, nor the one who does not sleep at all. One who eats a lot cannot attain the union, and one who does not eat at all , even he cannot attain the union. It is as if saying to take the middle path. What does Gita ji teach us – give up both take the middle path. See how practical things the Lord is teaching us. So this scripture is such a practical one, it’s not a mere theory, or a principle , it is practical. If you take the middle path you are fine.

So if you worship, to fill the tummy, then you will not be benefitted. Only Lord’s worship you’ll do, even then you’ll not the benefitted. It’s not possible. It’s not practical. Therefor, saints and Divine Souls say that the conjunction of these two paths is the correct path, path of salvation, path to come out of the circle of birth and death. So son! What is the conjunction of these two paths? Work to fill the tummy as well as worship the Lord too, then you’ll be elevated and benefitted.

Much of our time ladies and gentlemen is spent in earning for our livelihood. See, step a little ahead and see, what happens at home. The woman who works, has no time at all. It’s work for livelihood. She is busy the entire day in her livelihood. There is a businessman, a shopkeeper. He goes to his shop in the morning, early he goes. Comes back late at night. The whole day is spent at the shop. Just for the livelihood. There is an employee. Works at a bank, or in a school, or any other job, he also goes in the morning, and comes back tired at night. With great difficulty eats food and then goes to sleep. Again in the morning gets ready to work. All these are worship for the livelihood.

In the language of saints and Divine Souls, dear ladies, working for livelihood is our word. What do we say we are doing? Worshipping the livelihood. This is our word. Saints and Divine Souls say that this is what we are doing but we call this labor. How so? The way a laborer breaks stones on the road. In the evening whatever work he has done, he gets paid accordingly. A worker, collects apples from the garden and takes the load down, the whole day’s work, he is paid. He is performing labor. This is about the labor. The shopkeepers also do the same, employee also the same, in other words, one poor thing is a small laborer and the other one is a big one. They get paid after one month. You are a teacher, they get paid after a month. For what ? For the work they did. So the worship of this livelihood , the saints and Divine Souls call this as labor. Where you do labor, whatever was it’s cost, you took that . That’s called labor. The work that you performed, the work that you did the whole day, you taught the students, and kept teaching for one year, there was a Sunday, maybe another holiday, but the moth that you worked , your hard work, it’s labor you got in the form of a salary, so these are big laborers. The roadside laborer, the apple picker laborer, the one who works in tourism is a bigger laborer. The manager, GM, etc, etc big laborers.

The doctor whose nursing home is there. Very reputed. Very big. These are more bigger laborers. The husband is a Chief Engineer, but he is a laborer. But dear that one after your hard work. The government pays after a month. Whatever you are, a Prime Minister, President, those are big laborers but are still laborers.

What the saints and the five souls want to clarify here, whether you are a small laborer or a big one, or the biggest, with this labor, you will never attain salvation till many births. These little things we need to understand. There is no escape from work. No escape from worship of the livelihood. The moment we are out from here, the worship for livelihood will begin. Work will begin. One has to do it, never leave it. But the things here need to be clear. Then the emotions gets transformed and then labor becomes worship.

Karmyog 2c

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to covert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 2 c

That person is called a yogi, who accepts the Lord’s wish with complete joy. Does not whine/ complain about it. Accepts with absolute joy. Whatever Ram is your wish. Whatever happened, happened for the best. Whatever was best for me, it happened. You can never think bad for me. You are not my enemy. You are mine, only you are mine. In this world, my sister brother, my parents, are not mine. It’s only for this birth. But my relation with you is immortal. It’s been there since so many ages and will continue to be there. The relation with others will be over here only. If not today then tomorrow. But with you it is unbreakable. One that never ever breaks. How strange are you ? You can never think bad for me. You can never think ill of me. Whatever is good for me, you do that only. This, my child! One who accepts this fact, is eligible to be called a “karmyogi” !

Gladly accepts! Whatever my Ram was Your wish, whatever was written in my life, whatever was written in my destiny, it happened. One who accepts this, He becomes eligible for the Grace of the Lord. Lord is happy at him. He did not find fault with my doings. Did not whine or cry. But and if was not done.Whatever was My Wish, he embraced it and gladly accepted it. This person received the Grace of the Lord and His Love.

Only your right is to do the action, the work. You have no right to the result. Where do I have to give, How much I have to give, whether I have to give or not, it’s all under me.

It’s a million thanks to the Almighty O ladies and gentlemen, at least I think that the Lord of Lords has blessed us not with a 100% freedom to do action! How much freedom we have, let us see by this example.

You have a cow, a bull, a calf. You have put a rope on their neck and then tied it with a support.

The cow gets up, sits, eats, chews. If you go to her with a negative intention , she will bring her horns towards you, attack you with the horns. Morning and evening you go to her for milking the milk, she gives milk. Whatever she has eaten she excretes , moves her tail, if a fly or a mosquito sits on her she removes them with her tail. She has that much of freedom, as per the length of the rope. That’s it. If you say that the length of the rope is large and allow her to go to another room. She cannot go. She is tied and has a sos if it length of the rope. This the Lord has kept in His hands.

Saints Divine Souls after investigating say, if I had given this person absolute freedom then goodness knows how many people he might have eaten. I have just given him freedom of 1-2% , not more than this. In this freedom also, we do so much that the cycle of birth – death does not leave us. Just imagine if The Supreme One, had given us 100% independence, then maybe so many people could not have sat together. We would have eaten each other up. Million thanks to the Lord, that He has given us only a little bit of freedom. Because of this freedom we go through 84,00,000 births. Only due to this much freedom.

In Ch 6 what did the Saints and Divine Souls say? A seeker , a true seeker , can work towards his own emancipation, towards his own Improvement. A Soul can work towards salvation with a Soul. Soul, meaning, the Lord has given you the responsibility to work towards your own salvation, Improvement.

One who is intelligent, he does not remain connected with the world, He connects himself with the Lord and emancipates his Soul , improves himself. Makes his Soul pure. Action is inert . Poor action does not know whether it is a sinful action or a pious action. What do we call an action that is inert, O educated people action is inert. It does not have any understanding. I can do it, I cannot do it, I am sin pious , so who decides that this is a sinful act or a pious act. How does this decision take place? Saints and Divine Souls say that behind the act, it is the emotion that decides. That decides whether we have performed a pious act or a sin.

How son? In an army a soldier has gone to the front. For war, the more soldiers he kills the more brave he is considered. Isn’t it ? Imagine there is a war with China or Pakistan. The soldier who kills the maximum with his gun is the bravest. Maybe he gets an award for bravery. Some chakra as award etc. it’s a beautiful emotion, fighting for one’s country. What’s the emotion? Fighting for the security of the country. Fighting a war.

Has come home for a month on vacation. Fights with his neighbor. If he kills the neighbor, killing is still far fetched, just gives a slap on the face, the tooth falls, blood oozes , the person goes and files an FIR in the police station. The same soldier, who was considered brave, at both places his act is the same. At War front also violence, to kill, here at home too of violence , to kill. But one act gave an award and the other a punishment. What is the emotion behind the act? This is detrimental.Its time dear ladies and gentlemen, we’ll continue the discussion. Today, kindly allow to end here. Thanks.